A ragged and decrepit foxkin in a mud- patched purple overdress makes her way into the tavern. She looks even more filthy than the last time she was about. She hasn't bathed since then. Has she eaten?
She sets down a stack of books on the table, then she pulls one open in front of herself, as if to read it. To her side, she opens a notebook, and begins to write.
Like clockwork, she faces each page for a time, then moves to the next, flips the page and starts again. Her gaze, however, seems to look past the book, and through the table.
The notes she takes are compleatly illegible. While Kai's normal writing is quite messy, this is a step beyond. The squiggles and wiggles she slowly fills the notebook with are total gibberish.
She sets down a stack of books on the table, then she pulls one open in front of herself, as if to read it. To her side, she opens a notebook, and begins to write.
Like clockwork, she faces each page for a time, then moves to the next, flips the page and starts again. Her gaze, however, seems to look past the book, and through the table.
The notes she takes are compleatly illegible. While Kai's normal writing is quite messy, this is a step beyond. The squiggles and wiggles she slowly fills the notebook with are total gibberish.