"What exactly do you mean, 'it's gone'"? the ArchMage asks of Magi Kurak. "Land does not just disappear." he continues while looking over the map of Calandonia, pointing a finger to Cadnia. "I do not know what more I can tell you ArchMage. Our scouts at the border say that there was a large tremor in the area. The Dwarves of Kelech Mor also were shaken quite a bit in their mountain citadel." the Stone Elf pauses. "I sent word to Lord Marshal as well and she too confirmed there was severe ground movement. at her norther border."
Az'Caine turns to Zanthia. "Lady Fatespinner, have you ever heard of such an occurrence in that area? The Sanctum does not record earthquakes or other natural phenomenon." Lady Zanthia sits for a moment, trying to recall any information on the area. "Not in that specific area. Where ever the mountains are, there can be some shaking. But nothing has been recorded in Cadnia, or its border with Rocholm since the Great War. Records past that are sketchy at best. We'd have to ask Aithusa if she could recall that." she states. Az'Caine is already shaking his head at the last notion. "I don't think we need to worry about something that may have happened centuries ago if nothing recent has. This" he points to the map again "is unprecedented. Not that there was an earthquake. But that the lands seem to have been split from Calandonia. We only had one portal that worked to a very remote outpost and it no longer can connect?" the ArchMage looks to Magi Kurak as he solemnly nods. "That means that Cadnia no longer is within Calandonia. Is there any way this could happen naturally?" he asks looking at the Lady Fatespinner? "Not that I am aware of. An earthquake can open up sizable rifts in the lands, but this is fairly precise. It split right along the border to Rocholm. There have not been reports of any quakes, even minor ones, in the area. This has to be larger forces at work. But who, or what, could crack the ground so precisely and then remove the lands from even our ability to portal? When I was first informed of this, I did try to rift to the lands of the Fire Giants near the volcano. I could not. I spoke with Aithusa and she could not travel there either. By wing or by magic." the Fatespinner sits back in her seat.
The ArchMage sits in his chair behind his desk. He stares that the never ending pile of paperwork lost in his thoughts. The silence in the room is deafening. Even the imp, who likes to speak at the most in opportune times has remained deathly silent. A knock at the door breaks the uneasiness in the room. an initiant stands at the doorway waiting to be acknowledged. "Yes? What is it?" the ArchMage asks. "m'Lord, Adeptus Cato is in the Grand Foyer. He asks for an audience with you regarding training and possible training in the Earthen arts." An intrigued look crosses the ArchMage's face. "Interesting." he turns to Zanthia. "Well, I guess we have a bit more business to attend to than just this. I welcome the repreive. Az'Caine looks over to the initiate. "Please have him come up as soon as he can." The boy turns and heads back down the spire to the Grand Foyer.
"Magi Kurak. Have Magi Rhialto reach out to the other Sanctum Pentas. See if anything else has been shaken recently." he turns to look at Zanthia. "You should also reach out to your other Enclaves. They are more in tune with the lands than the Sanctum. Maybe they have more insight, or have felt other energies that we cannot." Zanthia nods in agreement. "and now we wait for Adeptus Cato. Magi Kurak, you have some work do do. The Circle recognizes you out. My thanks." the ArchMage says as Magi Kurak leaves.
Az'Caine turns to Zanthia. "Lady Fatespinner, have you ever heard of such an occurrence in that area? The Sanctum does not record earthquakes or other natural phenomenon." Lady Zanthia sits for a moment, trying to recall any information on the area. "Not in that specific area. Where ever the mountains are, there can be some shaking. But nothing has been recorded in Cadnia, or its border with Rocholm since the Great War. Records past that are sketchy at best. We'd have to ask Aithusa if she could recall that." she states. Az'Caine is already shaking his head at the last notion. "I don't think we need to worry about something that may have happened centuries ago if nothing recent has. This" he points to the map again "is unprecedented. Not that there was an earthquake. But that the lands seem to have been split from Calandonia. We only had one portal that worked to a very remote outpost and it no longer can connect?" the ArchMage looks to Magi Kurak as he solemnly nods. "That means that Cadnia no longer is within Calandonia. Is there any way this could happen naturally?" he asks looking at the Lady Fatespinner? "Not that I am aware of. An earthquake can open up sizable rifts in the lands, but this is fairly precise. It split right along the border to Rocholm. There have not been reports of any quakes, even minor ones, in the area. This has to be larger forces at work. But who, or what, could crack the ground so precisely and then remove the lands from even our ability to portal? When I was first informed of this, I did try to rift to the lands of the Fire Giants near the volcano. I could not. I spoke with Aithusa and she could not travel there either. By wing or by magic." the Fatespinner sits back in her seat.
The ArchMage sits in his chair behind his desk. He stares that the never ending pile of paperwork lost in his thoughts. The silence in the room is deafening. Even the imp, who likes to speak at the most in opportune times has remained deathly silent. A knock at the door breaks the uneasiness in the room. an initiant stands at the doorway waiting to be acknowledged. "Yes? What is it?" the ArchMage asks. "m'Lord, Adeptus Cato is in the Grand Foyer. He asks for an audience with you regarding training and possible training in the Earthen arts." An intrigued look crosses the ArchMage's face. "Interesting." he turns to Zanthia. "Well, I guess we have a bit more business to attend to than just this. I welcome the repreive. Az'Caine looks over to the initiate. "Please have him come up as soon as he can." The boy turns and heads back down the spire to the Grand Foyer.
"Magi Kurak. Have Magi Rhialto reach out to the other Sanctum Pentas. See if anything else has been shaken recently." he turns to look at Zanthia. "You should also reach out to your other Enclaves. They are more in tune with the lands than the Sanctum. Maybe they have more insight, or have felt other energies that we cannot." Zanthia nods in agreement. "and now we wait for Adeptus Cato. Magi Kurak, you have some work do do. The Circle recognizes you out. My thanks." the ArchMage says as Magi Kurak leaves.