JULY event favorites!

I only went on half a module (cleaning up the lowbie mod) and participated in about half the wave battles, yet I didn't really feel any downtime. The other PCs were awesome to roleplay with...and I probably only interacted with half of them at most. There was a lot more potential for roleplay fun with them I just couldn't get to.

Every single PC is a potential "fishbowl".
Redcloud said:
Def fav of my weekend:

In a weekend drowning in downtime, one man comes forward to save our brains... Introducing Patrick as... "The Messenger"

Fishbowls make happy players. It took one npc (and and awesome one at that) 30 min to make 9 pcs happy and wet-your-pants laughing for almost 2 hrs. It was the best 1 cp our team ever spent. Kudos to you Patrick, sorry to hear you got ill sat night.

QFT.....QFT...of course I think of more messages after you leave...
Taking to heart the advice of others to concentrate more on RP and PC interaction this weekend, I was swamped and exhausted all weekend with deal making, Rit Casting, knowledge gathering, barding, and mod after chewy delicious mod. There was plot weaved into plot, sprinkled with light crispy plot and I had a blast. I had heard rumors of people complaining about this gaseous form "downtime" but where ever it was floating around, I was unable to see it.

Khorwyn’s Return! I got him a funny but useful present so hopefully it made up for all the terrible songs we made up about him.

Leona’s return! How awkward to RP with your g/f, not be dating IG, but still flirt and wonder if it’s going anywhere with her character haha.

Mages’ Guild. There wasn’t really specific mages’ guild plot going on this weekend…. Except the entire event ended up being dominated by the plot we made up on the fly. Elemental essences, vansir talks, guild meetings, tasks, teachings, rituals. This event was a great example of what a group can do to keep itself busy and having fun regardless of what else is going on. Oh yeah… and Gub! Michelle and Onitt threw me for a loop with this one. I was trying not to metagame the whole time he was following me around.. but I just kept thinking “oh god, what does this mean, what are they trying to do to me! It was great!”

Tom and Sheila - i love to hate you guys (i jest, nathan certainly doesn't hate you both... well.. not Ulthoc ;) ...I always feel on guard when you guys are around though, and making sure to check in with Ulthoc regularly during a highly celestial weekend to gauge his mood and make sure my golem doesn't go missing was uncomfortably fun

Magic Storms! I got multiple chances to get into some really good line fights with the town defending my magic storms. Huge props to Iggy and Lupy for defending me, Lanna and the other packet gatherers for keeping my aura coming, and just the overall good work by the town during those fights. Very strategic and well fought.

RUSTY LIVES!!! thanks to chazz, amelia, and scott (for marshaling) for making this happen for me. The actual rit casting was awesome. HUGE thunderstorm overhead, really got me in the mood. Amelia was miming along with me during the casting, and I felt like the three of us really were building him this time. HUGE thanks to Chazz for supplying the reps (coming up with the idea int he first place) and overall making Joaquinn so fun to RP with as a colleague, mentor, and apprentice. I walked out after the casting was successful and made mention to my friends that the ritual had worked. Tom was sitting near by and goes "of coarse Nathan cast a ritual, why do you think it storming!"

RUSTY FIGHTS!!! apparently after I had gone to bed Saturday night the other guildies came in and grabbed rusty for a midnight test run on some creatures swinging death and drain and other ridiculous things that don’t hurt Ironmen. He performed wonderfully and we received many compliments. Then on Sunday a slew of Lightning Elementals poured out of the MeeWee fountains and my first thought at seeing this was Yipee! I can get them with my Stone wand!. My second thought as Joquinn was running towards me yelling for us to get to the circle was… Oh wait… hahahahaha these things are toast. And sure enough… they were.

Mods Mods Mods… I went on 3 and none of those were the big 4 fountain mods of the weekend. I had to decline to go on those because I was too busy.

The wizard flame elemental mod was a pleasant surprise, and the puzzle was difficult to solve. The fight inside was fun, and we fought very effectively as a team. The reward for me was great, and this little side story ended up bleeding into a number of plot lines throughout the weekend that just kept me guessing.

The Life Elemental mod was scary and fun. Being rifted out by Toddo in my wizard PJs while casting a ward was soooooo unexpected. The strange rag tag group that was collected was awesome. We had 1 healer and it was Balls!!! Awesome fighting by our team, awesome spooky lighting and atmosphere by the NPCs on the first floor of the tower. And the reward at the end of the mod…forget coins, I want favors from magisterium elementals as treasure from now on…

The reagent/howlbear elemental was fun and unexpected. Brining gub with me, onitt pulls out his stat card and goes “yeah….. I need to look at this, I didn’t expect to get into combat this soon). Khorwyn, and the guys did a good job keeping the howlbears off us and then we managed to get some prisons going and all was well. Good thing Gub can smell Penna though!

BARDING! Amanda and I were hanging in the tavern and trying to think of medieval songs we could play (unsuccessfully) but when the tavern filled back up and everyone wanted to hear songs, I just copied Scott’s hilarious song idea with the Dramatic chord and tried to make everyone laugh with whatever I could think of on the spot. Most of it was ridiculous, and I wish I had written some of the liens down for later renditions. The dramatic chord song MUST be written and sung at future events!!

Overall an amazingly positive feeling weekend. So much to do, so little time to sleep. Thanks to everyone, NPC and PCs alike for such a good time.
Fearless Leader said:
Give details, don't post something like "My favorite thing was the pigeon. Nuff said." Write your comments for those of us who couldn't make it and want to hear the great stories!

ToNoah said:
2. Introducing Flint to his new favorite dessert and watching my other MIWE brethren also have a good time pushing Flints buttons. I for one am comforted to know that wherever there is a bird in trouble Flint will be there to rescue it.
1) Ya so that pigeon, A very red and embarrassed Flint heard it crying for help sat morning after stupid O'clock and left the MWE card game to go rescue it.

2) Saying no effect to some pleasure torture "3 normal - No effect"

3) MWE card and dice games. Nothing beats them at stupid O'clock

4) Gilly suit for the win

5) Not running the tavern for a change

6) Going out at night and the moon being bright enough to actually fight

7) Landiaras getteing his fun returned to him by his brother thus resurecting his alter ego Balls, and being rewarded for it with a rit scroll

7) Getting invited onto many mods for a change

8) Excellent MWE plot and a new race to boot.
Hey Robb,

Ogre PC + Dramatic Cord = One crazy low level event.

Can't wait.
As with my current tradition:

Top 5 PCs:

5. Ursul - For tanking floor after floor of goblins.

4. Hakka - Intense costuming is what this game is all about, get well soon, Mark.

3. Rowan - First HQ Rebirth. Awesome. High magic rocks.

2. Nathan Westwind - The Iron Mage. Who would have thought that a minor construct would be that useful?

1. The Gypsy Rogue from the lowbie - By using that mod as a learning experience you've proven to have great potential as an adventurer. Always keep learning.

That's all for now. When next we meet I'll be green and have no depth perception.

Til then.

Ahhh... was nice to be back after my hiatus... good to see some old faces as well and see a few new ones.

Fav Moments:

- Wands... I mostly came back to see how my little proposal actually played out IG. I have to say, it is everything that I dreamed it would be. Thanks ARC ;)

- Luigie... "You are to eat ****..... and die" A+++++ job on the hobling messenger service best copper ever.

- Boutros Boutros Ghali and the Circle of Copper Power outside the Black Forest cabin. Was fun to be the PC fishbowl.

- "I summon a force to disarm your Gilwing" Nice job Brian scaring the crap out of Black Forest on that mod. I really thought that we were going to have you there on the mad dash to save Gilwing but that was a clutch fear on be before I could start gunning. Has been a few levels from the last time that I went running back to down with my tail between my legs.

- "Hey Ender... I dropped an aura can you pick that up for me"

- Watching Luigie fly off to fight elementals with an S on his chest and the cape (and shield) flapping behind him

- I liked the DDR mod. Glad I didn't have to dance though.... good thing I didn't write it as I would have had you doing the Hokie Pokie

- Air Gaara and the over the top Cure Light Wounds

- "I knew things were bad when Auric started swinging harder"

- Death by searching

- Sitting outside the cabin BSing with the guys

-Mmmmm Meat lovers Pizza... who knew there was good pizza in nowhereville PA

- "Don't worry about it, you can have.... wait what did it have... a silver... ya you can have it"

I am sure there are more...just have to think on it.

Aka Ender Vull
lots of great rp with people I have never pc'd with before as well as one's I had. Enjoyed the rp I had every one I rp'd with.

being in the healer's guild as a recently woken dryad with Larien, Lighten and Maria's MWE (that I can't recall her name) and the three of them trying to explain the skill sets the 2 mwe's possessed while Becca as Sophie sat nearby taking care of something and overhearing them explaining this and exclaiming "what are you teaching him!!!" The look on Becca's face was priceless.

The goblin meat grinder mod, we came close to finishing, but unfortunately 2 people ended up rezzing. Didn't help that no one had ledgerdemain. Nice touch by plot taking 2 dryad pc's into an iron tower........

Meeting new people ig and oog.

The positive reaction by everyone to the new race, especially Heresy, Joaquin, Usrul, Flint, Izer and many others that are escaping my memory right now.

Mark, your reed man was excellent.

Sleeping IG in a tent right next to where the cauldrons appeared. The late night battle just outside my tent.... wondering when a npc was goign to see if someone was home.

There's much more I am sure I am forgetting....

Great weather, fun plot, and energetic npcs.. these are all good starts to great weekends. Thank you staff, NPCs, and the other players for being amazing all weekend. : )

Elf Quest / Story time / mountain climbing expedition. LOVED hanging out with the other elves in the forest. Finding out stuff that I actually did not know about the Ash Forest. Cooling our heels in the stream.

Psychological warfare against Aven and winning.. "chamberpot" FTW!!!

Music and song in the tavern and elsewhere.

Qualin feeling guilty enough about all the trust that Aislynn is giving him to tell her the truth, or what he knows of it, of his history. Talking to Tilly and Sevaria about human/elf mating and love - Sevaria comforting Qualin. Who'd a thunk? ; ) Sevaria has feelings for a human??? Well, you've come to the right place!

"I have a bit of a human fetish."

Asititkir! Elven wine makes everything better.

Walking into game with Ursul and Tilly and doing guerrilla warfare against the undead for a half an hour. #1 survivability skill: outrunning your enemies.

Dodge-packet in the tavern (oh how we longed for Winter and Ana!)

Goblin tower cleanup duty. "... Ursul's ressurrecting.. goblin.. necromancers.." "Ok, that's enough, we're on the way.." Drakk is the Goblin king, he can do anything. Just how many artifacts DO you have? Tilly's heartfelt plea to save the goblin child.

"They say that I have the best Axe in the battalion, is it true?" More madness with songs with Becca as Alliance the Musical gets better and better. ; )

New Dryads. You guys both did amazing jobs!

I want to list names of the people that absolutely made my weekend but I'm afraid I'll leave someone out.

Fewd with Friends and bringing some new NPCs who assure me that they had a FANTASTIC time - thanks staff for taking care of them so well.

Until we meet again
Henry the Mad / Qualin Brightoak

ZOMG! Forgot!! Creepy elf spirit form FTW! I am HUNGRY for more of that plot! RAAAWR!!! Oh, and rifting to the islands at the end was awesome.. the only thing that made Qualin panic: Someone might steal my wine while I'm away!!!
- Velorin Valaris ...or whatever her name was... The Imladari Spirit form thing! Halloween plot FTW! I am so stoked for that event. Ali, you rock.

- So I walk into game on Saturday morning, sit down to eat my oatmeal. Nathan walks past, takes one look at me, rolls his eyes and walks the other way. "Oh great, Ren, you have more scars every time I see you." (Though in reality I had less) All things Mages Guild. Building Rusty was great - I love rituals. The lawnmower construct pwned the undead wave battle. But I fail at using him - I am still terrified I'm going to be the one to break Rusty.

- Speaking of the Mages Guild, taking Izer as an apprentice. Holy crap, I had so much fun with this. Ren is beginning to evolve into the next stage of my character concept, and this was a huge opprotunity for character development (hopefully for Izer as well). From the interrogation in the mages guild to the confiscation of his weaponry, Ren has probably earned a reputation as the meanest teacher in Icenia. Thank you, Izer, for the awesome roleplay!

- Finally meeting Eldarion! I wish I could have had more time to RP with him.

- Hakka and Aegeirus, our resident Dryads. I have said it before, and I shall say it again: Holy crap, Mark, that was an awesome costume. Again, I wish I could have had time to RP more with both dryads.

- Roleplay while Hallucinated with Squire Aven. Hallucinates are a great opprotunity for character exposition, and Aven was such a sport about it. She figured out Ren's secret in a matter of minutes! The conversation that followed was a huge, ironic moment for the character.

- The power of One. Roleplay with Rowan, Trel, Jarrin, and Larien that turned into an hour-plus adventure. Thanks, Drew, for coming up with all that. I won't say more, for fear of breaching doctor-patient confidentiality.

- Getting to play Skittle, the fey with the alphabetical dance party. I love fey. When I came into game with bare feet, I wasn't expecting to be dragged into the woods to be Banished. Luckily for me, Kristen is amazingly strong - she carried the unconsious Skittle over the sharp rocks! The roleplay that ensued was awesome. Thanks, guys!

- The Warriors Guild character, and the subsequent founding of the Voyeurs Guild by Wik. Tab, you make it painful to play a stone elf, or any serious character. You rock. Teaching Sophie crit attack and prof using the "pump iron" method was so much fun.

- The new MWE culture! Michelle, Ilanna, Mike E and Onitt look great in sarongs. ;) I am sad I didn't get to go on any of the mods, though.
Jeez, almost forgot, excellent roleplay with Henry's elf and learning one of many new phrases and words that did not exist before sleeping (the other was "getting mooked" from Lord Daniel I think). Later talking to Sophie and she asking if the language we were speaking was our native language, after saying did not remember, but that there were certianly words and phrases I had never heard before and she what they were. After answering that when you are mad at someone for not following their word you say "you want to kick them in the (omission)". That caught Sophie by surpirse and her hemming and hawing while trying to explain what it meant....
Couple very important things I forgot.

-All the musical stuff I did and did not get to participate in all weekend. It seems like every time I sit down to do something someone needs me for something (which is ok because I enjoyed listening to everyone else play and sing)

-Helping Aven find her rhythm. With all the MWEs around Aven was trying to find her true identity so Joaquin hands her a drum and and tells her to come to him when she's figured it out. She was totally clueless so Sophie started helping by calling out "Left, Left, Left, Right, Left." Then Aven needs her to get up and actually do it. It's nice to get the chance to be silly every now and then with such serious characters.

-Coming up with new songs that need Alliance conversion. Turn Around Brightoak and now Would You Light My Candle (Would You Enflame My Goblin?) We'll have our own little rock band yet! Breaking Henry and Amelia with "They say that I have the best Axe" was pretty awesome although in all fairness it was pretty OOGish so I don't think it really counts. ;)

-Having Darkan try and find out what Sophie's vows were and being completely clueless about his motives ig and oog.

-Finally finding out about Our Lady of Trellheim in game and all the beatific poses. Oh blasphemy.

-Going down in the middle of the mid-afternoon wave battle in the pouring rain and hearing Joaquin over the combat, rain, and thunder "SOPHIE'S DOWN!" I had been doing just fine on the front line fighting against two NPCs with my 2s and then all of a sudden a third one with a long claw starts swinging on me for 7s so I go down thinking "Ok, the line's right there, someone's going to get me u-... Uh... where's the line going? Why are you moving back guys?" Then getting lifed by Aislynn :D

-Flint coming in at the tail end of the battle and chomping the last long claw guy. We need to see that more often.

-The first Friday night battle, realizing we were getting our butts kicked and seeing Aven squaring off against 3 NPCs and just grabbing her belt. "Go squire. I got you." Squire Aven I choose YOU!

-Oh speaking of girl power! Sevaria and Aven leading the charge against the fast undead Saturday night! Woot! Who needs men?
How could I forget? The awesome construct wave battle in the pouring rain! It was EPIC. I had makeup running into my eyes, I was tearing things down with spells from behind Izer's shield, and my robes were holding about 5 gallons of water. If Alliance was a novel, that battle would have made it in.
My favorite part of the July event was the time I went out with three other NPCs in a crunch as Golems.

PC- "7 Silver!"
Me- "No effect..."
PC- "Aw s**t"

PC- Random magic spell
NPC- "No effect..."
PC "F***..."

Words could never describe the look on peoples faces just watching as the usual attacks bounced off the Golems and had zero affect. We had a good laugh over in the NPC camp from that encounter.

Watching the wave battle from the tavern as the sky opened up and everyone was caught in a deluge of water. I'm surprised the fighting didnt slow down it only seemed to intensify. While I'm alittle sad I didnt get to partake in that battle it was more than made up by having the eagles eye view from the top of the tavern as the fighting see-sawed back and forth several times and it almost looked at one point like the PC battleline would break as the army of constructs almost managed to wedge in the middle.

Another good one took place that very night. Troll crunch and I managed to say my first spell, an accomplishment on my part since I've got a rather crappy memory at times when it comes to remembering lines of speech.

The entire weekend though was incredible in my opinion and I cant wait to partake in future events.
My favorite moment was an epiphany after that soggy, dark battle just outside the tavern that had some folks miffed. I was one of those folks, so much that I stopped popcorning for a few minutes to cool down. Then it occurred to me: I have never been so emotionally invested in recreation before, ever. Sure, I've called some friends rotten rat-bastards when an assault on San Fransisco gets wiped by bad dice 5 hours into Axis and Allies. I've gotten near-giddy climbing a rock with a particularly impressive view. But this game takes the cake for just how much it has gotten me to care about it and want it to be awesome.

This game IS awesome.

So yeah, that was definitely my favorite moment this weekend. Hands down. Rain really does make things epic :D Also "no effect" is alot of fun to say. I <3 scary Howl Bear thresholds.
Wow. I had an awesome time this weekend running around like crazy :)

So on to the favorites!

1. Walking into game friday night riding on a Lupiticus. I grabbed hold of Alex's belt as soon as we turned the corner and saw all the undead, and took one heckuva ride.

2. Resurrecting Daniel. Aislynn's first Rez ever - he wakes up and she hugs him, and then slaps him in the head. Good times :).

3. Running into Silwan. A last minute decision yielded some seriously awesome roleplay. "You're my Huckleberry." "I thought that nickname faded away when I was ten..". Christina, you rock :)

4. Qualin's rescue - being dead on the ground, and feeling henry physically hoist me up onto his back and take off with Aislynn-corpse, and actually outmaneuver an NPC. And then go up hill. Awesome :)

5. Morning noble's table, and getting to stare knives into Frost whenever his back was turned until Azura gave me the look of "Stop that.".

6. Elven Shenanigans. Getting to hike all the way up the mountain with Drak, Sevaria, Silwan, Leona, and Qualin. Being tested by Drak, storytime, and the hike back. Stipulations of a recommendation letter leading to the HUGE bruise that's still on my leg. And still winning in the end :). All elf mod team FTW.

7. Getting to jump fence with Brian Saturday night to run my Halloween stuff - and having it hook Black Forest again. I have a feeling my NPC and you guys are going to know each other real well in October :). I'm glad you guys had such a good time.

8. Coming out as the spirit of Brennil Valnora, and watching people get weirded out by her (Henry and his light in her eyes), and then gather information and try to help..and then realize what I was trying to say regarding the information...and the sometimes scattering that ensued. I'm really looking forward to people enjoying the October Event :).

9. Roleplay with Joaquinn about going to Caldaria - Aislynn wouldn't set foot on a boat until you told her why. Now she'll just have you knock her out for the duration of the trip. :)

10. DDR mod. Was an awesome time trying to figure that craziness out.

11. Asking Joaquinn for a Piece of aura, and having him magic armor the crap out of things that were hitting him so we could cut wide around and get to Sophie to life her. Was an awesome run. :)

12. Sunday afternoon wave battle - awesome to fight on two fronts. We need to fight down in those woods more often. Yay for fighting in the shade.

13. Post Ritual rifting. People rejoicing while Aislynn's pitching a fit about being on an island and not being able to get home. Having her brain turn off the moment Onitt said that she could get home by ship - and just taking off. Joaquinn and Qualin pulling her back together for the slight freakout. Was an awesome time :)

Thank you PCs and NPCs for an awesome weekend. :) And I will be seeing you guys again in Sept.

and wow, how could i forget:

Carrying around the Dire Bow!!! That was seriously one of those "here's your race's artifact. Enjoy." *Squee?!* moments :) Thanks Scott.
First I just wanted to say that overall this is probably one of my best HQ events, certainly the best this year. I was sort of sad not to see a rating pool because I would certainly have given it a good grade. :) Anyways...

For starters getting there Friday evening while there is still daylight was really nice. I don't think I've gotten to an HQ event that early before, and it helps. Friday night getting in-game before the opening spectacle, and finally having a chance to chat a little with Sevaria. Eldarion is very curious to figure out more about that angry little elf. Friday night mod with two Ice Blades on our fighters, an Ice blade on my bow, and Nathan with his Ice wand. I don't think those flame NPC's were hit with anything other than Ice. = celestial awesomeness!

Saturday doing lots of stuff. Guild meeting and getting promoted. w00t! That really made me happy and I totally didn't see that coming. Thanks so much Robb, I love doing stuff with the guild and I wish I could be there more. Also getting to finally meet Ren, I'm sure we'll have more chances to RP. Although I do have to say I was very impressed with the little we had. Eldarion is still figuring out how to relate/talk easily with stone elves, even for him they are very serious. ;) Wave battles on Saturday were good, and even the rain battle wasn't too bad thanks to the cowl I had with me to protect my hair and makeup at least a little. I wanted to be sure to give a big props to the plot team and monster desk. The scaling this event felt spot on. It wasn't end of the world, but it felt like we had a bit of a challenge in all the fights, which is something I appreciate. Meeting and talking with Ender, you have a really cool character man and I'd love to see you up in Caldaria this fall. :)

Great RP all event long, Qualin, Heresey, Sevaria, Nathan, Joquin (Chazz I have so much fun with you on either side of the fence), Flint, Ignasious, Lana and others. Plus hanging out with the folks who pretty much stayed up all night was great fun. Talking about stuff IG and OOG in the 3-5 hours before I had to pack up was great. Sorry I had to rush out early and I apologize to those who I missed saying goodbye to, but I had a fantastic time and can't wait until I can come back again!
The most exciting parts for me was roleplaying friday night in the tavern with my High Orc, my buddy the bartender, (great stories from the bartender).

I really enjoyed the wave battle on Friday night.

Saturday, sitting in the field becoming one with nature as well as visiting with my elf and human friends as well as my high orc, and being introduced to my first dwarf.

Then going into the portal thinking mod with six others being a level 4, going into an unscaled mod was scary but fun and enjoyable and I will do it again in a heartbeat.

Then going on the adventure in the iron tower with six other adventurers. We made it to the seventh floor as a team before we lost two adventurers and had to come back to town. I'm bad with names, but you know who you are, and you all made this mod really really fun!

The rain battle was epic. It had been many many years since I've played in the rain and it all get's hazy from here, literally.