Ivy Stows Away


(OOG: Written approval gotten beforehand from Lagarde/Jim)

Something happened when Ivy tied herself to the Salty Vixen whilst battling the undead griffin - the essence of fae jolted through the dryad like a long, lost dream - like the many myriads of dreams of the fae during her long sleep. It was the connection, through the wood, it must be. She couldn't stop thinking about the strange ship which flies through the air. Not only did it remind her of her sea-island home, she was drawn to it in some inexplicable way...

So it was that after the Vixen lifted from the orphanage under full sail, the ship's cook, rummaging through the back stores, exclaimed, "Did I order greens?" He promptly grabbed the green ivy and orange leaves attached to Ivy's head - pulled her straight out of her hiding place behind the barrels, boxes and bags with an expletive of surprise.

Standing before Captain Lagarde, looking a bit sheepish, Ivy asked if she could serve aboard the ship for passage and travel wherever it may take her. The captain graciously extended his welcome.

Now she is flitting from one rail to another, learning as much as she can, offering a helping hand wherever needed, enjoying the view, swabbing the decks, learning the ropes, chopping onions and potatoes and scaling fish, and generally trying not to annoy the crew overly much.