Matt, the intent of the text you quoted re: what is and isn't stealable is to delineate what items may be removed and possessed by the characters OOG. IE What is and isn't stealable on an OOG level. "Worthless items" (untagged items) may be "stolen" IG by informing the marshal of your intent, and placing the item in an OOG area,
within reason.
1) A non-tagged weapon should not have a white striking surface, as white strikinig surfaces is specifically set aside to denote magical auras. To do otherwise only adds to the confusion. Likewise, magic items are considered the property of NERO, and as such, are stealable.
2) Magic items very often do not have a magic item tag *attached*, they often only have an item number. Thus, it is reasonable that a player might, for instance, pick another player's IG pocket, and "steal" an object without knowing if it is "of worth". Ideally, once the thief realizes that an item is untagged and not numbered, he/she should turn the object over to a marshal to return to the player. If non-game, non-tagged objects are found to have been stolen, then marshals and staff will look to the intent of the thief in order to determine how to handle the situation.
3) Nothing prevents a thief IG from simply stealing *everything* and sorting it out later. Kind of like the "stick the body in the bag and see what stays once it dissipates" theory, a thief could simply toss everything in a bag, walk out, and see what is left when he gets home. If a marshal was willing and able to stick with the bag-o-loot until the thief got somewhere that they could sort out the tagged items from the untagged, they should mark on the notes that they will be returning with OOG rep items, and then do so once possible, placing them in one of the designated OOG locations.
There shouldn't be any "you can steal a tag" rule
But there is. Tags without reps are stealable, under the current system. (No book on hand, I'll dig it out next week) I am all for changing that rule, but until the rulebook is changed by new edition or addendum, such is what it is.
Dave: Physreps do not require tags in order to be in an IG area. Often a physrep might be representing something that is not a completed item, as in the case of armor, traps, vials, etc. I agree that in the specific case of a magic dagger physrep (if so denoted by a white striking surface), the player is not at fault for attempting to steal the object sans tag, since, as I noted above, often magic items will not have a tag attached to the physrep, but merely be denoted with a number or other symbol scratched onto a location.
With regards to treasure policy, it is neither "abuse" nor "improper" to put out weapon tags for everything you send out, anymore than it is "abuse" to put out LCO magic items which cannot be created using the PC-available ritual system in place. It is strictly local flavor. I would suggest, however, that anyone flooded with fiddy-million sword tags hasn't considered the possible outlets through
working with Plot. For instance, if, say, Whisper were to get his hands on fiddy-million swords, he'd consider fielding his own army, or supplying the weapons to a local group of rabble rousers, or any myriad of other things. If your character, otoh, would find such objects "worthless", then you may deal with it as you see fit, IG.
Another random thought from reading this conversation:
If a weapon physrep breaks, the item IG is considered destroyed, as per the spell effect. If the object is immune to destroy, you must fix the physrep as soon as possible.