Items and Goblin Points


Hi all,
Perhaps it would be a good idea to throw up here a list of the items that you're looking to have for the LARP? Something comprehensive that could be updated - or a link to a site that contains this a la google docs?
We have a list on the website.
Make-up and costuming supplies:
•Cake makeup of all colours, but a lot of white and black, in particular. Also, Green, Brown, Blue, Red etc.
• Make up wedges (2-3 bags)
• Elf Ears, and Evil Elf/Orc Ears (Down-turned ones) About 1 dozen of each.
• Horns of various types (by the pair of course!) 2 dozen pairs
• Spirit Gum (lots)
•Liquid Latex (lots)
• Masks of all kinds, but make sure they are functional, can you see out of them, do they fall off in a fight?
•Baby wipes for removing make up.
•Fake jewellery for magic items.
•Lots and lots of dark, simple shirts, pants, cloaks, capes and hoods.
•Tons of blue, orange and white packets for arrows, gas globes and spells.
•Makes up pads and Q-tips
•Belts of all lengths
•Simple tabards of all colours and sizes
•Pouches for carrying treasure, packets, stat cards and so on
•Basic (sweat style) Pants. dark colors, M, Lg, XL, XXL are all needed
• Linen Shirts (Long and Short Sleeves) Brown, Black, Tan & White. (They should be no smaller than Large, or XL, and we will need a few 2X and one or two 3X also of each color. (We are looking for about 10 more of each color at this time.
• Vests simple fabric vests in natural colors, hunter green, brown, black, tan. These also need to be in L, XL, 2X, 3X (need about 10 of each color in L & XL; 5 2X ; & 3X sizes. Vests should be quilted or made to be nice looking, not fabric just sandwiched out to make a "fake" vest.
• Hooded Cloaks, fitted to fasten in the front, OR with a solid front that is put over the head. (About 20 different kinds)
• Leather or Canvas Backpacks. Brown, Black, Green, Tan. (2-3 of each color)
• Leather or Canvas Belts (period please) they should be at least 40" in length minimum (About 20 belts)
•Leather and Canvas Belt Pouches or Shoulder Bags any non-day-glow color. pouches need to be capable of being put on a belt with a 2" wide strip. (30 belt pouches, and 10-15 shoulder bags)
•Paper towels
•Hand sanitizer and baby shampoo (great for when you have to scrub around the eyes to get dark makeup off in the shower)

Mechanical/Technical items for the weekend events
•Plastic totes/bins to protect everything from the elements and rodents.
•Plastic sleeves to hold ritual scrolls
•Extension cords as long as possible. If the "female" end has multiple plugs that is better. PLEASE, NO FRAYED OR DAMAGED CORDS!!!
•Lamps that look in period, give off a flame looking light

•Colored light bulbs (blue, red, green, yellow, black, etc...) right now any colors are good. they need to fit a standard size light bulb socket.
•Surge Protectors (electrical strips with an on/off switch)
•Kite string (rolls of it) any color, bonus for it being black, brown, blue, or green
•First aid kit
•Fishing wire and mouse traps for making IG traps
•Tarps (any size) Preferable colors are brown, green, blue, red, and black.

Building items/props/weapons
•Elastic cloth band material (2" wide) Black, Brown, or White please.
•Duct Tape: (Silver, Red, Black, White, Brown) (Gorilla Tape, black)
•Pipe Foam Insulation 5/8" thick (1/2" inner diameter preferred) this stuff can be found at ACE Hardware stores still, you can order it by the case too)
•Open Cell Foam (2" or 2.5" thickness) [1' x 1' segments or bigger]
this can be bought at fabric stores or we buy it from mattress companies like Lemoyne Sleeper.
• Contact/Rubber/Barge Cement (bottles or tubes is appreciated)
•Bolts of Cloth (Cotton or Linen is preferred) a few yards of most solid colors is good. [Red, Blue, White, Black, Blue, Green, Brown]are preferred, [Yellow, Orange] are in lower demand.
•Rubber bands (in boxes or bags of 500 or more) please do not bring in a few rubberbands and expect gobbies.
• Bags of Bird Seed (no sunflower seeds or corn cob, or cracked corn)

Scene Setters. Stone Wall(x5), Catacombs(x4)
Well getting plenty of jewelry and other nick-nacks ought to be fairly easy. I'll have the minions continue their pillaging of the local market.

I may end up with a bunch of extra armour to donate as well, heck I have this one helmet that fits no one...even MY swollen head isn't big enough. :roll: Could the plot team make handy use of that?

Also we did rescue a lot of our actual banners from the previous way a Justeau would leave the family banner from the Emperor that we'll bring in. Not sure if that works as a donation, or adding to atmosphere.

Also a side-effect of my "labour of servitude" is sometimes I end up with an awful lot of foam...useful boffer foam. Again, would the plot team have use of this or bring it to the crafting days and see how people call "dibs!" on it? :ninja:

Just my two denarii worth
we can always use extra foam. The build day coming up is all weapons, so the more the better!
As of right now, the XS Cargo stores in Calgary have stock of the Nerf Axe and Mace for fairly cheap. 12 for the axe, 9 for the mace.
We learnt the hard way that the Nerf weapons don't stand up to LARP use. JP had one that basically wrapped itself around a boffer when struck.