In search of Klanger

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Garridan is seen loading up his pack at the tavern, clearly getting ready to head into the wilds. Esme approaches him to ask where he's going.

"I'm concerned about the rumours of Klanger going missing, so I'm going to head out and see if I can't turn up any information on his whereabouts. I've heard various rumblings that he was with the Arch Mage but no one can confirm or deny it. I should be back in a couple weeks. Hopefully with Klanger or news of his location. It's best I travel alone and lightly, it shouldn't take much to uncover Klanger's trail."
During Garridan's search he heard rumours of Klanger including a few scuffles with a beligerent, drunken dwarf.
Garridan located some tracks on the road of a large band of orcs roaming through the forest. "Better keep my eyes peeled, can't take on more than a couple by myself and this warband looks to be rather large, if they are still in the area, but these tracks look a week or two old so I should be fine."

He continued off following the Orc tracks which seem to be headed in the direction that Garridan had been tracking his missing friend.
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