July event! Who's coming?

Due to the awesomeness that is Hernando/Ryan, Vry will be showing up for the July event.
real life lich??? hmmm that is ...you neek......

wish i was npcing....i miss not caring about the death of my character
You shall all be spared my wrath, for the army has claimed me....stupid dumb army.
deadlandsrules said:
You shall all be spared my wrath, for the army has claimed me....stupid dumb army.

We should totally submit a write-up where Crowe and Ator are absent, due to being off killing Thrym hounds/winter wolves/whatever-those-dogs-the-jotuns-bring-with-them-are together, bare handed -- maybe throw in a lich or death knight or two as well. Fear our barbarian wrath!
I will be there PCing ,but Steph will probly jump fence and enpeesea.
"The flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long"
I will be there joining the ranks of the dutiful npc's.... perhaps one day i will expand my horizens and try something else but until then i look foward to covering my face in a rediculous amount of make up and terroizing the pc populous.