An astonishingly long time ago, I ran props for the HQ chapter of what
was then a LARP with a four letter name. It was a work weekend where
I and several others had cleaned and sorted the entire contents of
Mike and Heidi's garage, which was brim full of props, costumes and
other LARP supply. Afterwards we were eating at a nearby Chinese
restaurant. We were talking about Goblin Stamps, the reward people
received for donating their time and materials, especially from
weekends like this -- I'm sure if you're reading this you know what a
Goblin Stamp is. At that dinner I mused sarcastically that I would
love to have everyone come to *my* house and do things for *me*, such
as removing the awful flowery wallpaper from my downstairs bathroom
(which is still there, incidentally). For this work, I would reward
them "Valuable Joe Stamps", which they could turn in for picks from a
"magical item list".
Since the birth-of-concept for Valuable Joe Stamps, there has only
been one recorded reward of same. This was a reward of 100 Valuable
Joe Stamps to Scott K., without whom, I am convinced, there would be
no Alliance LARP. At least not like we know it. The amount of energy
and perseverance he brings to the game is astonishing. It is from
nothing but watching him that I realized I didn't have what it took to
start my own LARP. He deserves each and every one of those stamps.
Seeing this past weekend the caliber of player that now attends the HQ
chapter, and watching Mike V. give out a Finnegan, I decided that the
time has come to reward more Valuable Joe Stamps.
My play time these days is quite limited -- my present job involves a
lot of on-call weekends where I need to have a cell phone and an
Internet connection around me at all times. I mostly won't even know
until that Friday whether I can even make it to events. But for each
event that I do manage to play, I will be rewarding approximately one
Valuable Joe Stamp to the player, character, NPC, or other entity
that impressed me the most. In their name, or anonymously, I will
donate $100 to the Snow Leopard Trust (a most excellent charity, by
the way). There may also be a certain degree of pomp and ceremony
surrounding the award, and I may or may not spend some time creating
physical stamps with which to enact said pomp. There are no rules or
even guidelines to getting Valuable Joe Stamps, so you needn't feel
slighted if you don't get one. I'm just going to give them out
according to however I feel that day, and I'm as crazy of the rest of
Right, so, one Valuable Joe Stamp goes to Robb Graves. I arrived late
Friday night. Robb did my logistics without a mote of resentment. In
fact he was enthusiastic about it. I had come back after not playing
for a year, didn't know the rules to High Magic at all, and otherwise
had my head firmly lodged up my ***. Robb handled it all without for
a moment making me feel like the total noobcake I was. He then turned
around and had his character do essentially the same thing, in-game,
for my character. So congratulations Robb, you now own one Valuable
Joe Stamp, and the Snow Leopard Trust gets a $100 donation in your
name, your characters name, "from the Fairdale Mage's Guild",
anonymously, whatever. Congratulations also on having what is
probably the world's most Goth name. That's up there with Nick Fiend.
See you all soon.
- Joe M.