June 23rd Mod Day Favorites


Chicago Staff
That was an amazing day. It felt like we accomplished so much on this site and can't wait to do it again. We got a 50yd path cleared in the woods, built a fire pit and cleared around the Tavern area. The mods were challenging, really fun and very unlucky for my character!

- Mysterious Box of Wealth and Woe definitely lived up to it's name.
- Casting my first ritual and having something go horribly horribly wrong.
- Breaking Kendra's great sword over my pinky during our duel. That was a really intense fight!
- Adric, your jealous lover RP was amazing.
- ...oh Jamina. Stay away from Johnathon.
- Sarv RP with Asher. I loved how he just showed up out of nowhere. Too bad he won't be back. Also your exit was phenomenal. Happy go lucky song + serious "catch ya later".

Was also nice to fight against NPCs I'd never fight against normally.

That was a great day yesterday for me, even if I ended it with a massive and mysterious medical condition (for those of you wondering, I'm feeling mostly better today; my stomach is just a bit queasy, but I can at least stand up now without collapsing). Some of my favorites, in no order:

  • Repairing and building new stuff for NPC Camp was a blast. Thank you so much to those who helped me do that, it was great to hang out with y'all and get that work done!
  • Teaching folks how to make weapons. Pity I didn't get to do a full lesson (including blunt weapon heads, crossguards, designs, etc.), but perhaps in future.
  • Simply playing as Sarvenius for the first time, even if he wasn't too useful and might not have made the best first impression on some folks. It'll be awhile before he returns, but it was fun to give him a shot.
  • Learning Earth stuff from Jamina, Gorka, and Asher. Great job, guys!
  • NPCing as the Anger Spirit during the Box mod. Dave sure knows how to cater to my habit of monologuing. :thumbsup:
  • Watching the effects of the Box was incredible. Y'all should have quit while you were ahead...
  • Kneeling to Dave's noble for 16 minutes (I counted) before he realized I had been doing so and told me to rise.

The work day was a great time, and the following mods were really awesome as well, and I look forward to us doing this sort of thing again!
Wow, picking a favorite out of Saturday...

-Lightning and the rescued child (Damean?) bragging about killing gnolls. Aftergiving York, Victor, Asher and Gorka migranes.

-Practically having six adventurers fall to spiders in the Wedding mod. Oddly enough we won because of the coccooning if I heard right (I was well dead by that time)

-Being the demo-dummy for Kendra teaching Slay. "You stand there" "oookay" "Prepare to die!" "Wait wh...*crack-thud*" "Huh, I thought his armor was better"

-Nature Destruction Team. We got so much cleared out back there, it's rather amazing. I'm excited to use it more. That entry is TIGHT though, trying to break the line through was pretty tough on the Gnoll mod.

-Matt cheers again for lending me the armor. (And my subsequent move to the frontline)

-Gorka's Ressurection story. I think Vadis may have a negative connection to sugar after this (Mostly spiders though, he is not fond of spiders)

-Picking the happiest of the box-compartments, that summoned a spirit-friend for everyone that wanted one! (See also: tried to pull me out of the fire)

Overall it was a great weekend. Really great weather (evening got a bit warm for me) got lots of work done, and had some really challenging, but fun mods.
Great weather.
Fantastic teamwork on the work projects with lots of progress.
The trail project has lots of promise to become something really fun.
- Tools needed for next time: rakes for the greens worked excellent, maul & wedge for the roots, rocker bar for those stubborn rocks, saws like we had worked very well.

The sad spirit appologizing and saying he didn't really want to fight..."six magic".
The angry spirits stomping around and leacturing us on why we should not be there.
The PCs all laughing with the laughing spirit.
Trying to burn through the phase and dodge defenses of the final spirit with arrows.
Dueling Kendra.

My Favorites

- Kaptian Kreb's 4 Wheeler Shuttle Service
- Amazing work on the first trail, already big enough to use, can't wait to see what it ends up being in the future!
- Firepit, Probably not going to see a lot of use until it cools down some, but nice to have an area the PCs can go be monster bait in...
- Repaired monster camp - No more having to throw 2-3 claws in a pile while looking for 'the good ones'
- Seeing the first framework of the cabins coming together.
- Tastey tastey burgers and subs! Mmm Yum! (Thanks Alysha and Christina!)
- Writing and running the mods (see below)
- Deadly Spider mod, it's always a little rough when the usual leaders don't take charge in an area. I threw so many webs from my little 20 body spiders (props to gorka for trying and knocking many of them down by 10-15 with some charges)
- Gnoll mod - That trail is fantastic for compact line battles, so many choke points!
- The Box of Wealth and Woe part 1 - Kendra 'I'm good at gambling games' (Proceeds to open the second 'best' drawer for 5 components) 'See?'
- "" Part 2 - Asher opens a drawer and dissipates, PCs look at each and then 'So...Who is next to open a drawer?'
- "" Part 3 - The Scroll and Item that sat in front of the box until all the drawers had been opened and almost got left behind.
- Bug zapping revenge, I'm going to fill a cooler with soda and go up there sometime and just sitting out in the cool evening air and listen to the little buggers fry.
- Jumping Andrea when I plugged the first zapper in (Guess there were a few bugs sitting on the electro-mesh at the time.