July Favorites

Great event, was tons of fun to be back!

In no particular order...

Thank you NPC's. You were all constantly amazing all weekend. I was impressed while on both sides of the fence. A special shout-out to the folks who's awesome RP made the Galanthian supply mod run well.

Plot team. You guys are doing a great job! There are so many interesting, pertinent plots going on that I think my head might explode.

Getting to see all of my wonderful alliance friends and acquaintances again and feeling like there was no break at all.

Getting back into the swing of things at alliance larp-wise.

Vanguard. When we formed up last year nobody had any idea how organized we would actually end up being.

Amy - Lots of fun/hilariously awkward RP over the course of the weekend.

Dwarven breatfast antics.

Running my first mod @ Alliance.

Simply Alda.

Duck-Duck-Not Duck, I'm pretty sure my brain just shut down while this was happening.

Skull-Basketball Cauldron mod. This was lots of fun even though we lost.

Seeing Jovunn be all growed up. Then when nobody is around talking about pooping in a box.

The meeting in the woods to discuss the black ichor affliction.

Food Committee, I was way skeptical about soup for dinner in the middle of July but it was very tasty.

Healers guild hangouts, funny stories are always found there.

Forgetting how wards work. Kept trying to hand people stuff through them and getting looks ranging from "You're an idiot" to "Your a jerk-face" depending on whether the person thought I had any idea what was going on.

Actually getting to RP with Ezri. I don't think we've ever talked before for some reason.

Drifa is awesome to fight with. Next time you see her on the battlefield go fight next to her and you'll see what I'm talkin about.

I was very happy that the Nordenn folks decided to keep the court together.

Learning just how much Josh (Traver) hates bacon. It's a weird phenomenon and nobody is sure how to deal with it.

Bro-ing out with Flint.

Until next time...
Had a great time this past weekend! Huge thank you to all the NPC's who came out, and were tirelessly enthusiastic. The group who came out to sing and dance were so good. I love that kind of thing. Music in the tavern always helps add to the immersion. Speaking of the tavern...the dude who played Mr. X is my hero. That was some hilariously awesome improv rp man. Please talk to plot about making that reoccuring.

-Rolling with my team and the rp between our characters is so so good. I'm so thankful to Kyle for reinvigorating me and being the rock of trellheim.

-Donna as Inari. I only wish you got to drive Flint mad, haha.

-Pulling Jovunn on the weekend's first mod...because Jovunn is badass.

-Ezri getting her belt. Respect.

-The asylum mods, and the rp with Bonito/Tinder thereafter.

-Speaking of impromptu music; Maggie - thank you. Your gypsy jam on the porch was awesome!

-The meeting with Sir Nevin over dinner. Surrounded by loved ones, and sharing dreams of the future. Reassuring Alda, and some very deep character developing rp between our characters. Larian being so sweet and supportive. By far my fave moment of the entire weekend.

-Getting to hang with Newt and Dorian for the first time IG. I love these guys so much. Love the new dynamic they both bring to the battlefield for our squad.

-I gotta give a shout out to Nicole W. who was totally hardcore all weekend with makeup and rp.

HQ keeps making me feel nostalgic this season. I think each weekend I've said "You make me feel how I felt 10 years ago". That ain't no lie. Thanks guys.

Looking forward to NPCing a bit more next game.


Justin C.
Okay! I couldn't NOT post my favorites on this event, since it was brilliant. I did, however, require a small pause to occur in the maelstrom that is my crazy life. And here it is, so here they are!

- INARI. EVERYTHING THAT IS INARI, EVERYTHING THAT WAS INARI, AND EVERYTHING THAT WILL EVER BE INARI. Donna, you brought this role to life with absolutely beautiful gravity, and it was intense and amazing to roleplay with you. Holy crap, talk about that bringing out some insane moments in Ren. Speaking of which (I know, I know, EVERY TIME!), major shout-outs to Miles for his incredible RP the entire weekend. Collin, I cannot thank you enough for writing plot where my ungainly little character actually felt important. ( ...Also, Donna, TROOOOOLLOOOOLOOLOOOOOOO!)

- Okay, this is going to be a first, and we can all let out a collective gasp: PLOT WITH NOBLES. I ENJOYED IT. I ADMIT IT. OH GOD. Normally, Luka wouldn't be caught dead hanging with those crazy folks (no offense!), but due to a strange overlap in policy and life-experience, she ended up getting to come along on some diplomacy mods. And man, are you guys intensely knowledgeable about this game and everything in it. It's really cool to sit in on meetings and hear the situations that get bandied back and forth between folks who know Icenia inside and out. Big learning experience both in and out of game, despite Ivan and Luka's exchange: "Luka, you'd make a good noble." "...You are trying to insult me now?"

- Impromptu music fest on the porch! I really love when folks cut loose musically, and it felt great to get things really brewing with you all. This is a huge part of the reason I play a Rom, and it was awesome to have it come together naturally.

- I am now going to theatre-nerd out on that industrial fog machine. Watching the hordes of NPCs burst from thick fog, all howling "For the emperor!" really threw me into character as soon as it happened. Just a cool, cool visual effect that I will remember for ages to come.

-Oh my God, Duck-Duck-NotDuck. "ALDA, REN IS IT. ALDA, HUG HIM. NOW. DO IT NOW." "Oh! Teehee! *hug!*" "...What have you done?"

-Speaking of Alda, Susie, I respect her more and more each event. At first, she was all sweet and innocent, which I knew you could totally pull off. But watching you grow the character (a-hurr-hurr, no dryad pun intended) into someone who has been effected by all of the things which have happened since her awakening has made me really proud of your acting chops.

-Darkan, Darkan, Darkan. I thought we had a good thing going there, for a while! Why you always gotta' make me so nervous? Masterful playing of RP-only effects, man. Luka was like, "OH NOOOOOOO" and Maggie was like, "OH YEAAHHHHHH!!!!". Those are the moments that keep a girl goin' on a Saturday night!

-... ...Holy cow, did Forest-y types actually ask Luka to help them out? Is my baby maniac actually growing up into an almost-pseudo-respectable creature? ...Maybe that's taking it a little far, but it was really cool of you guys to hook me up with a potential fortune-telling/ritual opportunity! Special thanks to Henry on that one, who I always respect for noticing the little tweaks that go into folks' RP. I also really appreciate anybody who got their cards read, and Ruis for using Luka as the target of a Vision ritual. Delving into that aspect of Rom life has been really, really fun for me as a player, and I hope you guys enjoyed it, too :D

Overall, MASSIVE THANKS TO NPCS and to everyone who came out and helped make the weekend grand! I look forward to seeing you all again in just a little more than a week, haha!