Idea for LCO: MI

I dunno, I'm liking the pants idea. I think Alyce might take to following Drezz though, if only to see its comedic effect- all in the interest of science of course.
List of LCO MIs for SOMN

1)Mirror of Prophecies
2)Fan of Pantsing
3)Silver Balls of Shaterring.
Hey now, the Mirror of Prophecies ain't LCO.
On a bit more of a serious note, what about:

1/d death which charges the item
1/d life if charged

So you steal their life force, then can use it to grant someone else life. I know its rather Necromatic but would be a neat item.
AllianceCHI said:
That is cool. :)


What are you talking about Paul?
matrim1985 said:
On a bit more of a serious note, what about:

1/d death which charges the item
1/d life if charged

So you steal their life force, then can use it to grant someone else life. I know its rather Necromatic but would be a neat item.
It reminds me a bit of my pendant, in a way (Chaos Storm to Earth Storm transformation). But a death spell isn't necromancy, it's a gift.
I can see it now!

"Aiee! They just slurped Mikey's life force!!! Quick, get the fan, so we can put it back!" :lol:
I like your idea tristan, though you would probably have to have some sort of stipulation on the use of the death so that you can;t just death a lowly crunchy that is at -1. Not sure what would work best but ya.
Why not just kill a crunchy? You'll get the charge for sure then. Though there may be better uses.

Also, the reason I was saying it might be Necro is because your in essence steeling their essence...
Say, how come nobody's suggested a Charm for the fan?
Huh, look at that. I just missed that post apparently.
Andrew, just as a rules point yes it becomes stealable. HOWEVER, there is a clause about MI's that in the case of particularly nice or expensive reps, or just a rep that the owner wants to friken keep they can provide another rep to the chapter that is at least similar and "forgoe" the ability to "recognize" the item IG and get to keep their OOG nice/expensive rep that they don't want to give away as a MI.

Food for thought.