June 15th Work and Module day.


This June 15th we'll be having a work/Module day of a special kind.

For those who do not know, our neighbor at the permanent site had a recent tragedy befall them as their home caught fire and burned down. Luckily everyone is okay, but it left behind a large amount of wreckage and clean up that is needed to do, and insufficient insurance funds to cover the cost of clearing and rebuilding. So Alliance Southern Minnesota has decided to dedicate our June work day to help our neighbors out with clean up and general upkeep tasks and we would love to see a big showing of support for our player base!

Similar to other Work/Module Days this event is in two parts.

1.) Work day - Starting at 10 am, and running until 4 pm, Attendees can gather at our permanent site where transportation will be provided to the neighbor (don't laugh it's a significant walk) Attendees will be granted goblins stamps based on the hours worked, with an MI pick award for every 3 full hours in attendance (that's 2 MI picks if you are on time) as well as 30 Goblins per hour worked.

2.) Module day - We will be running a short, lightly costumed, Module day after the work day, the cost for attending is $20, minus $7 for every hour attended at the work day, with no refunds for overages. This means if you come for at least half the work day, the module day is FREE. Modules will be by request, and a small number of "Open modules" will be available for those without a particular goal in mind. This can be a great opportunity to follow up on that IBGA response, or just something that's been on your plate for awhile. The first modules should start at 5 pm, with conclusions done no later than 8 pm.

Please note, as a module day, this event is fully binding (we had a few deaths at the last one) so don't forget to bring your "A" game even though the modules themselves are comparatively short when view against other event offerings. Preregistration for the Module day will open tonight, once we've updated the pre-reg form.

Pre-Reg List

1. Christina S.
2. Marshall S.
3. Ryan Be.
4. Andrea R.
5. Ryan Bu.
6. Kyra D.
7. Teague M.
8. Alexander T.
9. Adric F.
10. David G.
11. Garth N.
12. Rick B.
13. Matt N.
14. Mariah S.
15. Jake S.
16. Alysha K.
17. Matt M.

Module Day Modules

1. Fortifying the Celestial Guild
2. Clearing the Land (Keepers)
3. Recovering Something Lost (Dure'dhel)
I'm up for helping out, I'll bring what adventurers I can so we can clean up Hope's Reach. :)
Are there any items I can ask Home Depot to donate to help?
DracoIam said:
Are there any items I can ask Home Depot to donate to help?

I'll check and see if we can identify anything specific he could really use.
So will we be working at the neighbor's house for the entire time, or will there be a transition to the permanent site?
ThorgrimStoneaxe said:
So will we be working at the neighbor's house for the entire time, or will there be a transition to the permanent site?

We will be spending the working portion of the event at the neighbors, we'll likely have an indoor work day at the perm site before August, assuming all goes according to plan with other initiatives up there.
As a note, Pre-registration is open, and we've got our first 2 submittions. Since this is a Module/clean up day, Pre-reg/requests will be open until Wednesday the Wednesday the 12th.
You know Ryan - One of these days Dave will (just for kicks) answer you by insisting you have tote around some barbells in full heavy winter garb... ;)
Pre-reg, folks! It really helps us out a lot to know who is going to be there!
Dr_Chill said:
For heavy makeup races, will we be required to be in "full" costume?

While you are required to meet the make up requirement for your race, it is generally understood that single mod day costuming is not as complete as usual.
For those wishing to bring donations the following two things are going to be the most in need.

1.) Flat bladed Shovels
2.) Work Gloves
Sent a pre-reg for me, I also have a tentative 2-3 co workers who are going to come NPC the mods.
C'mon folks, get your pre-regs in!

If you do not pre-register, not only does it make more bother for the poor logistics guy, but we cannot guarantee that there will be enough food for you!
Lurin said:
For those wishing to bring donations the following two things are going to be the most in need.

1.) Flat bladed Shovels
2.) Work Gloves

Along these lines I'd imagine if you aren't able to donate any of those 2 things, I would STRONGLY urge you to bring them for your own use if you have them. Never hurts to have everyone with the right tools for the job. :thumbsup:
I really really really wish I could make it... But unfortunately my marching band parade is that day... T_T
Big thanks to everyone that came out and made this such a success, and for our first ever module days with no resurrections!