June Event Favorites


C'mon everyone, we all know you had a favorite part this weekend, so spill the beans and tell everyone what you loved most.
Unfortunately I didn't get to experience much of it (and am still feeling pretty schmitty) but coming to the realization that my entire RP consisted of a quote from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and a scene from Samurai Seven, that was pretty entertaining. Also, being told that I looked "real intimidating" heh that made my day.

And for anyone who heard about my adhesive troubles, I checked out my invoice when I got home and turns out I actually forgot to order any.
Guess I'll start this off! First and foremost, thanks all 8 billion of you NPCs this weekend; though I can only request never seeing so many Kobolds again in one place :lol:

In no particular order:

-Seeing the difference of getting yourself out there opposed to hanging back not saying much. A nice character growth.
-Joining the other new players in assisting in Dure'dhel's ritual(practice at least). Always another chance to use it.
-Corrupt mod on Saturday in general. Seeing a line of 20 corrupt come at us scared the heck out of my character--that and the paranoia gas I received 2 minutes later.
-Gorka "I'm going to do something stupid now," and her charging past 5 corrupt to cure a fallen comrade and dropping in the process.
Johnathon's failed attempts at diplomacy with monsters and my characters utter faith that eventually one of his plans will succeed. "Hi, how is it going"-Johnathon. "20 Elemental ice"-Peter's monster. Followed by Dave G coming from behind and dropping him and Kendra with 70 Slay.
-"The beeps touched me, so I killed them"-Dure'dhel minutes before "Mama Beep" showed up at my group thinking we killed them and almost dropping us.
-Teaching 6th level spells in the dirt in the middle of the woods; I'm such a Dryad.
-Getting my first magic item from Davion and finding no use for it until the narrow path during the Corrupt mod. (I'll make sure my rope isn't the same color as the ground next time.
-Discovering 3 new words in the BEEP vocabulary and then entertaining myself with them around the tavern (They will be missed *sniff*)
-Seeing the new[er] PCs engaging in combat and doing a fantastic job Sat. Night.
-The new PC mod. Emilynn, it was a fantastic idea and got the point across well.
-Being the 2nd highest Earth Caster at the event and my character realizing the responsibility involved.

So much more I'm sure. Once again great event!
OOOOOOOOH boy. It was a wonderful freaking event, thanks to all who made it happen! I really enjoyed this weekend. These are the highlights for me.

-Finding out that I was going to be a healer with 2 memorized spells. Proceeding to roll with Gorka and Asher for the rest of the event, and having a BLAST with those two
-Always attempting diplomacy first. One day, a huge monster will put its sword down and give me some treasure after I shake hands with it. And I will laugh at ALL OF YOU
-Discovering how to do things, like fight and be useful and stuff. I feel like I'm finally pushing past hindrance and starting to do some good.
-The mods felt wonderful. Good NPCs, challenging situations, natural-feeling hooks. I especially liked the story teller's atmosphere.
-Specifically getting tortured. That was a new and interesting experience.
-Sharing dirty songs with Lady Gray around the camp fire.

Tons more I can't recall ATM.
All in all, a wonderful event! Thanks everyone! In no particular order, here are some favorites:
~ The early-morning-quarduple-rez. Sorry for waking people up....
~ Fern building the fire for the Ophidians. Sorry Paul!
~ Obtain the Scale of the Slitherkarin, especially with the "forked tongue" heartstopping moment. Thanks for that, Emilynn!
~ Tiki Hex, and everything he explained to us via vision.
~ The Tectonic Behemoth fight was all in all really cool, even if Gandian and Fern were kinda pissed off in-game at the time.
~ Our Ward being destroyed, and the following planar adventure..... into a classroom.
~ Busting the Node at the end of the big Corrupt mod: "I need a guard of honor to get me up there!" "A guard of honor? Seriously, Gandian?" "I've got a book of Destroy scrolls specifically for node destruction!" "Oh! Someone guard Gandian!"
~ The Kobold trap mod. Gee, I think I (and everyone else on that mod) just might have been above the APL. ;)
~ Rejuvenating pizza and summer sausage.
~ Giving Fern "seer gold".
~ "The big Corrupt aren't really that bad! Back rubs, conga lines, what's next?"

Prolly more, so I might add more later. Once again, thanks everyone!
Event favorites in no particular order:
~ Late night Friday/really early morning Saturday resurrection hyjinks, my voice still hurts, heh.
~ The pace of the event was great, there wasn’t much downtime unless I chose to be down
~ All the fantastic RP with the younger adventurers as we discussed the power of formal magicks as we rehearsed the roles each would play during the ritual and why they were needed.
~ Teaching other adventurers how to fight and defend themselves
~ Having my suspicions confirmed about the nature of the corrupt
~ On Friday night ordering everyone to charge, and they actually listened (if only I still had my voice on Sat!!!)
~ Ordering golems to do my bidding (thanks Dawson!)
~ Receiving a TIKI MOJO TIKI HEX HEX HEX…MAGIC DEATH!, and showing the true power of a Dark Elf by outright resisting it
~ That and I am finally playing a character that does not want to outright kill Tiki on sight.
~ Working together with Forest’s Edge, we need to do that more often!
~ Sparky (you know who you are) :D
~ “Yes, I am Master Runeforge” and the hyjinks that followed, I’m glad Fern was there to save me! :D
~ The corrupt mod…wow. At one point Fern yelled “Dure’dhel, make us a hole” only to realize after I threw 50 magic storm packets or so that the corrupt kept coming, and that I was in fact NOT burning a hole as the corrupt kept coming to fill in the ranks of those who died, and eventually drawing them all on me
~ Feeling completely destroyed after the last corrupt mod…damn I’m old.
~ Finding my ward was eaten and then being warped against my will to another plane, I really like the Nitus plot!
~ Being my usual bad, impatient, and cranky self :D Thanks for all those who just rolled with it :D :D :D
Favorites in no particular order:
- Sheep Mod, being an ornery ram was so much fun!
- Crunchy-ing for the tectonic mod, us NPCs were having such a blast... it was difficult to keep from giggling!
- All of the RP surrounding Johnathan, Fern, and Lady Grey being abducted and tortured by undead
- Late night fire with songs (if only I remembered what the lyrics were!)
- RPing with Harlequin and Tarqaq as Bone
- Totally awesome Jalepeno pizza from Paul
- Newbie mod, you guys did very well!
'Twas a very fun event I must say, and probably my favorite to date. But more importantly, the things I really liked:

  • - The mausoleum mod. Getting in, sneaking out a statue almost as big as Fern's hat, and having only one person (Good job Kendra!) even suspect what happened.
    - Fireside story and song time!
    - Making breakfast in the morning, looking outside, seeing a whole buncha spiders walking around. A little bit later they come in OOG "Who's awake?" "Just us in the kitchen" "Wanna come out and fight us?" "Nah, not really, but we could choose to let you into the tavern to see what happens while we're behind our Ward"
    - Kobolds and Beeps!
    - KB'ing paralyzed Salamanders with my bare hands so the Kobolds would stop complaining for a bit.
    - The boggle mod, fastest mod ever. Davion: "Hey, can I play with you guys?" Boggles: "Sure!" Davion: "0 waylay, 0 waylay, 0 waylay" Boggles: "Hey! That's not fun" Me: "I summon a force to Disarm your weapon! and then i'll take it away from you" Boggle: "Gimme my sword back! I only steal from the girl not you!" Davion: "0 waylay" Me: "I cut off your head 1..." Little Girl: "OH MY GOSH!! IS HE CUTTING OFF THE BOGGLES HEAD?!" Other PC's: "Yeah he is...just look away" and then a little bit later: Harlequin "I'll give you shinies if you steal Fern's hat and run away with it" Boggle: "OK!"...and then later "That head on a stick looks familiar...."
    - Mist cave, the spellcaster enemy (I forgot your name OOG) runs out of attacks, Me: "1 normal 1 normal 1 normal 1 normal 1 normal 1 normal 1 normal...", dagger is just grabbed and put against chest, Me: "Oh, ok... Killing blow 1.."
    - The Mega Beeps...
    - The Tectonic fight. Even a mundane dagger can be used to drop things people! You just gotta try! (Also "YOU AGAIN!?!" lol)
    - The entire Corrupt mod! "What's wrong with Izz'Rak?...I think he's silenced" "What's wrong with Izz'Rak?...He looks paralyzed" "What's wrong with Izz'Rak?...He's dominated" "What's wrong with Izz'Rak this time?...Berserk" "Izz'Rak again?!...Enslavement...crap"
    - Battle buddy Ophelia! Yay!
    - And last thing I can remember: Practicing for the ritual with the other little folk and Dure'dhel. "Don't light yourself on fire Izz'Rak"
~New Battle Buddy! :3
~The big beeps... they were not as cute as the little ones-much scarier.
~Harlaquin paying the boggle to steal Fern's hat.
~The fireflies! They were very pretty <3
~making a fire the first night. It was worth it.
~Sharing stories and songs around the camp fire. I liked Lady Gray's songs very much.
- Johnathan nearly getting Kendra rezzed because he convinced her that a handshake could make enemies friendly...Those were bigger lizards than we thought at first. XD
-Gambling for lucky statue...I liked having an excuse for staying inside away from bugs. That game was fun! "Everybody wins this game!"
-Kendra's observation skills coming in handy during the mausoleum mod...spotting a dark elf at night sneaking away something in the middle of battle is apparently hard for most
- the screaming early in the morning, and later finding out the horrible news...if that didn't make anyone nervous about sleeping (even behind a ward) you are crazy. Great RP with that though
-Seeing mid-level players having to step up and take lead, because most high level leaders were out of town...
-Beeps- ..oh how I wished I was the one to kill you..."Beep hat, anyone?"
- "How many races does it take to build a fire?"
- Being in charge of front line, battle-buddy with Tondra.. It was a good choice.
- Finally hearing news on Lok...
- Beeps
- Feeling like I was actually helping and standing my ground in a fight and against wrong doing
- Coming up with a new group, DMF...
- Seeing how much trouble 12 kobolds could get into. Thought they all were going to get killed before breakfast
- Great team work on the fire
- Watching Golem (Dawson) kill lots of **** for us!

Wished I could have stayed longer, work sucks
-Telling everyone that we were going to be spiriting away the evil artifact during the mausoleum mod and then everyone getting confused when it was missing. Good job Izz'rak, :p
-Kobold (Denise): My cousin works at the mine, and I don't want to work there, because he gets paid in rocks. And I tried to buy breakfast with rocks and they're not even a currency!
-BEEEP (megabeep) - never thought I'd be terrified by hearing a beep.
-Davion is probably the slipperiest person here - if anyone can survive on his own, it's him.
-Taking charge when we were betrayed deep within the corrupt territory. I haven't yelled like that in... ever. My voice is still a little weak. Most intense mod I've ever been on!
-Hat stealing boggle.
-Trejure this way! (nice RP Christine)
-Destroying 9 or 10 market days worth of saving up money in 1 event.
-equipping my friends with good things!
-Soap Factory guy as the great and wondrous merchant. Cheap jerk. "You've damaged my goods! I'm only paying you half (of 1 silver)"
-Mesa is like any poorly programmed escort quest guy. Oh look - tons of danger this way and nobody's looking. (runs into group of corrupt by himself)
-Remember the bottom one shoots the lightning (buy why?!?)
-Getting taken by the storytellers after the mod. When I walked outside and saw them, all I thought to myself was "srsly?"
Now that I've pretty much fully recovered I can recount my favorites.

Being a Troggledite was fun, interrupting your PC's campfire with 20 Elemental Ice :p

The Phase Pair was fun, getting hit with a Pin spell and watching the PC's confusion when I phased away.

There was also scaring D'rezz when we first came in and he got chased down by us.

The best though was watching you all in the Corrupt lands and aiding the PCs as a spirit. Kendra needs to learn to be a little less hostile towards everything that she doesn't know that moves :p
Great event, sorry for the late response, but been up to things.

-The amazing RP with Fern and Duredehal, intense, emotional, and felt real
-All the Tiki Hex mojo
-Finally figuring out how we are going to defeat the Forsaken, and realizing in principle it is exactly as I predicted
-Being the only full Guardian in town, as time consuming, headache causing as it was at times, I enjoyed it and look to grow in the position more
-The crazy **** that happened early in the morning, did not get as much sleep as planned, thats for sure
-Chats with Aleksander Nitus, theorizing and contemplating
-Chats with Lady Grey, and realizing I needed to check up on some stuff
-The bloody bandit that got away, grrrrrr
-The story teller stuff
-The whole crazy corrupt battle
-The crazy giant splintering stone guy
-The Barbarian's ritual to see if we were true to our word and had a worthy cause
-Smoking stephen that one time on the corrupt mod

All I can think of for the moment
Sorry for not posting earlier I've had a crazy week without as much time to relfect on the event. I had a lot of really good RP with folks this weekend and some very intense moments with a lot of PCs namely: Duredhel, Thorador, Gorka, Gandian, and how could I forget the freakin hat burglar Harlequin. :) The RP was just that, I know my character was in a bad place most of the weekend (Thanks Plot!). I saw a lot of cool stuff from a PC perspective like newer players teaching game skills and "meta-skills"/tricks/tips, sharing modules, and even stepping up as really good battle leaders (Dcheek I'm staring at you) and although the plot didnt go where I was hoping it took us through some interesting places so overall I had a good time and many good moments:

Hopefully Chronological:

-Getting Seer Gold From Gandian
-DG "Terminate" Fern " Dodge, Oh you son of a..."
-Hey Fern can you build us a fire...(30 mins later) "Hey Fern were leaving now"
-Actually building the fire with all the teamwork...awesome module.
-Lady Grey/Fern/Johnathan all getting their foot cut off and resulting RP
-Early morning wakeup for Shadow's Light Guildhouse
-Bringing Iggie on the cave mod... I have revised my opinions on bringing dwarven miners to a mining expedition.
-"Talitha, ya wanna buy this exquisite knife for 20 gold?"
-"Duredehl, you be the Maester Runeforge!"
-Awesome RP convo with Gorka about trust and risk... very cool perspective and always love these mean spirited debates we inflict on each other.
-Methrin Golem fight- Very Intense.
-Pizza Break!
-Asher RP and the crushing weight of responsability on a 2 game PC. Well played sir.
-Pre Sat Night Mod RP with Duredhel and Thorador culminating in the badass line of the weekend Fern "You with me on this, willing to die for what you give a rats ** about?" York " I'm dissapointed you feel the need to ask"
-Magic storm not making a dent in the sea of corrupt being thrown at us yet the town survived
- The great Tondra rescue, waylay/endow/run back into line/enslavement antidote/awake... "Ya allright?*pause for response" Don't do that again I can't pull that off twice"

I'm certain I forgot some stuff... thanks for an awesome event, can't wait for the soap factory... to Fern or to Jehan.... that is the question :)
I never thought Jalapeno pizza could be that good. Thanks Paul.