Iron Falls Mercenary registration.

In less than a fortnight I will be in Iron Falls, and any who wish to test for entitlement to either Bounty or Mercenary writs may do so.

I am an authorized bearer of a Writ of Mercenary resale, meaning that the legitimacy of your paperwork is recognized not only by the Crown and in the Duchies of Andar, but in all territories the Crown has allied with (subject to certain restrictions of travel and action.)

Mercenary Guild membership provides many benefits, not the least of which are performance incentives!

Accredited Mercenaries receive discounts to per annum taxation rates, enjoy additional freedoms while traveling within Andar, and make far more money on average than a sell-sword or adventurer... and more than just money, the news of your deeds spreads much faster with a network of brothers and sisters to tell others with pride of your adventures!

With the war over, and many soldiers returning, some say it is difficult to escape the "image of mercenary" that has arisen with such a large body of sell-swords about. Believe me when I say that Andarian merchants, caravaneers, teamsters, taskmasters, and Guild leaders all know the difference. In addition, they receive a tax credit for employing certified Mercenaries, creating further benefit to the Andarian economy.

The difference I mentioned is a simple one: A Mercenary of Andar eats with a knife and fork... not his sword. The imagined desperation in such an occupation truly only exists for those who refuse to register. A mercenary that registers is benefiting the populace, and by that, the Crown as well.

Your certification and subsequent entry (following confirmation) in the registry in Silverford are all the proof you need to get working for yourself.
So come test and register!

-Cmdr. Guy DuBro Manson, Higurashi no Ken-
Iron Falls Bounties

Bounties are in effect for the presentation of heads of any Dverger brought forth. Please see Quartermaster at the Andarian Military compound just outside of Iron Falls Proper. The gates of the compound close 1 bell after sundown in accordance to wartime protocols. Any Mercenaries, private contractors, citizens or lawful denizens of Andar are allowed to partake in the defeat, and destruction of Andar's enemies. Currently individual bounties are being offered for the heads of the following enemies of Andar, please read carefully, before pursuing them.

Dverger: Deep dwarves, dark dwarves. Any, and all. Dead. Dverger are considered enemies of Andar, and rewards will be paid by the head so delivered to the quarter master: (Rates will not be posted publicly, as they fluctuate from territory to territory)

Kobolds: Any, and all. Dead.

Undead: Undead are enemies of Andar especially those of Llantry, or the Undying Isles.

Bandits, Outlaws: Any and all, Dead or Alive.

Once again rates fluctuate from territory to territory please speak to the quarter master of the territory before embarking on any hunts. All subjects are advised to use extreme caution in the pursuit of the enemies of Andar.
For the Undead what proof would you need from them? Since they go too dust and cant take there heads.
Proof of the slaying of undead is difficult indead. Some of them have essences left in their dust, or ectoplasm upon destruction. This sometimes suffices as suitable proof once it can be identified by an authority. If physical obvious evidence of re-slain undead is left such as a skull etc then payment will be immediate. In the case of the more ephemeral undead then it is up to the quartermaster/paymaster what will suffice as adequate proof. Usually identified remains in a celestial circle that has been approved by the crown will suffice. Sadly I must admit that usually it is more trouble than it is worth except in the case of greater undead, deathknights, etc which case the trouble to get their remains identified warrants the award. In some cases an approved appraiser can be commissioned such as a mercenary commander, or military officer to act as witness to said destruction, but this is difficult in a wartime situation as our officers have many other duties.

In short my best suggestion is that...if you are seeking to destroy enemies of Andar for the sake of their destruction, and possible rewards, the destruction of undead is always welcome, and somewhat legally binding. However if you are seeking riches in bounty I suggest sticking to living creatures that leave behind trophies that can be readily turned in, and leave the undead to those entities more readily suited to their destruction.

The decision rests with the professional doing the bounty hunting. Sorry if I could not be of more help in this matter, if it were up to me undead would leave a slightly more physical token of their demise so that I too could profit from their destruction.
If you want to make money slaying undead, there are only three ways I can think of off the top of my head.

the safest way to go about it is to register as a mercenary, and accept a few contracts that involve clearing undead infestations. The contracts are common enough, and if your work is done you will get paid, guaranteed.

The word of a witness of unimpeachable character, such as a member of the Noble Estate, or a Peer of Andar. If they accompany you to the compound, they may leave their signed affidavit, but the office of the exchequer is only obligated to remit payment within one annum. Optionally, this can be applied as a credit to annual tithing. This method does get you paid, but it is going to take time.

The only other way I know of to guarantee pay for destroying undead is as Sir Krieger said... Physical remains from a greater undead. This is the most problematic of the methods, however, owing to the many reasons Sir Krieger has already mentioned.

In short, this is just another advantage of being a registered mercenary, so sign up now!

-Cmdr. Guy DuBro Manson, Higurashi no Ken-