Jewelry for sale at next gather


Come one, come all.

In an attempt to further my own skill and perhaps make a little coin, I shall be crafting some pieces of gemstone and semi-precious mineral jewelry and bringing them to the next gather for sale!

I will do my best to have a variety of things to satisfy all tastes and price ranges. If this sale goes well, I will be bringing new and additional peices to future gathers. I will also be providing a buisness card to those who like what they see, but would rather spend greenleaf instead of coin.

I will endeavor to be in the tavern with my wares during dinner on saturday night.

Until then, I must get to work,

Redcloud Blooddawn
Black Forest
Just to whet some appetites, here are some examples of some styles of the things I intend to bring to the next gather. Let me know if there is any interest and perhaps I might be able to share my estimated price and even haggle a bit....


Raw amethyst bracelets ... Green ocean jasper bracelet ....Malawi quartz pendant ..... Fairy wing earrings ....... Raw amethyst earrings ...... Blue lace agate bracelet
I have to say, I am a little concerned at the lack of interest shown by the community as a whole. Please, I ask of you all... be truthful, and do nae try and spare hurt feelings.... is this something that people are interested in? If not, I will save the troubles of producing and transporting as much as I intended and only bring with me a few baubles and trinkets.
My intentions were/are to hone my craft until I could produce items of wonderous value that have unique qualities, perhaps psudeo-magical effects.
I look forward and crave feedback, it will aid me in my knowledge of how much time and material I need to invest in the next 3 weeks.

Thank you all for humoring me,
Redcloud Blooddawn
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I really like the Quartz pendant, it reminds me of the stones my father used to bring home from the burrows he dug. As well as it is very earthy and natural in nature.


Forgive my silence. Things have been a bit busy as of late.

Your items are very catching and I would like to see them personal when we meet at the gather.

There is a bit of guild business that I wish to speak to you about prior to the gather so if you wouldn't mind contacting me before hand, I would appreciate it.

Sapharia Barran'i