June 29th 1 day?

Hey All,

Who all might think about showing up to a June 1 day? We are taking a temperature before finalizing the booking on our site.

Also, if you have unresolved modules for the 1 day please send us an email at WaysideIBGA@gmail.com


June 1st, as in this coming Saturday???

Not certain, need to see how the finances / job schedule goes.
Unless its fairly close, I don't think my family could make the drive with the gas prices as they are. Twas $135 dollars in gas this weekend :)
averzwyv said:
Unless its fairly close, I don't think my family could make the drive with the gas prices as they are.

What if someone placed a couple of weapon orders to be delivered around that time....?

Ya'll know me I'm always up for another game, one-days just give me an excuse to come early and visit.
I'm also interested in ordering weapons.
Golly gee, Im feeling the love :p Contact us at 269 637 7845 ;)
So all us people here sat down and had a chat about going to the one day. The discussion was that I would drive (OMG I’m so going to get lost… ) and Aaron will sleep. They have him on back shift (Nights) and will be coming home from work when we leave. (Be prepared for sleepy ... maybe cranky bear).

In a nutshell… Yes we are planning on attending the one day.

Peoples coming:
Aaron / Gnot
Dawn / Don't
Kim / Maglin
Will / Runt (as of right now we are unsure of Will. He has to pass it by his work.)
I would come, though I'll have work later that day and have to leave by noonish.