Agahi said:like a weasle
Was it brown? Was it tan? Was it black? Did it have different colored paws like the black footed ferret?
Did it look more like an otter, badger, marten or ferret?
Agahi said:like a weasle
Agahi said:How diffrent would a simple costume for any of those mentioned creatures be? Color is based on environment which chapter specific. A bear costume could even be interchangeable with the mentioned animal because most if not all PC wylderkyn do not look exactly like..most of the time any where close to how the actual animal looks IRL. My argument stands it looks like a weasle.
Your argument would do better with dinosaurs which may or may not have had feathers, so the costuming could vary wildly.
Agahi said:On another note, is there a reason you do not want this IG? I already said I got the ok to do this years ago, and even heard tale of a group of PC velociraptors.
So there's less suspension in disbelief when you see a High Orge, versus a Kin? All kin have the potential for engaging OOG knowledge, if your character has never encountered that kind of animal IG, then they would not know what kind of kin it was IG? If your character wouldn't know, then play it like that and roll with it. I really don't see how this is going to mess with people's IG groove. And if it does, then there's a chance for someone to work on staying in their IG groove.Inaryn said:1. Suspension of disbelief. I personally find it a step too far to have to not only envision that you're an anthropomorphic animal, but that you're also an extinct anthropomorphic animal. By making something that is OOG extinct, you're making a deliberate choice to engage OOG knowledge, which can drop some people out of their IG groove. In other words, you're breaking the 4th wall.
Just as with the kin races, I would expect this to be up to the individual chapter. All I see in the ARB/Race packet regarding choice of Sarr is not to RP it like a house cat and it should be based of a large hunting cat.Inaryn said:2. Fairness (last I checked, you couldn't make a sabre-toothed tiger sarr except as an NPC in some chapters)
People already pull from folklore for their kin, which is stuff that someone else made up. Not to mention, we're playing in a game, that is completely made up.Inaryn said:3. Because making stuff up about a creature you've never seen and don't know a whole-lot about is pretty much exactly how mythological creatures came to exist. You're basically just creating your own.
Inaryn said:Agahi said:On another note, is there a reason you do not want this IG? I already said I got the ok to do this years ago, and even heard tale of a group of PC velociraptors.
3. Because making stuff up about a creature you've never seen and don't know a whole-lot about is pretty much exactly how mythological creatures came to exist. You're basically just creating your own.
Octaine said:Inaryn said:Agahi said:On another note, is there a reason you do not want this IG? I already said I got the ok to do this years ago, and even heard tale of a group of PC velociraptors.
3. Because making stuff up about a creature you've never seen and don't know a whole-lot about is pretty much exactly how mythological creatures came to exist. You're basically just creating your own.
So are elfs, and dwarfs.
Agahi said:We could just submit it to ARC to end the discussion. Though I have a feeling the answer will be chapter dependant in some way.
Inaryn said:Agahi said:On another note, is there a reason you do not want this IG? I already said I got the ok to do this years ago, and even heard tale of a group of PC velociraptors.
1. Suspension of disbelief. I personally find it a step too far to have to not only envision that you're an anthropomorphic animal, but that you're also an extinct anthropomorphic animal. By making something that is OOG extinct, you're making a deliberate choice to engage OOG knowledge, which can drop some people out of their IG groove. In other words, you're breaking the 4th wall.
i understand where you're coming from: since there's no verifiable source for extinct creatures' characteristics, there's no way to verify that X player is playing their kin correctly. this would make sense, if there was a standardized way to play any of the living animals. that is, if there was one standard way to play a wolfkin (as outlined in the ARB) it would make sense to exclude extinct animals, except there isn't. same base kin differ wildly within the game, even within the same chapter. the only real difference between a Wolfkin and a Mousekin is how either PC chooses to play them, even down to substantial costume characteristics like tail, fangs, ears, fur, whatever. it's ALL made-up, none of it is based in the "real" world of animal characteristics. a velociraptorkin with feathers would be just as good as a velociraptorkin with scales; just like a wolfkin with fur is just as good as a wolfkin with smooth skin since, just like dogs and cats, there are hairless wolf breeds -- and, even if there weren't, ¿who's to say this individual isn't the exception like an albino or a mutant? i dig where you're coming from, but it's splitting hairs on a bald head, it's just not an important game notionInaryn said:3. Because making stuff up about a creature you've never seen and don't know a whole-lot about is pretty much exactly how mythological creatures came to exist. You're basically just creating your own.
Wraith said:It would also be nice because the wider range of things that could be played would really help to eliminate the current pinata-NERO style of 'It isn't a PC race, beat it to death!'
Laws of Gaden said:Sentient Beings – Sentient Beings are legally defined as a member of the following races and no others – Human, Barbarian, Gypsies, High Orcs, High Ogres, Biata, Stone Elves, Sarr, Wylderkyn, Hoblings, Dryads, Dark Elves, and Mystic Wood Elves.