In need of assistance.


Well met locals of these lands. I am Arkade Prince, I'm looking for something I may have lost an undefined time ago. What it is that I'm looking for is uncertain, and it's location unknown to me. This thing, givin that it is in fact a thing, is not necessarily lost in your lands, but its as likely a place as any. Though anywhere would be unlikely, givin my stature in comparison to all things in existence. It is a complete possibility that whatever it is that I'm looking for I could have already overlooked, though I have a notion that I'd be able to tell if I saw it.
Sorry to ramble on like an elder who has to much time to think. I was wondering if there is a place of refuge I may stay for a time, and passably a Guardian or Warrior who could protect me from the angers of nature. I posses many healing spells, and mental strengths passed down from my ancestors, though little compensation in the way of coin for help.

Manny thanks,
Arkade Prince

Refuge we have in abundance, though more from Dark Elves than anything else. These lands are a mess and as long as you're willing to help with the fight you'll find a place to stay. As for your possibly-lost-thing-that-you-might-know-if-you-see-it, there's a lot of stuff laying around a war zone so good luck finding it. Just don't spend so much time looking as a dark elf slits your throat. Travel safely.
