In Memory of Dame Kailani


It is with the heaviest of hearts that I must break my silence.

Dame Kailani of the Open Hand, First Knight of the Ash Forest, has breathed her last.

In a final act of pure selflessness, Dame Kailani gave her life so that the Ash Forest and the lands surrounding it would be protected from the encroaching jungle that has been devastating our lands. And thanks to the sacrifices of many of those who loved her, that barrier will stand even longer. She gave us all a fighting chance. We must not squander it.

Cyno, V, and I are traveling now to Synvia, where my beloved daughter will be laid to rest. Any who wish to join us for the remainder of the journey are welcome. It's what she would have wanted.

With love and sadness,

<oog: anybody who wants in on this IBGA, please remember to send it in using the IBGA form>
May the Forest Lord learn of this, and may that bring her peace.

I will rendezvous with you should my duties allow.

In Service,
Ranger Aislynn Ravenshire
Dark Watcher
I will stand and defend Dame Kailani on this last journey before returning to the Royal Court to give a full accounting of Dame Kailani's heroism and valor.

I can only hope that on the day we meet again I face my fate with a shred of the strength she displayed.

Hail the glorious dead. May their memory live forever.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer
Royal Knight, Kingdom of Icenia
I will also join you on this journey.
One last walk with a dear friend, before she is laid to rest.

Karvedoma Landcharmer, child of the Kyralia
For knowing Dame Kailani such a short time, she joins a small cadre I have known to be exemplars of nobility. In her quiet and reserved manner, she has shown us all in the end how fiercely devoted she was to her love of our lands.

I am extremely grateful that I will forever have a special memory in which she was a part of.

May we all learn from Dame Kailani's example.

Sir Jonathan Dragonhart Vardik
"One Sword to Keep Others in Their Sheathes"
I will walk my sister home and see her laid to rest. Before I return to Barran and take her memory with me, so it may be placed in the Apsuudi as all Dreams should.

Hiwa Chulainn Steelclaw.
I will be joining you as well before returning home to Anjar. I met her the day she first came to Fairdale... it is only right that I now lay my sister to rest...

When I return home to Barran my son and daughter will ensure their aunt's memory lives on in the next generation...

Sefid Rayna Satyrsbane
An end worthy of a song.

Baroness and others,

I will make sure your travel path is as clear as I can, and take careful watch over your caravan.
Deepest apologies for not helping more, and sincerest sympathies for this tragic but noble loss.

Tempestarristan Mordanthlin,
::A doleful, pensive, yet gentle and abiding song is heard humming though the dream, sung wordlessly as wind through the trees. It fades in and out of focus, sometimes weak and sometimes determined, but always expressive and somehow soothing.::

It is all we ever are. Lit for but a moment before fading in one way or another. But One candle can light many others.

So it is with memory. In how we remember the passing of each life, and the light it shone we give the only honest tribute the living ever can give to the dead. In telling the tales we feed the story fires to burn longer and travel wider. So see her home, take the candle on one last journey, light a few new flames of memory, and rekindle yours most deeply. Acknowledge the loss, embrace it, it is another tribute to the weight the departed brought to your lives. Through the other end you will find the pure joy of how enriched your lives were because of her there.

For my part, I will reach into the heart of Barran itself, and light the candle there.

Simon Neville
Though I walk with her Excellency to bear my daughter's body to its final resting place, it bears saying for all who may hear it:

Clan Vidua mourn this day, and the whole of the Red Back Spider with them. Few have offered us what my lady, the late Dame Kailani, did; few, I suspect, ever shall again.
While we mourn her passing, we carry her love with us always, eternal as the wood where she shall find repose; furthermore, we will emulate it. I will emulate it. It is the very least I can offer - to love the land she did, to love her brothers and sisters, to love the common men and women to whose lives she swore her own in service.
It is my sincere hope others will honor Kailani's memory similarly, and walk the well-worn path of love and devotion she leaves in her wake.

There will stand a statue in Fury Falls in her likeness; if any should ever seek to sit beside it and contemplate the nature of love, we will welcome them with open arms and, accordingly, an Open Hand.

Matriarch Vaer'lux of Lordaq
Clan Vidua, Red Back Spider tribe
I must see to the protection of those withdrawing from the advancing line of the jungle through my barony, and so cannot take this walk with you. I know, however, that the part of her beauty with which she has imbued my life will walk with me always.

My sincerest condolences to you, Your Excellency, and to all others in your own feelings of loss. When fate permits, if Your Excellency could provide me the name of plants that resemble the green Dame Kailani had upon her, I would love the opportunity to plant a fitting monument to her in whatever stands as the capital of Nordenn when this fight is done, a living monument that captures her life and her love.

May the hearts of all good folk of Icenia go with you, and bear her to rest.

-Aelawen Gildenfeather, Squire to His Excellency Baron Agurzil of Nordenn, and friend to Dame Kailani
I will show the deeds of Dame Kailani to my tribe and ask that a tree be placed in our graveyard in her honor, to protect the tenders and stand as a monument to a life well lived. I will seek out a crystal and put my memories of her in it so that our descendants may learn her story of selflessness, generosity, kindness and strength.

And when my duty calls me back to tend the graves, I will do so with honor and care.

Hail the glorious dead.
---Stephano Hallik
Brittington Irregulars, Herz of the Cabal of Blades
There is a void, an ache inside me like which I have never before known.

Kai, you were there for me, always. Whenever I needed you. Through the terrible moments, through the times I had nothing left but your love.

You were the one who understood, when Pyatt used us, and made us a part of his plan, and revealed to us his true intentions, and submitted himself to our service and the service of the land we love.

You were the one who comforted, when dragons schemed and raged and tore our friends apart.

You were the one who made my heart glad, in pleasant times. For games, for songs, at Ducal Balls and quiet walks and Dryad-time.

Thank you. I do not know where your spirit will go, be it the Hero's Graveyard, the First Forest, the Spirit Tree, or elsewhere. But wherever it is, when my time is up, if they let me in, I'd be overjoyed to be by your side again.

Baroness Ezri, I will accompany Kailani on her final journey. Thank you.

- Sir Ketemycos Kailanos
First Knight of Corrheim