July 12th Work/Module Day!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

On Saturday, July 12th, we will be having a Work/Module day at our Camp Matta site as we have done in past! Sorry for the delay in letting y'all know if this was going to be held. As usual, these sorts of days have two parts:

Part 1: Work day!
Starting at 10:00 AM and running until roughly 4:00 PM, we will be doing various bits of improvement work around the site. More specifics on what sorts of tasks will be done is likely coming later, but in a general sense, I’d suggest wearing work-worthy clothing/shoes and bringing a pair of work gloves just in case. Attendees will be granted Goblins Stamps based on hours worked, with an MI pick award for every 3 full hours in attendance (that's 2 MI picks if you are on time) as well as 30 Goblins per hour worked.

Part 2: Module day!
Once we are done with the various bits of site work, we will be running a short Module Day. The cost for attending is $20, minus $7 for every hour attended at the work day, with no refunds for overages. This means if you come for at least half the work day, the module day is FREE! Specific modules can be requested (requests must be sent to the Plot Team prior to the event, ideally no later than the evening of the 9th in order to give sufficient planning time), though some mods may be limited by Plot and NPC availability. This can be a great opportunity to follow up on an IBGA response or just something that's been on your mind. If there is still time available, additional modules besides the requested ones will be run. The first modules should start as soon as everyone is ready after the work day portion is done with conclusions done around 8:00 PM.

Please note that, as a module day, the actions of this event are fully canon and binding (we’ve had resurrections at mod days before) so don't forget to bring your "A” game even though the modules themselves are comparatively short when viewed against other events.

Preregistration for the Module day is open (use this link: http://mnalliance.com/prereg.html), and while there is no strict deadline for pre-registrations for this, please attempt to let us know you are coming well enough in advance that the can prepare everything needed for the event.

Pre-Registered PCs:
1. Ryan Be. (Asher)
2. Mariah S. (Talitha)
3. Christina S. (Socora)
4. Kayla N. (Bethanne)
5. Josh S. (Zen)
6. Sid P. (Ragnorak)
7. Ryan H. (Icey)

Pre-Registered NPCs:
1. Alexander T.
2. Stefanie O.
3. Kyra D.
4. Tasha D.
5. Duncan W.

1. Gnoll Place like Home
2. Well, Prime the Pump!
3. Om(inous) nom nom...
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What is the likely hood of the new well being in place by the work day?

I would like to give the kitchen a good and thorough cleaning - (providing the stars align and I can make it that day).
If Josh and I can make it we won't be there till 2 as I have work till 1, what all needs to be done at the work day?
Our main goals for this work day are to clear out the back path a bit, repaint the deck to help prevent it from rotting apart, paint the garage door, and clean the kitchens/bathrooms. If those all get done, we'll likely do whatever else needs doing that occurs to us (NPC camp weapon repairs, NPC camp organization, logistics tags restocking, etc.)

Attendance is currently looking a little scant, but I reckon at least a few more folks will show up. I'm looking forward to this Saturday, especially with this non-weekend-event visit to site being a time when my carload is empty enough to allow me to bring a new table, some chairs, and a rug (or at least as many of those as I can fit in my car) for us to start using.
I think Chris and I planned to do something with the wood wall in the basement, if we are allowed to take it down or put something on it to make it more of a wall and not see through.
I'd really rather that wall be taken down (partially, anyway) than covered up (if we can). The last thing we need in that building is less air flow.
Have all the plans for Saturday. Work with Ryan to make the Tavern area more "aesthetically" pleasing. Clean the kitchen thoroughly. Bring a pressure washer up to power clean the deck in preparation for re-staining/sealing. Oh my, so many things - hope there is enough time for it all :)
6 hours should be enough to take down the wall, get a good group of us to Stain the deck and all the other stuff. We have any plans for food, or should I bring a grill/pick up stuff on the way up?
Im having trouble getting onto the SoMN website. advice?
If you are attempting to pre-reg for this, use this direct link in the first post. The SoMN website is currently under construction for a bit.
ah thank you Alexander. prompt as ever
I'm checking with Mr. Matta about the wall in the basement, and will let ya'll know if the option will be coverings or taking it down.

I'm up at the site today to oversee the tieing in of the water into the house, we've already got the new well installed so we expect the water to be fully functioning for this weekend. Larp Mom has been provided with limited funding to cover paint/cleaners and any other small items needed, but at this point we have not planned anything official for food. The grass has been bailed recently, although it is still high right next to the house where the tractor couldn't go.

Regrettibly I will be unable to attend, but I have full faith that Alexander will be able to marshal the troops so to speak over the weekend and I know that you will all be happy to help him out however ya'll can ^.^

Hope everyone has a great time and I can't wait to see what all gets accomplished!
It is looking like a relatively small crew - I have some lunch meat left over in the freezer at the site, there are lots of chips, mayo and butter on hand. I will just pick up a couple of loafs of bread, some cheese & lettuce. We should be good to go.

Otherwise - POT LUCK :) Bring and share!!
I like the idea of potluck, I can make dessert or something!