July Research Opportunities


Hello friends!

Our next Market Day is less than a month away! I thought it might be wise if we worked together in exploring our new lands much as we did before the last gathering. Squire Bruisey and myself have made plans to visit the Western and Central Territories in an effort gauge the neutral Duchies and hopefully begin swaying them to the side of the Coalition. I believe Edwina will be contacting the elven ambassador from Yresa to improve relations and, much like us, hopefully sway them into supporting the Coalition.

Does anyone else have plans? If not and you are unsure but willing to assist in our efforts please either reach out to Zen Mallowbrooks, Squire Bruisey, or myself or send a dreaming here. We would be more than happy to suggest a path and to organize our endeavors!

Zihr of House Husky
Squire to Baron Marciano Gibbs of the Eastern Territories
Squire Zihr is correct I am going to the Western Territories is the plan. Also checking in with Sir Daniels as well.

Squire Bruisey Foemangler
After the talks of finding work for repentant bandits, it may be a benefit to spread the word that there is opportunity for the bandits who are willing to turn themselves in. I won't be able to spearhead this, or help really, but it would be great if someone could take this over.

Renshi Ignathis Nachtfeuer

I will be happy to spearhead this task. Was Sam able to speak to them last market in regards to the offer we all discussed?

Thank you Cass. I believe that the Ogres and Hoblings are willing to take in people to be trained as caravan guards and that the Stone Elves would be willing to train farmers and perhaps craftsmen. Sam can speak more about the Stone Elves than I can.

I am not particularly well-suited for political negotiations, but if there are any other matters that could use someone of my expertise, I am reasonably unoccupied and would be open to suggestions.

~ Gandian

I will be happy to spearhead this task. Was Sam able to speak to them last market in regards to the offer we all discussed?

I was not. Unfortunately, the Coalition doesn't want to go along with the plan we laid out.
I have made a list of some things I would like investigated. Some of them are leftover questions from last month but they are still relevant.

Ambassadors - many of the ambassadors from other nations that we met at the last gathering are still around. I'd like for Auryn to host them at her tea parlor if she is able, but I would also like to get more information from the if at all possible. They hold much more information about this world that would help us better understand our position. As Zihr has said, Edwina is reaching out to the elven ambassador but, ideally, I'd like for at least one person to visit with each ambassador.

Powers of Evodir - we know that he empowered the royal family somehow, but we know almost next to nothing about Evodir themself.
Powers of past queens and kings - again, we know that they were empowered by the guardian somehow but nothing specific.

Militia - the royalist army is most likely much better trained and prepared for this conflict than the Freedom Coalition. Whatever training or preparation we can offer the militia is welcome.

Magicians Guild - investigate the capital walls to see what magical defenses they used to hold and how we might reactivate them. We might need to use those walls again soon and the royalists seem keen to break them down.

Seekers Guild - look for vaults or other items that could help the adventurers or the freedom coalition. Evodir's vaults apparently contain a lot of powerful magics, including the mist gate we used to come here. I want to know what else is in there.

Gandian, I don't know how political it is but I do have a task that I believe is well suited to your talents. I will send you a pigeon.

Zen Mallowbrooks
I personally will be working with the Mages Guild on the newly erected Rune-Stones. I am also aware a secondary research task regarding an unidentified semi-sentient creature of questionable origin that is possibly tangentially related to the Seekers guild. I, myself, do not have time to research this myself but if there is anyone who is interested in this reaserch i would be happy to relay the details. Roff is also aware of this matter so he would also be a good person to ask about it.

Hey Zen, tell me where ta go and I'll get ta work.


If you want you can look at the capital walls and see what you can find out, or if you feel like talking you could see what you could see what you can find out from the High Orc ambassador. I feel like he might respect a shaman, even if it is a shaman of a different race.

Zen Mallowbrooks
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If anyone else is not feeling particularly diplomatic, it might be in our best interests to find out what was behind the trapped doors in the warehouse guarded by golems.

Zihr of House Husky
Squire to Baron Marciano Gibbs of the Eastern Territories
Squire Zihr,

The door guarded by the golems was a repository of weapons, both magical and mundane, stored there by the crown prior to the war. There was a member of the freedom coalition, who I believe said he was an accountant prior to the war, who took an inventory of what was found. Those weapons were to go to outfitting the Freedom Coalition. It might be a good idea to check in with them and make sure nothing was missing.

Zen Mallowbrooks
I as well az me brodder vill do a thing but would like a suggestion as the mists and the severe jaundice I have kept me away.

Magicians Guild - investigate the capital walls to see what magical defenses they used to hold and how we might reactivate them. We might need to use those walls again soon and the royalists seem keen to break them down.

I have gained some rank and prestige with the Magic Guild and they have both opened their library to me, and granted me the resources I need to embark on Intense Study of Evodia's magic defenses. I should know a lot more about this during the coming market. Time Permitting, I will speak with Magician Jacob after I've conducted my research, and see if we can figure anything out about the capital wall's magic defenses before next market.

Hey Zen, you got any more you can tell me about da High Orc person? GRONK don't even know who he's talkin' for or what we're gettin' outta dis.

Sorry GRONK, I forgot you haven't been to a gathering in Erabella yet. I'll send you a pigeon with the details as soon as I check my notes.

Zen Mallowbrooks