Greetings southern brothers,
We Northlunders celebrate the harvest by gathering to feast on the year's bounty. We have been given a gift from our southern neighbors, the meat of a great boar. The spirits speak well of this symbol of friendship. We wish to share in our traditions and invite any who wish to partake in this feast to come as honored guests of the Northlunders. We have prepared a new lodge south of Sacred Ground which we call the Lodge of Peace. Come and we shall strengthen the bonds of friendship with food, drink and words. Come when the sun is at it's highest on the 7th day of the month of the Harvest, which I believe you call November.
Silverbane Spirit Talker
We Northlunders celebrate the harvest by gathering to feast on the year's bounty. We have been given a gift from our southern neighbors, the meat of a great boar. The spirits speak well of this symbol of friendship. We wish to share in our traditions and invite any who wish to partake in this feast to come as honored guests of the Northlunders. We have prepared a new lodge south of Sacred Ground which we call the Lodge of Peace. Come and we shall strengthen the bonds of friendship with food, drink and words. Come when the sun is at it's highest on the 7th day of the month of the Harvest, which I believe you call November.
Silverbane Spirit Talker