In need of an identify magic item


During the first wave of corrupt, I ripped a neckless from the blacked corpse of an unlucky minion. I have never before encountered such a strange artifact. If anyone is able to decipher this mystery I ask to contact me immediately for I fear this may be dangerous, hopefully wonderous.

Drezz the next gather you go to find whoever is invested in a local permanent Celestial circle. These things have the power to identify such items and tell what they do. I believe the fellow celestial scholar of our kind (forgive me the name is lost to my dreaming mind) who is also in Gaden may be invested in your local celestial circle and able to help you.

May the stars shine on your paths,
-Mage Eldarion Avari
Ryuhoshi would be able to help you in that respect.
I would gladly accompany you though the twigling's glade, for I too have something I wish to identify. Locate me come next opportunity to go arise.

- Gandian Ravenscroft