JULY event favorites!

OK, Heidi and I were stuck at home because as you may have heard I ended up in the hospital again with an infection after my kidney stone operation, and I needed Heidi home to help care for me...

So please let us know what happened! Give details, don't post something like "My favorite thing was the pigeon. Nuff said." Write your comments for those of us who couldn't make it and want to hear the great stories!
Hard not to love the pigeon Phil did a great job playing it.
The pigeon was so good I am no longer a vegitarian....
Hanging out with elves (Qualin, Aislynn, Leona, Silwen & Sevaria) in the woods and climbing the mountain.

Learning the "dramatic cord" on the guitar. Drak is now ready for the coffeehouse circuit.

Making up songs about random subjects at the ducal table. Good thing I learned the dramatic cord earlier.

Nathan's songs about...well...mostly Korwyn Brey's hair. Dave, you take everything so good naturedly, big props to you as well.

Fighting the random crunch gnolls by the cabins in the rain with aforementioned elves and Heresy (Tilly!). Nothing like a good, clean fight with just some of your friends.

Marshalling the ritual for the mage's guild to make their golem. They were so very into it and happy. It was nerdtastic.

Taking down the enfulfing creature, cutting it open, then lifing the people inside. Sometimes it's very good to be a templar.

Being the goblin king and Heresy's goblin bride.

Elf maidens...nuff said.
So I had a great time this weekend! Thanks to everyone for making it such a great event. The following are some of my favorites.

1. Amelia as Skittle the Fae. Rifting into the middle of the tavern with a dance party consisting of an air elemental, bugbear and chaos elemental. Notice the pattern? Then Darkan and I saving her from being run through by the rest of the town and the subsequent note she left on our bunk. Thanks Amelia, you smell nice too!

2. Introducing Flint to his new favorite dessert and watching my other MIWE brethren also have a good time pushing Flints buttons. I for one am comforted to know that wherever there is a bird in trouble Flint will be there to rescue it.

3. Playing the kissing game with the Quickling Fae down by the river.

4. Chasing Lorien around the game offering to show her my skill set. I have never seen a Romani turn quite that shade of red before :lol: Just remember that its not touching if I use my tongue.

5. Hair Elementals.
OMG! Okay so this event totaly rocked out the last one. The plot for one was amazing! Any way on to favs.....

Doing Lorian's rez. I don't know what I was more upset about...The fact that she had to Rez or the fact that there was no one to let us in the circle!

The chicken Sale. I guess everyone liked it cause....I actualy ran out this time and people were still asking for more....

Going through pretty much my whole memory friday night then going and bothering Nathan for scrolls So I could do something Saturday....

Being called into the healers guild to help Rez two spirits that were there only to find out that they were being torn away from the healer's hands...

Going swimming and running into fey while we were down there.

Getting asked to go on the lowbie mod with some of the other people. Then after making it through to the 7th floor getting webbed, beat down, being totaly scared out of my mind because I knew about the spirit's being stolen from the healer's guild and not actualy knowing if I was going to be able to rez if need be......then my friends were not able to heal me before I fell.

GOING THROUGH MY FIRST REZ! Thanks alot Collin......Guurrr....

Seeing Jarrin's face when he found out I Rezed......EEP!

The Aura fight in the tavern. Hidding behind the bar under Wik with Maria's MWE and tickling Wik. Oh boy that fight was awsome.

pretending to sleep while Jarrin and Darkin talked about Darkin wanting me to play that game the MWE's were playing....Then just going back to sleep cause I didn't want to deal with that.

Learning all the way to 9th Circle! Wanted to get to Formal but there wasn't enough time.Thanks Everyone who taught me!

Watching Rusty tool down all the undead and the lightning elementals. That was so crazy. I want a rusty.......

the final battle. that was pretty fun. switching between wands to do something. then being rifted to an island....WTF? That was a pretty neat way to end the weekend though.

All and all it was an amazing weekend. THANK YOU NPCs!
The new guys were great.
Lets see my favorites.
The biggest one for me was finding out that armor Wynter gave me was celestrial based.
Finding out that Lana Rezzed.
Surviving the event without rezzing while wearing no armor. Cure lights are awesome.
The wave battle in the rain.
more to come but I really can't think of any right now
Duke Frost said:
Hanging out with elves (Qualin, Aislynn, Leona, Silwen & Sevaria) in the woods and climbing the mountain.

Learning the "dramatic cord" on the guitar. Drak is now ready for the coffeehouse circuit.

Yeah, that. Other things:

- Robb/Nathan's various songs about Khorwyn and others. <i>"Sevariaaaa, I'm sorry-aaaaa"</i> had me giggling for awhile to. You had me in tears at some points, man.

- Hot sauce wave battle against the weird spirit mask construct dudes in the epic rain. Probably one of the better wave battles I've had this season. I was all pumped afterwards.

- Running around with Qualin and Heresy. Good times.

- Conversations with Eldarion. Sleeping in a ward with Eldarion. Sevaria hasn't come to terms with him yet, but she's starting too. Cool roleplay, dude -- I hope we get to touch on it more in the future.

- Seeing the Vex Squad again. Iggy, Aven, Flint, and Sophie are always good times.

- Patrick. Any roleplay this guy touches is gold. Lol, your hobling messenger service guy -- let's see if he manages to deliver it. ;)

- RUSTY! Oh man, random minor construct was already enough to have me giggling, but watching it go was just -- awesome, lol. I love rituals.

Overall, this was probably the best HQ event this season. Cool plotline, challenging fights, and a PC base that was ready to roleplay.
Righto, folks! Here are my favs in no particular order of awesomeness:

1. Going on three different what I'm dubbing "Thinker Mods," in which hacking and slashing was either light or nonexistent, and instead solving puzzles and riddles were the key to plot or loot. Props to Emily for her Forest Grove Mod (even though I almost stepped on the "Doom Flower"), and I believe Amelia for her tricked out sudoku wizard lock thinger!
2. I have been immortalized in song! Nathan and Drak's musical tales of Khorwyn's hair and numerous blunders (some true, others just hysterical) had my stomach in knots from laughter.
3. Finding my very first ritual scroll in the heat of battle, and realizing (a) that for once I didn't have to share it with a party, and (b) that it was hella powerful.
4. Role-playing with Hakka, who had hands-down the coolest costume of the event, and not just because he was a dryad. Here's to hoping his eye heals well!
5. Torrential downpour wave battle on Saturday afternoon. But really, who doesn't love them?
6. Fighting the new and very energetic NPC's. They really gave it their all, not just in combat prowess, but also for taking the most dramatic blows and deaths I've seen in awhile.
7. Receiving my "gift" from Nathan and promptly using its incredible magic power to light my way through the darkness of Friday night.
8. Great role-playing with the likes of Joaquin, Andros, Qualin, Leona, Aven, and so many others!

See everybody in September! :D
Thanks for a really awesome event HQ!

-Becca being able to PC and be Our Lady of Fairedale. She has an impenetrable aura of morality. Watching her deal with all the mwe 'impropriety' this weekend was very amusing. The reaction she got from Wik and Aishling in the common room was especially entertaining =) Great RP with her all weekend long!

-All the ridiculous mwe games and AWESOME mwe plot. From the cards to the dice. It was all very uncomfortable for Flint, but hilarious for Justin. Thanks to all the horned folk for being amazing roleplayers this weekend and just being your fun loving selves.

-Getting further with learning to read then ever before. The sincerity and care that Joaquin and Aishling had for my education was very real and very touching. I could not hold back tears as I learned the Alphabet song. Thanks to Drak and Lanna too for coming by and lending a hand!! Lanna is Flint's first written word by the way!

-Getting a really rad pep talk from Aven, and some touching support from Sevaria. Jess Brown is amazing!

-Seeing Sevaria in the first fight and getting a big ole hug later. I wish I had spent more time with her this weekend.

-Hakka Hakka Hakka! Gilly suit ftw. He spent so much time just sitting in the field and being with nature. It was pretty inspiring dedication and really cool immersion. I love it man, keep up the awesome.

-Getting a standing ovation for beating Mike M's 2h claw wielding golem. Wooo!

-Having a message delivered by Hobstweedle to Azura. I love Patrick's hammy NPCs! They are so funny and awesome. I am really glad I got to hang out with Colleen some too. Her reaction to the message was great.

-Holy crap awesome story from Ursul. I love Will's orc. Ursul is the freakin' man and he's got one rad character history. I honestly think of Ursula as this entity within the collapsable sock tek 2h of sexy.

-Larian back rubs = zomg unghghhhhh no feeling my face sweet.

-All the random live music this weekend.

-Observing the medieval hair metal Khorwyn song come to be. Robb can hit scary high notes.

-Really cool RP with Wik over the fateful happenings of a year ago.

-Some really cool RP with Leona. I always mess up her character's name. I learned she had some similar problems to my character and I hope I get the chance to help out!

-Rolling with Brian as Iggy and going back and forth making stuff up about Sargeant Agnot -- The Billy Brasky of the Ducal Army lolololol. "Sargeant Agnot had to use the latrine, 72 hours later it was a diamond mine."

-Going on the mod to free O's mwe elder. I was kind of bummed at the time because I didn't have that 'light bulb' moment that solved the puzzle. Becca and Michelle made me feel a lot better later. Thanks you two! The mod was so hot though, made me feel really special to be chosen to go by Squire Aven.

-Emily's nature mod!!! The was so rad. Everyone really shined. I sacrificed some beard, Ren some blood, Larien some ribbon, Maria's mwe some horn and Krim made some badass speeches. Everyone put their heads together and quickly discovered how to respect the plants and take life while giving it. I'm so happy I got to go on that.

-Maria's new mwe is really cool, I'm glad you had fun playing her!!!! I had lots of fun dealing with her 'special attention' hahah.

Alright, brain is starting to fizzle out. I had a great time. Thanks to all the NEW players for coming out and NPCing. I can't wait to play the lowbie!!

_Justin Coggin
I had an amazing time. I especially want to thank the NPCs who obviously worked their butts off during this event. You guys did a great job!

-Healer's guild plot! Having the Puppetmaster listen in on our conversation before rifting in was so creepy. I can't wait to see where this is going.

-Amelia's warrior guild chick teaching me how to "strengthen my arm". We need to make that woman a drill sergeant in the army.

-Dryad PC's. Awesome costuming. Awesome roleplay. I really want to see Haka hide in a field in plain sight just by laying flat.

-Pyrotechnics Friday night

-Conversations with Sir Daniel. ;)

-Sea Shanties

-The blacksmithing module. I thought the puzzle was really excellent and in spite of feeling like it took forever we had some awesome brainstorming.

-As always my team. You guys make playing a super goody-two shoes so much better.

-Halting an impropriety in progress! So I was exiled from the tavern Saturday night because the MWEs (and friends) were playing a game that Sophie found was inappropriate so I was sitting in the common room and I see Wik and Aishling walk by hand in hand towards one of the private rooms. Wik must have felt the steeliness of my gaze because he turned and gulped. After a bit of conversation and a hug they decided to turn around and go back. Prudery wins the day! ;)

-Flint telling Sophie she has an aura of morality. Trying to hit him with 2 morality and having no effect.

-Having Sevaria back in Fairdale. Vex Squad has missed its mascot!

There's more but it's time to go back to class. Awesome weekend.

Indeed! She adds +2 to our morale -5 to overall necromantic activity in the area and in case of emergency she can also be used as a gas globe.
Which reminds me of another fav:

Haka walks over to me and all he has to say is the phrase "That guy is a necroma--" *five flame, five flame, five flame*
hey all I had a great time even though my original intent to PC was blown up in my face last second. it was still a blast for me just to be able to take part in another great event. So here are my favorites from the NPC side of things.

- NEW RACE!!!! Woot! the plot was AMAZING! 4 summoning points with 4 endless wave battles based on how quickly PCs got the mod done. That was a great time! Elementals ftw

- Gilly suit Hakka, You looked amazing

- Black Forest, Man I loved getting into some crazy combat with some of you guys, I really enjoyed the fights

- The New guy NPCs, I loved the enthusiasm, you guys did great.

- "Wait we already died twice. So this slay ability, how do u use it?"

- Lightning Quicklings down by the river, then going up through town so I could get a rise out of the PCs. "Watch I can kiss you all Reeeeaally fast....DONE!" then watching people wipe there faces in disgust. Loved it!!!

- Gnoll meat Grinder, Collin your awesome, didnt get to take part in it but after hearing about it I really wish I had been on PC side. Sounds Fun!!!

- Just playing different elementals all weekend was great. I think the flame lords and flame knights were my favorite.

- People being GREAT as always. Bravo Encore, and see you all at the lowbie event, I'll be PCing for sure this time.

- NUMBER 1: as it should be for my most favorite part of the event. Making new friends :D
Vincent Tarethial said:
- Lightning Quicklings down by the river, then going up through town so I could get a rise out of the PCs. "Watch I can kiss you all Reeeeaally fast....DONE!" then watching people wipe there faces in disgust. Loved it!!!

Yeah that was great. You two seemed to not like the whole card game we came up with cause you lost. lol.
Def fav of my weekend:

In a weekend drowning in downtime, one man comes forward to save our brains... Introducing Patrick as... "The Messenger"

Fishbowls make happy players. It took one npc (and and awesome one at that) 30 min to make 9 pcs happy and wet-your-pants laughing for almost 2 hrs. It was the best 1 cp our team ever spent. Kudos to you Patrick, sorry to hear you got ill sat night.