In-game library

Hi friends,

Alliance has been around for decades, so I’m wondering what in-game books, scrolls, or tomes have been created. (Or ancient real-world texts that fit in our game world.) Perhaps enough for to fill a small in-game library?

Please post:
* In-game books/scrolls/tomes you know of
* attachments or links to a printable file, if possible
* if applicable, any in-game restrictions to obtaining a copy (without this we’ll assume we can print it out for our personal libraries)
* I know some chapters have in-game players guides, newspapers, etc. If some part of it is applicable to all Alliance chapters (e.g. a basic adventuring guide, an in-game trapmaking guide, a guide to casting rituals, etc) please list the applicable parts here.

I’ll list a few for starters:

1) Mike V’s story series, set in Ashbury:

2) in-game spellbooks, such as

3) I recall 5-10 years ago the old Ashbury healer’s guild had some binders compiled about various creatures, etc. Maybe someone has scanned them?
I am deeply interested in the results of this. I wish I had content to contribute.
Given the looming split, and the potential to lose a lot of in-game knowledge in both halves of what is currently Alliance LARP, I thought I'd ping everyone on this. With the pandemic and lack of LARPing, perhaps some have time to share their decades of creativity here.
I would love to see this develop further! Our plot team is currently working on a collection of short stories and bardic tales which I will post here once it's completed.
I am roughly about 75% done with a celestial training manual my character is been working on. I can’t work on it now but I’ll have some time after Priority registration is done at my work.
We are going to be starting a Library and Newspaper in game in Roanoke. We are starting on a Who's who in town and a Bestiary (luckily my kids are amazing artists). We will also have any player backstories submitted and event reports. Everything is from the player's point of view so not canon. Here's a sample of a Mummy and a Scarab beastie.


  • 20211202_173609.jpg
    151 KB · Views: 11
Here is the long version of the story of the kitten; v/r: David

