is there a calendar?

Sam N.

Like the title says :)

Do the campaigns have a calendar, and if so, is it available for me to look at?


You mean an in-game resource for the current year and names of months? Not sure about mainland Unmei, but the Isle of Khar-Durai has been using common month names (January, February, etc.) . And I've always assumed "common reckoning" for year on Khar-Durai as well (623 currently).

I do believe Mainland Unmei/Cinderfel YEAR is 2384 currently. Not sure if they have their own month names, actually. Maybe Jeremy or Brian can fill in some details for ya too!
KialdaLoa is correct, the current year for Unmei under what is called the Cinderfel Calendar is 2384. We do have a calendar of events which we use to write plot but it is not in a public place nore is it scrubed for public consumption. This would be a very cool thing to have though. I'll note it as a possible winter project to try and develop and get put on the forums, no promises though.

Is there a more specific thing you wish to know regarding when something may have happened. I can at minimum reference it and try to answer any questions you have.
I was just wondering what the current date was so I could back-date appropriately. So what I am hearing is that it is Sept. 16th 2384. in Cinderfel, and Sept. 16th 623 in the Isles.
Here is a link to a potentially relevant post that is "stickied" at the top of this section of the forums.

Those names are valid but as outside travelers have come through the mist to Unmei and the other lands of Mer the names used else where (IE: what we call them in real life) have been used as well. Many Many mist adventurers will (probably can't help but) use OOG months and day names. If you wish to use the ones from the thread posted by ZeroDonavan, they are also correct.