It's that time again...

Hello folks! It's that time again!

The time when RyAn tries to get a ride out of someone! Heheh.

I'm plannin on PCin this upcoming Deadlands event, and I am still carless (bought a new bike though, and it's awesome. Just nto for the 100+ mile drive to Claremont laden with LARP gear).

Anyway, here's my scoop-

I live in Providence, RI.
I work until 5:30 most days (I can say I need to be out earlier that day, I'd just need to know a bit in advance)
I live/work right near the major highway that runs through RI (95)
I am willing to share the gas monies/snacks

Soooo, anyone willin to help me get my Paladin butt up to Claremont this next weekend?

Send me a PM here, e-mail, IM (xXDamienChildXx) or text/call ( 401 837 1040 ).

Thanks much!

As an update (for anyone who cares):

Kelly has stepped up the Awesome ONCE again and taken on the task of dragging my pasty hammer slingin' self back up to NH.

SO I"ll be there, swinging pipe and chuckin seed with the rest of you.

Until then!
