IG Information Book


Adventurers -

In order to better share information, Squire Shin and I have built a Master Book of information. We will have copies of this book available to share - please come find either of us in order to read it. We also would like to include information from everyone in the book. At the front of the book, there are blank forms that you can fill out, with additional information to be added to the book by our team of scribes.

Please let us know if and when you would like to look at the master book. At the full gathers we will have multiple copies of the Master Book made in order to spread the availability of the information.

All of the best,


Here is The Master Book
Jacob Townsend, my scribe and friend, was reading out loud when I heard him say "Notable Enemies and Foes" and then said "None" Do you not recall that goblin that slayed me before I arrived in the town? He had a black jacket and was missing an ear! An ear that I am petrifying and putting on my string of trophies... His name was... um... Empyrion? Empirian? Something like that. He should be in the list of foes. I saw him regenerate and then he just ran away. He is powerful and he is dangerous. I name him my foe and you should all do the same. He knows how we work and I think he will bring more goblins to our town if he is not destroyed.


Thank you for sharing your information! This Emperion sounds like someone that we should be aware of! For organizational purposes, either your friend Jacob Townsend, or myself, can help you fill out this information submission form. The more information that you are able to add, the more helpful of an addition we can make to the book.

Safe travels,

I believe his name is Alferion. We have his scarf.
Great! Let's get him in the book - if you know anything about Alferion, please submit that information. Great find, Bones and Karzel!

Indeed. I encourage everybody to use the information submission form to add what they've found out to our collective library. Kasuni will update the info from the houses as soon as she has the time, and I will aid to scribe all submitted data.

Thank you

Any and all information is well worth the time to read over and contribute. It is our principle goal to ensure that all those who seek this knowledge have it readily accessible to them so as to spread illumination.
There is much we each learn separately, but as a whole we have a much greater capacity to assemble a far greater whole of our surroundings.

We will, once we collect a sufficient amount of information, seek to make all this information available in a bound form at each gathering so that it can be read and reviewed. Individual notes can, of course, be supplied as well.
It is our hope that this is a useful tool in both the moments we are to act as well as a tool for hindsight.

Thank you all for your contributions.
I cannot help but notice that the most recently acquired information regarding the houses has yet to be included in the public tome. I'm certain I'm mistaken, it's not as if any of our number are deliberately withholding or hoarding pieces of this puzzle we face. It would however be quite a shame if in the future, vital information were withheld or simply forgotten, information that could prevent death or tribulation. Thankfully the information lacking at current poses no such risk, at least not to the meager collective knowledge.
I cannot help but notice that the most recently acquired information regarding the houses has yet to be included in the public tome. I'm certain I'm mistaken, it's not as if any of our number are deliberately withholding or hoarding pieces of this puzzle we face. It would however be quite a shame if in the future, vital information were withheld or simply forgotten, information that could prevent death or tribulation. Thankfully the information lacking at current poses no such risk, at least not to the meager collective knowledge.

I can't help but notice you are rude, condescending, and quite prejudiced against just about everyone. It is neither polite nor smart to lump everyone into one giant group of "information hoarders" as you so awkwardly suggested we all are. I will let you in on a little secret: Acting how you are acting makes people less likely to want to share information with you.

I'd also like to point out that not everyone can read and write, nor can everyone afford to pay a scribe to dictate information to, or their information has already been scribed into the tome. Further, I will point out that information sharing goes both ways, right? I can't speak for everyone, but you COULD have just walked up to me and asked what I know (or don't know). I got information I wanted by asking around, why can't you? Maybe it is because you are generally rude and unpleasant to listen to, with all of your whinging and veiled accusations toward people.

I traveled to the GE with a couple of people, and freely talked about it with those who asked. You can't hold me - or anyone else - responsible for your stupidity, shortcomings, and prejudices.

And for what it's worth, the last person who acted the way you are acting and treating people ended up permanently dead for one reason or another.

Good day,

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*calmly, coldly:*

Sharing information should not be a matter of personal feelings. In case you had not noticed... we are on the cusp of being carved, still pulsating, from this wound of a place like some rancid infection. Information and orderly conveyance of the same are vital to survival.

The individuals currently clutching their information are quite capable of sharing, and have, to the detriment of our plight, chosen not to expedite it's release. An individual's merit is determined in their usefulness, tangible or otherwise. If I convey prejudice against those who are not making themselves useful it is only due to their actual decline in merit as a result. As well as their apparent willingness to place their leisure above the lives of all affected.

The information available via query has been obtained, all that remains is the currently scribed and un-included.

Consider my forgetfulness a small... Grace.

(Oog: totally understand that people are busy! No rush!)
Sir Avaran (I notice you left off Sir, but its awkward to say your name without it) and Roann, it may be that the scribes are verifying all of their information and ordering it proper before dispatching it to the public. I know Luke is very thorough when it comes to the knowledge that comes out about anything important. I also know Kasuni and Squire Shin know that bad information is worse than no information. I would please ask that they not be hurried to write down information until it can be verified.

The scribes apologize for the delay in inputting the recent information. The truth is some of us are very busy with other matters. Shin and I for example are currently spending time dealing with an elemental war in another land. I have just recently been sent the house information and have completed updating the book, which includes facts on the houses. I will continue the updating as new information becomes available. I assure you that no information is being intentionally withheld, and it's the intention of all scribes to keep everybody as informed as possible with the most accurate data so we can work together to revive this land. All knowledge of these lands is important for all of us to know, from new locations, items discovered, enemies who surface, and historical facts. We will be fighting beside one another in the days to come, and everybody has the right to know what they're fighting for and why. Though I rely on others to share information as well, I try to stay as up-to-date on current information as possible, therefore should anybody wish to call upon my knowledge or service, they may respectfully request it.

May the stars of truth always shine,
-Luke Bluwolf
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*In an exhausted, but still hurried tone*

Racing to Silvermill to copy the book we are purchasing... Trying to make it back as quickly as possible... Trip took near a month each way last time...

I'll try to be back with it by mid next month...

The individuals currently clutching their information are quite capable of sharing, and have, to the detriment of our plight, chosen not to expedite it's release.
There are three things you need to do before I start using your head for "Goblin Golf" instead of a goblin's head:

1) Name these supposed people who are "purposefully" choosing to withhold information - that is a fairly serious charge and if true, they need to be talked to and dealt with appropriately.

2) Supply proof they are actually doing this.

3) Shut the hell up with your accusations and passive-aggressive garbage until you do points #1 and #2 before some people get really grumpy.


Take as much time as you need. Don't let this individual's rampant foolishness cause you to lose focus on what is actually important.

In service,
-Sir Avaran
Noble Sir Avaran,

The information has been made public. This particular grievance rests.

I updated the book with information on the old Ceriopolis, which includes the info and the oath on the Ministerium.

-Luke Bluwolf
Reminding our scholars that this is a good source of information. It can use some serious updating though!