June 18th Player List


New Hampshire Staff
Alliance NH has a 3:1 PC/NPC ratio. Each NPC signed up opens 3 PC slots.

This means we need NPCs to let us know they are coming! NPCing is free. Please preregister using the CMA letting us know you are coming to NPC.

Players who have filled out the Check-In Form as NPCs will appear on the NPCs list and are fully registered as NPCs for the event.

Players who have pre-paid for the event will appear on the PCs list in order of time paid. In the event that there are not enough NPCs to support the number of paid PCs, a waiting list will begin in order of payment, and PCs will be confirmed as more NPCs sign up.

Players who have preregistered in the CMA (and filled out the linked survey) for their PC who have not yet pre-paid for the event will appear on the Checked-In PCs list, in order of time checked in. Players on the Checked-In PCs list are not yet guaranteed a PC slot for the event, nor are they yet in line for such a slot on the waiting list.

Players who have only either preregistered in the CMA or filled out the linked survey (but not both) and have not yet pre-paid for the event will appear on the Partially Checked-In PCs list, in order of time they started their check in. Players on the Partially Checked-In PCs list are not yet guaranteed a PC slot for the event, nor are they yet in line for such a slot on the waiting list.

Players who have both pre-paid and preregistered in the CMA (including the linked survey) are fully registered for the event.

Pre-payment is here: https://www.alliancelarpnh.com/#prereg

CMA: https://db.alliancelarp.com/chapters/12

Beta Test CMA for character creation: https://beta.alliancelarp.com/

2.1 Beta Test Feed Back Form https://forms.gle/65bMuvJUvdTc3foA6

Player Age Restrictions: The minimum age of players for the 2022 season of Alliance NH is 14. There are some restrictions for the participation of players under the age of 18. Please see our Player Age Restrictions Policy for more details. https://alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/player-age-restrictions-policy.40157/

Everyone must have a completed legal release in order to play. This is a one time form per player and NPCs also need to have a legal release on record. https://alliancelarpnh.com/docs/Legal Release.pdf

This event will be held at the Unity Site located at 964 2nd NH Turnpike, Unity New Hampshire, 03773.

As a reminder we are currently operating with additional precautions due to Covid-19. https://alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/temporary-precautions-for-events.42208/

1. Nick W.
2. Dustin S.
3. Albert L.
4. Susanna G.
5. Adam C.
6. Mark S.
7. Jeremy D.

1. Stephen D.*
2. Evan D.*
3. Marie R.*
4. Trevor H.
5. Brian D.
6. Michael D.

Wait List


Checked in
1. Bryan P.
2. James P.
3. Brigette

Partially Checked in
2. Will K.

Updated: 6/17/2022

If your name has an asterisk*, we have your payment but not your PC Check-In and/or pre-logistics survey response.

Event pre-payment is both refundable and transferable if a player is not able to PC due to inadequate NPC numbers.
Last edited:
I'm NPCing! I'll get registered in the CMA as soon as I get a chance!
Updated to include wording and a section for PCs who have not yet pre-paid and have only completed one of the two check in steps.

Updated the year on the last updated line at bottom of the post.