Im proud to be in the brother hood.

Attention everyone My name is Gearfree Van Ommeren or more resent Bother Gearfree. I'm proud to be in the brother hood. What they stand for is just what this world needs right know a free cause to promote. I'll say it again I'm proud to be in the brother hood.


Has anyone told you you shouldnt be?

Youn' Gearfree,

Dhis sound like ya betta whatch what ya be say'n, I aint kno of a' brotha'hood, but soun' like a guild tah meh, wat it 'bout?

Hengin, The Unforgiven

I assume you know Brother Marsters of the Brotherhood of Light? He has recently recruited some people, Gearfree being one of them, into the remnants of the Brotherhood, hoping to bring it back after its near genocide.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Gearfree hear say Fern why shouldn't I be we are agents against chaos. For alack of better terms. We fight a against chaos evil.

Fight chaos... good stuff be happy for it.

Brother Gearfree,

It's good to see that you've made your way to the dream realm! Welcome! Brother Icey had told me he was going to show you the way. Glad to see it happened.

I am sorry to say I will not see you in the next couple days at the marketday. I suffered an injury while fighting some of the remnants of the undead in Wayside, and it's taking a little longer than expected to recover. However, please, send me a pigeon after the marketday, as I wish to know what happens!

May you walk in the Light,

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Brother Icey is also slightly annoyed that this message woke him up.

sorry to hear about your injury Brother eric masters. i hope your recovery is swift and you can rejoin the fight. hope to see you again.

Iganeous Ironforge