June 2010 Favorites


Post em here!

Don't have a lot of time before work but I wanted to thank Collin and the entire plot team for an awesome weekend!
Lots of personal plot this weekend (Thanks Amelia)

A few plague survivors coming in trying to find whats happening with the plague and try to learn about Vorak's Peak

Learning about an alchemical temporary cure/30 day grace period

Going back to Vorak's Peak and finding Anna's brother

During the last wave battle Anna got infected which lead to something that totally surprised Anna she is now married/handfasted to Qaulin
awesome event, I really had a great time. I kind of expected this event to be a filler event since i had already seen attercobs and didn't really know where this event could go. I was happily surprised with all of the interesting plot going on. I also felt the weekend had a good overall arch I could really latch onto with a great beginning, middle, and ending. That being said there are several people I would personally like to thank for taking the extra make sure I was having fun this weekend.

1) my Logistics staff (and all my volunteers). you guys are the only reason i keep doing this.
2) Toddo for always being interested in making sure all the players are having fun and tweaking things to make that happen
3) Collin for personally making sure the logistics crew got to be involved in the auction plot. you were absolutely right, i didn't want to miss that and it was very nice of you and NPC camp to keep it going making sure we all got to experience the fun and drama that ensued.
4) Mike V. for creating a role on the fly which got me really excited (messenger with that special Shalizar package). For a really nerdy long-time player, it's little things like that that make HQ my home and me proud to continue playing here.
5) Dennis for ritual marshaling multiple times and being not only good about it, but fun to have as a marshal

onto my favorite moments:

- Casting my first full strength undead slayer. Yes, I flawed it, but I always flaw my rituals. luckily the flaw did not effect the weapon.
- Late night Guild meeting with all of Nordenn present. Erica, it was so nice to have you there and have you showing interest in the Guild.
- Investing Raven, his help with Guild this year has been unwavering and indescribably welcome. I wish we had flawed it and spirit walked to the healers guild though, that would have been priceless
- The Auction. it would have been nice to see some more things PCs actually wanted to buy, but the plot was nice.
- All things Trel. from his necromancy to his bartering away his soul shards with a death elemental, this kids got balls, and I don't mean landiara
- Black jack with Ithica = high-larious
- Hanging with Grim and teaching him to Read Magic. Good role play stuff for a Sunday.
- The life-spider mod. unscaled good times. Really enjoyed it.
- Zombie apocalypse infected beating on the tavern door and the mages rush around trying to get walls of force up in every corridor that they could get in.
- Duel Magic Storms on the Stairs with the rest of the town defending us. Excellent use of resources to survive the zombie apocalypse.

A solid weekend for plot, statting, NPCs, combat, and fun!
My favorite moment of the weekend:

The people of Fairedale were clumped on the stairs to the tavern, fighting for their lives against a horde of ravenous plague zombies. The more they cut down, the more pour over the hills. All of the sudden, a magic storm bolt sails over their heads and hits a zombie square in the forehead, splattering its brains across the rocks. Getting a head shot from a packet created a great cineamatic moment for me.
Wizard with magic storm = red neck with shotgun when it comes to the zombie apocalypse.
Ren Suzume said:
My favorite moment of the weekend:

The people of Fairdale were clumped on the stairs to the tavern, fighting for their lives against a horde of ravenous plague zombies. The more they cut down, the more pour over the hills. All of the sudden, a magic storm bolt sails over their heads and hits a zombie square in the forehead, splattering its brains across the rocks. Getting a head shot from a packet created a great cinematic moment for me.
Wizard with magic storm = red neck with shotgun when it comes to the zombie apocalypse.

that was indeed quite awesome. i think Joe and I headshotted a few NPCs and we hope none of them were hard. the NPCs were great about it, some of them laughing as they died. really fun battle.

I remembered another favorite moment:

Rusty's last stand during the final zombie attack. Thanks Dave for suiting up and allowing this "character" to get one last chance to shine.
I'm surprised my arms are allowing me to post my favorites. I came away from this weekend with the typical NPC-soreness. Thats the sign of a good weekend in my eyes when muscles ache, arms hurt in a swinging motion, legs are stiff. Yup that means lots of work(or am really out of shape) got done this weekend.

There was an amazing team in NPC camp and everyone worked hard to make sure the PCs worked for everything that happened this weekend. My top favorites for this weekend:

Willow wisps-Chris,Risi and I have Sparticious and Garathon standing in the water and all we can think as time ticks by is "Where is everyone? Can we drown someone in two inches of water? Are we supposed to drown people at all?" Of course before that it was me walking into the tavern and everyone stands up Michelle walks up with her bow looks at me and the light dawns in her eyes "Oh I know what this is!" and I get dropped.

Pulling out in a Dream Stalker in the field, with the night fog, and the eeire moonlight. That was an amazing fight and I thank the PCs that were still awake to make it as fun as it was. Nothing like having the ability to hit someone with an arcane vampire charm, or magic dominate.

Friday night wave battle. Nothing like psychopaths on a rampage. Its good to play an NPC that can talk on the
battlefield. Nothing like smack talk to make things entertaining. Although in this case it was more mindless
psycho dribble.

Watching the auction, having been on the PC side of the Iron Gob mod and then seeing how Grim reacts to Iron Gob
face to face from the NPC side, I was dying of laughter on the inside. I loved seeing Iron Gob, cant wait to bring
Loken back and find out all about it ingame. I'm sure Grim's gonna have plenty of "happy thoughts" on the matter.

Heather reminding me I'm a jerk for not playing my biata this time. Granted if I played I would have probably sweated
my feathers off. God knows I took three showers this weekend.

Speaking of which, thank you Chad and Collin for keeping me constantly active. There was probably one time this
weekend where I had actual downtime. And that was to recover after Saturdays wave battle.

There is plenty more, to this list from the incredible time I had in NPC camp just bullshitting between mods, crunchies, and/or wave battles to sneaking up on Anne on the balcony of the tavern with my plague infected zombie. Remember folks Zombies are people too.
Favorites favorites favorites.....

1. Blythedale, together again in more considerable force! Man, all we had to do was sit down for half an hour and BOOM! A treasury? Fancy that!
2. Getting to link up with Ithica once more, helping him build the pyre for one of his fallen Immortals, and scheming for all sorts of covert fun with him. Wait, did I say that out loud?
3. Getting picked at the last minute to go on Anna's mod, which felt like something straight out of 28 Days Later, the medieval edition.
4. "Teaching" Coal the way of Style Master, which really just turned into a lengthy OOG discussion on Kenjitsu. Rock on Brad. Keep cutting off horse legs.
5. Getting to rep Rusty for his last hurrah. Here's to hoping I killed him with style!
6. Playing Blackjack with Ithica, which should really be called "Todd Silber: Card-Dealing Comedian."
7. Grim/Kyle's fantastic feast. That was a truly epic meal, and has now further fueled my desire to host another feast myself. Thank you, Sir, for donating so much time and effort to the game!
8. Watching the performances of the two "newbie" NPC gals at the auction, and then at the climax of the final battle. Those girls have some serious talent. I hope to see them more frequently!
9. Role-playing with and watching the performances of the rest of the NPC crew, top notch as it always is. I especially enjoyed Jeremy's Iron Gob, the Wylderkin Amelia played on Saturday morning (what were you, a bat?), the auctioneer (holy crap I don't know that guy's name), Bill's asylum guard, the back and forth of Collin and Scott's stone elf and life elemental with the most unpronounceable names ever, and so many more.
10. Scolding Garathon for poking random shiny things with his sword. I could only do this because Khorwyn once made the same mistake himself, and got scolded by Nathan. The tradition of scolding must live on!

Right, that's enough for now. I'll post more if I remember them. Cheers folks, and see you next month (when it will most certainly be even hotter)! :shock:
DUDE! this stuff just keeps getting Better!

Before I start part one of my list let me say how much I sincerely appreciate all the work the players and staff put into everything. I love playing pretend with you guys.. and npc's. Much love.

1. Blythedale team coming together and getting to do mods with them. I loved throwing a shield in front of khorwyn or diving to block a shot at the Baron or fighting side by side with Garathon was nice to congeal and have our stuff together.
2. Hanging with my friends in the storm blades.
3. First two minutes in game with a brand new player and we get Ganked by spiders comming out of Grim's forge (logistics) WELCOME TO FAIRDALE..gack.. thankfully there was a qualin and a sheriff.
4. Ohhh getting to do a little pre game rp with henry as qualin.. i love going into detail on how a dwarf would smith and etc and it was cool to share that with another pc. I hope you enjoyed it as much as me man....for a snooty fru fru lil mr elfypants Qualin aint so bad.
5. Qualin and ANNA HITCHED>> WEWT
6. Grim hearing about the plight in anna's home town.. suggesting a daring rescue and getting told how reckless it was.. then later that day going and doing a mod of that exact thing.. minus the carriage and person atop throwing spells or shooting arrows..
7. The sanitarium mod.. no matter how many times Grim says.. we don't kill anyone.. certain feathery types insisting.. and the outcome of it. thankfully they realized the plae was bad bad news. Made for awesome roleplay
8. Alura and Trell rocking the house in the sanitarium.. roguey bad asses hard core!
9. Trell with the spider queen kill. You sir hopefully get some in game lovins.
10. Syria.. I sincerely appreciate how much marissa put into enjoying the basics of the game. From tending to ithaca to counciling Grim in her way to her patients with Ivan.. its a pleasure.
11. Getting to kill Greg and rissi,.. Though I would have loved to have taken Raavna and Loken with me to fight iron gobs cornies.. no one i woulda preferred to stab more then you two. Glad you guys got to participate you two rocked in all things you did and didn;t let up. i adore you guys!
12. EM AND CAITLYN HOLY SNAP!!!!!! first time npcing and ya guys blew my socks off. seriously in all things you did.. PLEASE COME BACK !!!!
13. Zazeal and Grim getting a crush.. ohh whatever ya say pretty lightning lady..Sure I'll be yer guardian.. ohh i feel fuzzy.. shocking
14. The Auction what a fantastic way to bring storylines together and foreshadow more ( amelia) and
15. Irongob... I hate you SO MUCH.. not only does he greet grim at the door.. but he talks like a canadian from south park.. HATE HIM SOOOOO MUCH... does he have an ominous arch nemisis bad guy voice? no he sounds like a terrance and phillip show.. wanted to stab so bad.....
16 Scotty appreciating aloud grims package.. thanks man good for the ego.
17 the Storm heart...Zazazeal absorbing... grim then throwing himself on her to save her.. and grim kinda now being the storm heart... Awesomely rp'd caitlyn.. seriously.. wow... ohh and Azdrubeal with the heals on Grim..
18. Making Azdrubeal a baddy.. totally makes sense the life elemental is the toolbag behind the spawning pools and etc..
19. the armor rich made me and the sword christine and cortni made me. pulling it all together to have grim look all bad ***. you guys are amazing artists and i hope it makes ya as proud to see me play in it as i am to wear and wield it.
20. BLYTHeDALE TOUCHING SHINY THINGS!!.. ok.. so pretty much my team cannot resist poking shiny things.. its as fact
21. using the whole Grim eminanting a celestial aura thing to mess with some biata.. Feeling HORRIBLE about hugging Daniel starr after he race changed when Grim realized what just happened.
22. feeding the pcs and npcs.. had ta take the beard opff ( open flame and beard is bad) but was fun.. AMANDA was an amazing help as was cole and alda.
23. all things alda . Suzy i sincerely hope we can play again soon.
24. Raven and all of norden. You guys rock.. I swear aubry and ( your sister i think?) you guys save Grim's gravy soooo much.
25. Roleplaying with Nathan and Raven as we tried to figure out what was happening with Grim ...
26. Nathan teaching grim the beginnings of how to read magic.. the blank stares from grim ... the deeper discription from nathan... more blank stares.. then a trickle of understanding... guess it;s double cost for dwarfs for a reason..
27. Hanging with balls and building a friendship with him.. was nice to have a backer in the auction and the compliments on grims ( on field) prowess were cool. Nice to know I'm getting better.
28. Constantly somehow going one on one with whatever npc Chris is playing. I'm getting better with the shield!
29. Collin... A MAZE ING seriously you are a reason I play this game.
30. Grim and the vibrating MWE.. dont ask.. I feel dirty

Ok im certain I'll have more.. I appreciate all you guys and am pysched about seeing you all in July!!

OOG Kyle IC Marcusagrim "Grim" Anvilstrike The Storm-heart
To Start off I just wanna say thank you to the staff and npcs.
Collin it was an amazing event!
Tons of good stuff this weekend:

going into the insane asylum and gutting a human.
Zat's out burst Saturday after noon.
Hangin with Black Forest and them realizing that Amaris was more of a b**** then they are dicks.
Chewhaka, lol i laughed so hard when Amy came up with that.
Interacting with the new young druid girl.
The town actually fighting like a actual group on the Sunday wave.

I really had a blast! Thank you everyone!
Wow! I had a great time this event. I thought the pacing was great and because this was on the lower end of PC count it felt like everyone really could be involved.

So here are some of my favorites:

1. Hanging with my friends like Nathan, Ithaca, Khorwyn, and Ivan. Of course my wife playing even while pregnant is always a plus!
2. Lots of Mods! I think I went on 3 or 4 mods this weekend which was great.
3. Realizing that Squire Raven and I were in charge on Sunday because all of the nobles left on Saturday. This was a little scary IG and OOG because the ACL really dropped on Sunday and I though for sure we were going to get smoked.
4. Leading the town in battle during the Zombie apocalypse! Being the battle leader was fun, but the real enjoyment came from the fact that the town really came together and actually fought as a team. That battle could have gone much differently and we could have had far more infections, but we kept our cool and held them off.
5. Holy Healer back packs on Sunday! Evidently I was the "tank" on Sunday and I had Ezri and Aubrey and one other person whose name escapes me at the moment all over keeping me up. Thank you ladies! Being unstoppable for a short period of time was awesome!
6. Blythedale the ever evolving and growing team! I really enjoyed sitting down and hashing out a plan and a treasury.
7. Squire Ithaca! Now we are squired to the same man. Awesome!
8. Grim's feast! You missed out if you did not partake.
9. Anna's family mod. I felt genuinely bad that I had to put down her mother and father. I also felt really bad that I had to be the noble and inform her that after everything, including buying her brother 30 more days to live, that if he turns we would need to destroy him immediately because there is a standing order from the nobles.
10. The auction and then Azdrubeal the life elemental turning "bad" and then creating more mutant spiders. That was very ominous and definitely a Holy S@#$ moment when I thought "oh great, now I have to fight an elder life elemental. How the hell are we going to take him down?"
11. Willow Wisps trying to drown Sparticous and I in 2 inches of water. They totally walked me all the way down there and then I looked at the NPCs and they looked at me and I said "it is what it is and drowning me in 2 inches of water is unlikely."
12. Duke Broomis coming to town and saying Duke Frost is under suspicion and now both suspected lands have new Battle Commanders with "oversight". Very interesting twist.

I am sure there is MUCH more, but my brain is getting fried.
Before anything, congrats again to Collin for the weekend going off without a hitch, AHOP position, and the RP award. Gotta love when the person running a weekend is so dedicated he sleeps in-character in the tavern.

As an npc part of my favorite thing is always just seeing how appreciative and enthusiastic players always are in this community; it gives me a warm feeling.

The elemental auction was fantastic, even though I was up at my post at the silent auction for most of it. I enjoyed gambling with the PCs as a lot of them scoffed at the items being sold and "tricking" one person only to realize later on that they might have shorted me. Well played sir, you know who you are. Also, the bewilderment and shock when Trell decided to sac two shards of his spirit to both deny Iron Gob the favor from Lady Oblivia and to also secure the death of the attercob queen. Laughing later when I heard that he got another death on top of that for throwing necro at the beginning of a fight, in front of everyone, when there wasn't even a dire situation at hand.

Tweed vest society. Getting tied up in the tavern and spending a solid 15 minutes explaining in a ****-eyed way why I shouldn't be punished for what my kin do or say and having the PCs be thoroughly unconvinced and yet pitious of me.

I loved filling the role of Dr Willard Engval. He was a fun energetic sort of paranoid germaphobe recluse character. PCs seemed to react well to him. <3 Abigail my rock dove.

Being a huge mutated spider/howlbeast monstrosity for an unscaled mod who some people who I won't mention didn't finish, resulting in us following them in to town and rolling people until they finally downed us at the door to the tavern. Nothing is quite so empowering as saying "20 body!" over and over.

Every time I played a plague victim. 28 days later zombies are fun as hell to be. It's interesting to me to see how the town reacted to a zombie apocalypse. Being headshotted by magic storm and having it actually knock my head back and falling over seamlessly without missing a beat was a great moment for me.

Almost drowning Garathon and Sparticus as will o wisp! We totally could have. No one showed up to help them for what felt like 20 minutes. We found out later we could have done it. I should have called a hold and ran to get a marshel instead of playing it safe and assuming I couldn't. It isn't ensure rez apparently if it's a death caused by negligence on the part of the town. ;P Good to know for next time.

All things Grim. Forever. That man has enough enthusiasm and good will to fill for a whole cadre. He could be his own group of people in himself. Love the food man, keep up that roleplay and gusto!

Playing the role of an actor trying to convince squires *I* was the true noble and being sure that I sounded pretty convincing only to see them guess the correct answer at the end of the trial. Good work fellas. Hope you both get that knighthood you're after.

All things Caitlyn and Emily. Who here can deny that they created quite the presence as lightning lady and death elemental badass. Hope we can drag them with us more often.

Accidentally setting off a trap as a spider on a mod that I *knew* was there. Feeling dumb until it turned out that at least one PC was in range of it. It's fun watching PCs on a trap mod. They were paranoid as hell. Good stuff.

Overall my favorite was this whole weekend. Breathed a new life into things. Maybe I'm biased for being Collins good friend, but god damn does that man know how to tell a story. Not only can he tell one standing up and performing it personally, but he can do it just as well through his instructions to us using our actions, words, and mindset as his medium. And there's more great stuff. You should hear some of his brainstorming sessions with Chad, and sometimes to my honor he bounces ideas off me too on occasion. My lips are sealed though, so foig. :)
Oh man, I had SUCH a great time. I'm pretty sure I'm officially hooked on this game now. People in charge, NPCs, and all other PCs, thanks so much for all the hard work and fun!

Some favorite moments:
---OOG riding up with Kyle and Christine - you guys are SO cool and incredibly nice and generous for picking me up! MUCH LOVE!
---GRIM IN GENERAL: Your continued friendship means the world to Alda! You're got a great kind heart IG and OOG :)
---My first attempted backpack! Friday night with Raven- MAN you are FAST! I hope I wasn't too slow at cutting you out of the entangles! It was also hilarious because you wear a lot of metal... Alda wanted to help but couldn't hold on too long, lol. :) (Also- hanging with Norden in general was REALLY cool. You guys are really great.)
---RESIST BINDING! I got to use my racial skill for the first time! Woot to Children of Autumn fighting spiders!
---Speaking of Children of Autumn... BROTHER HAKKA!! You are a great mentor and friend to Alda. :) :) You being captured by the spiders induced a serious RP moment for me-- I was crying and freaking out with concern over you, brother!
---Coal, (sp?) thanks for befriending me and caring for me! You helped Alda control herself a lot when she was overwhelmed with the violence and fast-paced action of the "modern" world. (I dunno what she would have done about Hakka if you weren't there to comfort me!) You're also fun to dance with :) Wee!
---Trel, you are totally awesome, and I had a great time developing my young barkskin's mentality through the RP with you! Our discussion about the necro issue was really intense for me. You totally recovered your reputation in Alda's eyes :) You're a great guy and you helped me learn a lot about balance and forgiveness!
---I got a magic item from Baron Ivan!! Thank you thank you thank you! I shouldn't be able to throw an Earth Storm for another four circles, but I CAN NOW! WOOT!
---- AMELIA! Alda is constantly in Clint's face (lol sorry if she bothers him,) Terra was also totally interesting, and "If I have enough ingredients-- if I have enough ingredients-- if I have enough ingredients... " I hope you know how amazing you are!!!!!!
---All things QUALIN!! (Henry, how are you always so freaking AWESOME?!) Alda totally looks up to your character. Making music with you was really soothing for her after that troubling night where we had to kill those psychos... AND you taught me so much about why humans act like they do, what dragons are, and how the world works nowadays. It's a really different/scary world for Alda since the Great Sleep, and people like you help me learn and develop.
---Darkan! You continue to be a powerful influence for Alda, and she looks to you for wisdom in regards to all the information she finds. Also, I pulled off my first real heal on you! (I had never gone in to battle and pulled a fallen person away from a line before. :) I'm glad I could help, even if it was just a cure light!)
---TEACHER FRIEND. I don't think there has ever been or will ever be a relationship as amusing as the friendship Balls and Alda have. I don't understand you, but you know I love you! :D (Also, thanks for all the general help and advice from the Healers Guild!!!)

Holy cow, my list could go on forever! I also loved all the mods and terrifying spiders and W. Engval's character! (Let's hope he finds a cure ASAP!!!!) Everyone is so awesome! Thanks for such a great weekend!
Ok I got more.

-getting rifted out with the other lowbies to lightning elemental land. Only to discover irongobs cronies were there.. I don't even remember what one liners came out of grins mouth but man does he hate those guys.
First off for me was LADY O and the hole Auction thing. Regardless of the items for auction, or if they were popular. The very auction itself, RP, atmosphere, and intensity of the people there. It was very fun and amusing.

Next was getting Squired, and re-joining the military Ranks with promotion. This time with Blythedale. (I did the solo thing for so long, and have met some real great people. but Dave, Brian, Miranda and Eric have become such great friends, it only seemed more right)

The sad loss of some/most of/unknown exactly...Ithicas NPC Legion. But what a way to go. And very Awesome last minute plot changes on Friday night. Thanks Toddo and Collin. Now lets find some survivors!

Hitting Bill in the Neck, only to smother him with a big hug. lol Not to sure what came over me.

All The Rp friday night when i first came back to town. Lots of good RP from Ezri properly healing and pulling a sword out of me, to Daniel and Qualin first thought to force feed me an Enslavement antidote. And then the Talks with Blythedale and Syriah. Not to mention NPC camp helping me get all bloodied and beat up.

Grims cooking, but not his snoring lol j/k

The new Dryad girl, "Hello Friend!"

I am so bad with names, but the Biata Back pack healer girl!

Picking on Sparticouse all weekend, making as many cracks as i could about a certain subject.

Dealing Blackjack Saturday night!

Dealing with the "Vansir, your sky magic cause plague". I like to think I made some good points and hoped to made an impact on said Vansir NPC. (only then to see Syraih turn to me with a "good job Squire" look)

Spider leg necklace.

The player of SIMON(Kuwo right?)! lol nice seeing you again, nice RP.

My Favorite was Saturday night, big bad spider hunter of doom!. 5 maN squad. Cole, Raven, Darken, Glorianna and Ithica. After sinking 7 slays and eviscerates plus much more into this thing. We realize the monster in question has "Innate ability to resist magic". So we took it down with 5 cure lights and a prison lol.

The hole private auction, and the "checking on bids" lol.. ROFL.
Vazhi said:
Being a huge mutated spider/howlbeast monstrosity for an unscaled mod who some people who I won't mention didn't finish, resulting in us following them in to town and rolling people until they finally downed us at the door to the tavern. Nothing is quite so empowering as saying "20 body!" over and over.

Funny how those "people who you won't mention" were never informed that it was an unscaled mod....
Redcloud said:
Vazhi said:
Being a huge mutated spider/howlbeast monstrosity for an unscaled mod who some people who I won't mention didn't finish, resulting in us following them in to town and rolling people until they finally downed us at the door to the tavern. Nothing is quite so empowering as saying "20 body!" over and over.

Funny how those "people who you won't mention" were never informed that it was an unscaled mod....

Oh, well maybe it wasn't then. I just assumed. I don't stat things out *shrug* It wasn't a slight mate. Sorry if you didn't enjoy it =/

If we overestimated you it's only because there was nothing but praise for your group's smart fighting and efficiency. We figured you could handle it. And, you did, quite well. Even deciding to pull out early was ultimately the better decision, and you got what you came for from my understanding. Anyhow, it's all in good humor and fun. I didn't mean to rub salt or anything. I was more respecting privacy by specifically not mentioning who it was.
it's simple to determine if it is unscaled or not. did the marshal take your character cards and check your levels and skills? or did the marshal ask for all of the players levels? if not, i don't see how it could be scaled.

the one mod i went on during the weekend i was warned 3 times and again in some foreign language that it was unscaled. but even had i not been, i would have 1) asked and 2) assumed it was if a marshal did not ask for my level.

not trying to slight anyone, just putting it out there.
i wasn't trying to point fingers and we did have fun, it just explains things alot better now if it was indeed unscaled. Doing any kinda unscaled mod, or even a scaled one in some cases, is always difficult on sat afternoon after you've been beaten on and been beating things all weekend. We have no issue with the way things went, we did what we could and chose to leave when necessary.
Redcloud said:
i wasn't trying to point fingers and we did have fun, it just explains things alot better now if it was indeed unscaled. Doing any kinda unscaled mod, or even a scaled one in some cases, is always difficult on sat afternoon after you've been beaten on and been beating things all weekend. We have no issue with the way things went, we did what we could and chose to leave when necessary.

Ok, cool. :) You had me worried for a second there. Yeah I can understand that. Believe me, I know how beaten down people are on Saturday. I am still sore and it's Wednesday.
Robb Graves said:
it's simple to determine if it is unscaled or not. did the marshal take your character cards and check your levels and skills? or did the marshal ask for all of the players levels? if not, i don't see how it could be scaled.

Wrong. I have gone on mods where they didn't ask for my APL. It doesn't mean its Unscaled. It just means that they did not ask me for my level. Some mods have a pre-set APL. Others don't have/need one.

Robb Graves said:
the one mod i went on during the weekend i was warned 3 times and again in some foreign language that it was unscaled. but even had i not been, i would have 1) asked and 2) assumed it was if a marshal did not ask for my level.

That's the way to do it. Hey guys its unscaled, u sure. 3 times the charm ;)