July 10th (Sat) "Training Day"

July 10th (Sat) "Training Day"

With a summit on the horizon the nobles thought it might be a good idea to make sure that their defenders are "up to snuff".
But in Valdanis, even a relaxed day of training can have hidden surprises.

We have added the July Day Faire, it is going to be held at the Byers Place.
Directions link http://www.alliancetraverse.com/alliance/location.htm

Pre-reg deadline is Tuesday, July 6th at midnight.
Send in your info and we will add you to the list. Also, if you plan on NPC'n send us a PM as well.

PC List
1. Matt B. - Chance
2. Chris T. - TadRon
3. Dave H. - Garoth
4. James F. - Bosma
5. Billy F. - Rowdin

NPC List
1. Beverly Byers
2. Mike Meeker
3. Amanda
4. Rocky
5. Jason Lewis
6. Tory Dueweke
<gets a distinctly grumpy look>

How am I suppose to come play if you keep setting your games on the same weekend as SoMN? :mrgreen:
I am coming. I think I am going to PC. Unless I can't find the money then I will NPC. But put me down as PC for now pls.
I and my army shall be present, add Meeker, Amanda, Rocky, plz
If i can get a ride i can NPC