July Event Favorites!

First I would like to say congrats and thank you to Colin and everyone on staff. You have officially produced my favorite event since my first event played over 6 years ago. I thank you all for the effort and detail put into this event, it was amazing.

Now, onto the favorites

First off, of course, being made Sheriff of Storms End and Fairdale. It was the last thing i had expected and I was literally blown away by the announcement.

Seeing the map of Storms End and then needing to use it for strategic maneuvers, brilliant!

Out of game conversations with Toddo, and crying about what he and staff was putting us through, they had another problem for us and the town to fix about every two hours. The stress really made it feel like a siege, hard decisions and sacrifices had to be made, and good NPCs died in to process. Farewell Holst.

Seeing the Storm Guard turned into undead. This was one of these total immersion moments were I was almost brought to tears, I hope everybody gets to encounter this one day, it was a master stroke on Izers heart strings. Great role play from Squire Trevor (mike) and Sir Uthoc (tom), who helped Izer hold it together.

The amazing NPCs. It was YOU who made the weekend. Thank you for all the hours of hard work and effort you put in. You are all rock stars, especially those who played for the first time. I can't say thank you enough.

During the last wave battle I was refitting and watching the players getting hit hard by the undead. I realized how screwed and taped we were, and kept thinking, oh god, Ive killed the town by sending some of our hardest hitters to assault the Necromancers bottle. Just as I was returning back to the demolished front line with almost no body I saw the elite backdoor mod come trough from the other side. Another one of those, movie style moments that this game is so well known for. Great way to end a great event.

Everything Staff, thank you thank you thank you!

Seeing Ren and Luka switch races. I was just bugging the Fey to bring them back so i could have ren help do a rit when they came back swapped. At this point my brain broke and I wondered off gibbering quietly to myself.

Undead Runner Mod, so much fun, so much at steak, so much aura! On our side we had 3 storms running at once! Poor NPCs were walking into a damn machine gun of magic, but took it so well. PCs using tactics was a great success, almost makes me want to try that again sometime, ;)

Everything Stormblades, It was so great to see the team come out in force, and to think we had 2 other heavy hitting ladies who could not make it. So greedy of them to save lives instead of come role playing. Over 6 years later and still running strong. Thank you guys and girls!

The rackmaster bottle mod, and the resulting bugbear attack on the tavern. I was under the impression that the ritual had taken place and we were safe inside... turns out it was not... the following defensive stand should of been taped because it was amazing to see behind my wall of force. Well done everyone.

All things Bill and the Food committee. You made the game rise to a whole separate level with what you did. Food = Amazing. Thank you!

Rifting in from another mod to see all hell has broke loose and bodies laying everywhere. With Mitch shouting for us to get in a circle and me bringing up my only COP in memory for us to jump in. By the time they all fell unconscious again we were scared, and after they broke through the first wall of force I was terrified. I did however giggle like an idiot when i threw a packet from about 10 feet away and hit the door frame with a wall of force, best shot of the weekend from me. Very scary and very intense....very great!

Norden and Blythsdale! (sp?) Such an amazing group of role players!

The OH ****, its Lochober (sp?) mod. Plus the fantastic (FOIG) way we got away from him. Love to see one of Scotts plot lines kick another one of his plot lines in the balls. Thinking outside the box is what the game is all about, thanks plot for putting up with the screwing up of your planned out encounter.

Alda and the rest of the irregulars. Don't get to comfy not being part of a larger team. Your all about to get grabbed up by other groups due to your amazing skills in both rp and game play.

Rob and His crazy *** looking fey. Spot on with the character his nonsensical attitude.

The general role play and clean fighting of the players this event. Thank you for the quality you bring to this game.

That about sums it up. Thanks again to all who made this event as great as it was. Hope to see you all next month. Cheers!
What up, y'all?

I haven't done favorites in a few events, but this one seriously deserves my delicate attention.

Thanks to you, PCs, we wrote this story together. The emotions were yours, I only gave you reason to feel them. The blood, sweat and tears shed were as real as we are and in that moment we forget that we are playing a game.

The Storm's End map. This piece of art was as valuable to the weekend as an NPC permanently placed in the tavern. I enjoyed entering as Paladin Kendrick to see PCs arguing over strategies vehemently.

Robb Graves. He knocked a difficult role out of the park for a long period of time in order to be the vehicle for crazed plotlines of mine. Thanks to you, sir.

The Survival Horror aspect of the curse plotline had me stuck in town as Kendrick. I got to experience it as a PC would and I was sweating it hard. Good job for the creepiness, PCs.

"I'm happy to see you, Sir Nevin, but I am much happier to see Sir Ulthoc." Baron Harrison after the charge of Ulthoc and his Pinch Hitters.

Bill Gibbs performance as Storm Guard Captain Arthur Coram. Make people feel guilty for sacrificing commoners? Gibbs specialty.

Chicken Pot Pie and Strawberry cups.

New Kendrick garb, sch right? Thanks Amanda.

Jeremy Lopez on monster desk.

Grim fights Iron Gob. EPICALLY.

Jesse G as Rackmaster General Tesserak. Who was scared of that guy? ::Raises hand::

Good fights all round, especially the hapless Hobgoblin that dominated Grim for cake. Then tried to fend off Khorwyn's and Eldarion's with with his toes and forearms. Result? "I feel like I'm about to bleed out!"

"Dark Elf is the new black."

Ren and Luka race switch. ALL OF THE FEELINGS.

Jovunn's ceremony and my douchey Brehon. Not bad for wingin it, eh?

Keep playin, folks, and I'll keep writing.

Collin Babcock
Izer, your favs simulatneously made me smile and be so sad I was working. I thought when I was in the guard getting to events was hard, working EMS is worse. I'm jealous because this event sounded amazing and not many events have come close to topping my first event with you.

Only one question remains... Did you "holster the horses"? Haha :funny:
Haha. Darkan gave me the same grief this event as well. It was a real shame you ladies could not make it, you would of had a blast. Make it up by being at the august event, you owe that pig bitch vamp about three deaths in payback. Hope they can spare you for a couple days. Either way see ya soon.
Haha you know we love you. Yep if all goes correctly I'll be there a Gwen. They can sucker someone else into working if there are open shifts :P
Heya folks. took me a while but heres some of the stuff I enjoyed.

1. First and foremost the K.O.P. crew coming up. These folks had the right attitude, great rping chops, and really are exactley what we hoped we would be able to recruit and wow I am so not dissapointed.
2. Susie's predictable yet hillarious reaction to edible plants.. (( You cannibal alda))
3. Justin being the man and coming through with finding the spear. The fun roleplay that it caused for myself and Castlebur. Thanks Toddo
4. Storms end RTS er i mean map er event... The feel with the map on the table then ren adding the chess peices as awesome. I almost was waiting to see if we started to produce special units based on what we got.
5. The truly stellar RP with Harrison and Ulthoc. You guys.. just wow. Seriously I don't have words for how much fun and intense it can be just having dialog until the wee hours of the morning.
6. Jovunn of course. All the drama leading up to friday and then being unable to meet up. Exchanging rings in the most awkward of manners after Grim suprising her at her rez. good sstuff.
7. " Not my ball kicking foot"
8. Kaintill and the late night "wingman" mod. Hope the loot from that was decent. dont forget your purifies.
9. Bill Gibbs ressurection story. Bill you sir are a Big reason this game is so great. Thank you
10. Epic kitchen staff. Amy super awesome frozen fantasticness.
11. Romani romeo and juliet. Great rp
12. willow.. wow. Great rp for someone so young. awesome things to come from you.
13. Sluff sluogh. Yup he;s a skeezer but keen
14. Violence cookies.. proof that sometimes it;s ok that grim befriends everyone.. even some fey..