July 12th Special Event/One Day

True true but I have--- levels--- and so many options....:-)
I am still curious about the availability of bathrooms for getting in costume. and if anyone has tips on parking please share. :)
I have more than one new piece of costuming that I would love to break out. When does pre-registration happen?

Yes changing area is a good thing! Also should we just bring ourselves and our basic gear? Meaning for myself- no day camp no extra gowns ect ....
The one day is a strange animal indeed. I would suggest bringing your best gear. I believe we will be taking photos for a possible 2016 calendar and we will be filmed. I have been told we will have a private area for changing but I would suggest being as in custom as much as possible as I am not sure the exact facilities. I am guessing their large bathroom may be overwhelmed by this many people. The event counts as a full one day for all purposes however there will only be one combat mod as scripted, and everyone there will be in a specific region thus npcs you could interact with are somewhat limited. But rp wise its a full event beyond that. Hope that makes sense. Prereg is now open. And please check out the teaser http://alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/promotional-one-day-teaser.30401/
Pre - Reg sent. And that teaser sounds like a certain Lich King, hate that guy. :p

There is a bathroom. THANK YOU.

My digestive system thanks you as well.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that made this a great event. Thank you for organizing the event and allowing us to perform.
  • Plot and NPCs, you did a great job and thank you for going full force in the hot sun.
  • The vendors: thank you for bringing your wares and sharing our passion with the whole community. Those weapons were great and the bits and bobbles always make me feel like I do not have enough money to spend.
  • PCs: thank you for coming out in your Sunday best and the great costuming.
This was a fun time. I cannot wait to do something similar again.

Rob and friends,

Thanks for coming out and doing the larping demonstration at Comfort Station. We felt it was a great success! There was a lot of buzz in the neighborhood for your event in the days leading up to the event and after you guys left. So thanks for everything and we hope that things came out to your satisfaction and if you have any questions or concerns lets us know!
Talk soon.

Thank you,
Raul Benitez
Comfort Film
@ Comfort Station
Screening Schedule


Any clue as to when we will have picture?
