Come one, come all.
In an attempt to further my own skill and perhaps make a little coin, I shall be crafting some pieces of gemstone and semi-precious mineral jewelry and bringing them to the next gather for sale!
I will do my best to have a variety of things to satisfy all tastes and price ranges. If this sale goes well, I will be bringing new and additional peices to future gathers. I will also be providing a buisness card to those who like what they see, but would rather spend greenleaf instead of coin.
I will endeavor to be in the tavern with my wares during dinner on saturday night.
Until then, I must get to work,
Redcloud Blooddawn
Black Forest
In an attempt to further my own skill and perhaps make a little coin, I shall be crafting some pieces of gemstone and semi-precious mineral jewelry and bringing them to the next gather for sale!
I will do my best to have a variety of things to satisfy all tastes and price ranges. If this sale goes well, I will be bringing new and additional peices to future gathers. I will also be providing a buisness card to those who like what they see, but would rather spend greenleaf instead of coin.
I will endeavor to be in the tavern with my wares during dinner on saturday night.
Until then, I must get to work,
Redcloud Blooddawn
Black Forest