In Memory of Lok

if you wish to donate to the school built in his memory, we will accept that, but the food and drink is no charge. hoarding it and taking it home is not something encouraged though
Cho Ko Nu needs more respect for ancestor wine and for the brave warrior we lost. Cho Ko Nu not make oath so Cho ko Nu not get special ancestor wine. But other wine will be there.

AllianceCHI said:

Thats the idea up for consideration.



I would very much like to discuss this, along with a number of other topics this coming market day, in private, towards the start of the market day.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
To Kendra and Other Harbor's Far, In Memory of Lok:

Lok maybe not tell you, but me be member of Harbor's Far. Lok himself let me join last springtime when me first meet and adventure with him and others in the Ruins (me think James there too, but me can't talk about salsa night). Lok understand me have true and first loyalty for me tribe and that how call me self, but can also be of Harbor's Far if need. Me no take oath then, only need do good things for people (me be healer), so why must take oath now? Me be brother already as Lok say. In memory of Lok, it be good remember who Lok call brother.

Also, me no keep wine or drink for another day! What waste! Eat and drink now when be there and work tomorrow for more gold if want food tomorrow too! Me no take anything free, so that be why me ask price, mean no offense. (Ask Tavern workers how generous me be with coppers and silvers if doubt me.)

Me travel in different place now, but me want tell you this for better understand and me drink for Lok's honor and glory when come back.

-Cho Ko Nu
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Cho Ko Nu,

The oath and remembrance is something that comes from many years past, a ritual that we performed when someone joined us on our traveling island. Being new to these lands, and disoriented, we sought friends, and as such skipped such formalities, but we determined that to give Lok a quality fair-well we will combine this ancient right with our ceremony to Lok's memory. That being said, we are not against honoring the previous understand that you and Lok had, though I think Lok would be honored if you chose to take the oath and drink from our ancestral wine. Also one can be called friend of Harbors Far without taking any oath, we do not discriminate.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
no offense cho ko nu, but I was there when you said you would be pat of harbors far, and that your tribe of course comes first, but I haven't seen you at our campsite, or moving around with us, or responding to any calls for harbors far. I thought you had renounced your brotherhood...
Me think more about it. James, if oath only be for what me already say, do good for all, then me can take oath when me return next spring. If more than that, we discuss then.

Me not abandon you, me have conflict of schedule with others who need me too. Only so much me can do at once, like anyone else. Me camp with some old friends who me have known for many years and can trust sleep next to them. Me not so sure Kendra let me sleep there and live through night, haha. (That be joke, Kendra. Please no hurt me.) Me think Harbor's Far be able to survive without me there all the time, but if you ever need me, all need do be ask. Please no take me not there or me travel with others as insult.

-Cho Ko Nu
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It would do you well to not discuss private matters with those who do not need to know of them. Nor is it polite to assume that those who have just lost a friend want to hear about your views on undeath. It would serve you better in the future to keep your knowledge of sensitive matters, and those which are private and personal just that. Private and personal. I would wish to not have to remind you of this fact again. It not only sullies my name, the name of my family,my honour and the lands which I come from and represent. DO not do this again.
LIddia FallingStar
Pokethulu said:
It would do you well to not discuss private matters with those who do not need to know of them. Nor is it polite to assume that those who have just lost a friend want to hear about your views on undeath. It would serve you better in the future to keep your knowledge of sensitive matters, and those which are private and personal just that. Private and personal. I would wish to not have to remind you of this fact again. It not only sullies my name, the name of my family,my honour and the lands which I come from and represent. DO not do this again.
LIddia FallingStar


Out of sympathy for your recent loss, I will save the majority of my response to private channels.

However, since you've not noticed, let me be clear - I have recognized zero ties between Liddia FallingStar and myself since the day she ordered a town of adventurers to let a greater lich, Renlee Firstborne, walk away unharmed, going so far to escort it out the door of the tavern, endangering the lives of Briarpass in the immediate, and all of Wayside in the long-term.

Furthermore, I had let the topic lie weeks ago, at the request of Sera Kyrie. So back off.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Eric your crossing the line of sheer stupidity. You for one should not be talking of things about undead.


we will always have a chair for you too if you happen to come down. I'm sorry to hear about Quily, i had a seat saved for her too

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Togashin said:
Eric your crossing the line of sheer stupidity. You for one should not be talking of things about undead.


Really Tets? What expertise do you have with undead? How many have you fought? Or studied to learn weaknesses? Or are you just shooting your mouth off because you see it as an easy way to take a shot at my character, instead of noticing that I stopped talking about undead before the market day in Wayside, where I was forced to turn into an undead against my own will, and my spirit was cleansed by the fires of resurrection, which I do thank you for doing, and had my spirit double checked for remaining taint by a celestial circle. I know you're dealing with the pain of a lost friend as well, but is the best way to deal with it to reopen conversations that are from almost three weeks ago, and try to put me down, so you feel better? I know you and I never have really gotten along, but I thought you were above that, especially since Sera Kyrie Aye (I do apologize, Sera Kyrie if I misspelled your last name) keeps you as a confidant.

At this point, I will not be checking this thread of messages any longer, as conversation has turned from from debate and conversation about Lok to just personal attacks. If there's something I should know, please send me a pigeon... I have a mission to complete.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
I understand that we are all a bit on-edge right now, but I beg of you to all stay calm with one another. There is no hope of managing problems like Firstborne if those of us who should be working together are divided. Liddia, Eric, Tets... just work on doing what needs to be done for the greater good, rather than sniping at one another.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
.... what? eric turned to undead?

well that is the best way to learn about the thing you hate, becoming it.

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Please to all parties involved,
I respectfully ask that all personal disagreements and arguments remain as such, and be moved to a more appropriate location. I do not wish such emotional discussions to detract, nay taint, the memory of my Brother Lok. I understand that such discussions were simply a product of the style of Lok's death combined with other emotional stress between the folks involved, but I do not find it appropriate for any level of argument not directly related to my Brothers death to be discussed here.
I may sound a little harsh but I do not like such drama to be had under my watch, and do not wish for it to continue. Thank you.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
To all of Harbors Far and Lok's many other friends,

I do sincerely apologize for this but I feel i must inform you and all of the people of Gaden that Eric is a known necromancer, but got off without punishment because the offense occurred on another plan of existence other that our own.


I understand there are many issues between you and Eric, but I would respectfully ask that you refrain from bringing them up in this topic. I do not wish this topic to turn into mudslinging, as it would dishonor my brothers memory. So please move such accusations and arguments to a more appropriate place.
I wish to remain neutral in all of this, but if people keep breaking my wish for a moratorium on drama in this topic my ire will rise and I will be forced to get involved...Please do not make me do this.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist