I'm looking for an ogre....


She's a young, uh, chipper thing named Violet. She disappeared this way awhile ago. She might have mentioned her spider friend a time or two. Would any of you lovely creatures have happened to speak with her? I won't bite unless you ask, promise.

I saw Violed almosd dwo mond' ago in da Wilds, afder she was helpin' save me from a nasdy spider, actually. Sorry if dat was your brodder or sisder or somedin', but I guess you can take dat up with Violed if she's your friend. Anyway, I don' know where she wen' afder she lef' da Wilds, but I dink she's probably sdill alive an' fine. Violed sdronger dan whad ya expec' from whad I saw when she pud up a preddy good duel, and I dink she can hold her own preddy good oud on da open road. You'll find her somedime.

- Hye
If you're heading toward the next market gathering, I'm sure if she's around she'll probably be there. If you'd like, you can travel with my biata and I as we're on our way there ourselves

Ah! Lovely. I could use some help travelling, Bethanne. I am not the most familiar with this area. Yes, Hye, I can imagine she would be a good dueling partner, though I can't say I have ever tried..

Its alright, I'm relatively new to the area myself. My biata has a better sense of direction than I do so I'm sure between the three of us we'll find out way to town and hopefully find you your ogre

Beautiful. I have quite a few food treats with me I can share in exchange for you and your companion's company.
You don't say! I, too, happen to have quite the load of treats as well. This'll be a delightful exchange indeed

I think I saw her about 8 lands in the opposite direction. If you get to water, just keep going I'm sure she's really far out there, but you just have to keep on going until you're at a point really far away from here. That's the best direction I can provide. I don't normally offer free directions, but since you're a spider I felt I could make an exception.

Ha! Vermoot's scared a spiders. Vermoot, if she's dreamin' atcha, she's probably a SpiderKIN, she ain't gonna eatcha.

Violet's little but she can handle herself. She said sumtin about Wayside, maybe she was goin' back dere?

Also a Ogre
Oh-ho-ho I am zinking that yu are refering to that wonderful High Orge I met nearly two full moons ago when we were helping za Shaman and his son Kalgon. Although I musk admit I zought her name was Violence?

I got our ogre friend, Aranea. Been trying to get her back home but she keeps getting distracted, talkin about buying a house for her spider friend.


I heard you and wanted to make sure I could reach you...since you can't read. If you know someone coming to Gaden, can you bring the Earth Storm dagger or hand it off? I'd like to make sure that is auctioned off along with the Turtle Shield for the people who took down the turtle next market day.

Good to know I am welcome, friends. It will be a fun visit.
Lightning, good to know you are both safe. I'm glad she's looking for shelter, it probably is a good idea. When possible, meet me here in Gaden.
ARANEA I GOT GOLD!!! And I got potions and I got rich! I'mma buy us a house so you don't gotta be sad your web grewded icicles! Oh look, a butterfly... shiny...

Ahh! Good to hear from you. You.. got gold? How did you manage that? Either way, glad to know you are being productive.

ALL THE GOLDS! I beated down some angry baby turtles and some not nice spiders and they paid me!
