Jehan your bill


Hi Jehan.

As we agreed, we could discuss payment after I secured a major victory against the Reapers.
I secured you 6 instead. I've included a break up of the cost. Please pay me soon. You can give it to Kit and he can get it to me.

Reaper Commander - Puzzler - 10 Gold
Reaper Commander - Endurance - 10 Gold
Reaper Commander - Slaughter - 10 Gold
Reaper Commander - Cultist - 10 Gold
Complete and Total destruction of the Dragon Reaper's Army - 20 Gold
Getting Every Reaper Commander to Flee the plane - 10 Gold.
Kit Being Awesome - 20 gold discount.

Total Owed - 50 Gold

It's a pleasure doing business with you.
Once we've made payment arrangements, I'm happy to continue you to win this war for you.
They might even make you a Knight of the Duke.


PS. I'm probably going to use this gold to buy more "war supplies" to keep winning this war. So the faster you pay up, the faster I can buy more things I need.
And the better I sleep.

I am already a Knight and for your efforts you have my thanks.

As for any additional compensation we find appropriate please communicate with me in private.

Jehan Wyldweaver
Education lesson:

Knight of the Duke > Vassal Knight

He's referring to me, of course, assuming (rightly so) that you want to be like me, and this past marketday, I elevated my standing from Vassal Knight to Knight of the Duke.

Unfortunately, by the end of my next visit, I'll be a knight of Her Majesty, The Queen, so I doubt you'll ever be able to catch up. Bright side, I'll always set that bar that you keep trying to reach...

Ashnar Runebeard
Reaper Face-Screamer
Knight of the Duke
Sir Runebeard,

Congratulations on your continued advancement. I meant to sat that I currently seek no further promotion but I am glad to hear you are getting a position of honor as deserved someone of your leadership and talent. I welcome any training you wish to bestow upon me with an open mind. I should be able to return soon.


Jehan Wyldweaver
Man the Duke asked me to forgive your debt.

Do you have any idea how bad I'm going to sleep because of this?

Send me an update with what happened. I'm out on other business next market day but, I'm aiming to make it to the next one.

I should be able to sufficiently cause trouble for our buddies in between now and then though.

Oddly enough Vert, I'll still pay you for your service to the crown. My share of coin is yours to keep. It's not as much as you'd hope for but its a start.

Sir Jehan