I am placing up a reward of fifty gold to whomever returns the blade "dreamcatcher" to the Talia Family. There is an additional reward of one-hundred and fifty gold for returning those responsible for the theft along with it.
The blade is approximately thirty inches in length and has four gems encircling the pommel. It has a black stone handgrip and a silver blade with romani etchings. It is a magical creation and has been in the Talia family for many years. If anyone with knowledge of the blades location or those responsible for it's theft do not step forward or return the blade immediately, swift compensation will be requested.
The blade is approximately thirty inches in length and has four gems encircling the pommel. It has a black stone handgrip and a silver blade with romani etchings. It is a magical creation and has been in the Talia family for many years. If anyone with knowledge of the blades location or those responsible for it's theft do not step forward or return the blade immediately, swift compensation will be requested.