June Event Feedback


Just wanted to take a minute to say good job to everyone who made the event happen.

Plot guys, you all rock. Thanks for staying up 'til blue o'clock to satisfy our late night information gathering
Joe and Ashley, thanks for coming out to NPC and beat us all up.
Alison, thanks for the foods.

See you all in July.

Hey guys, I had a great time at the event. Although I was only there until 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, we piled in a lot of good times before real life came calling.

This was an interesting event for me because I was going along on mostly PC driven stuff instead of job boards stuff. This meant there were less obvious "winning conditions," in one case, but also what appeared on the surface like more important aims. Helping to plant the seed in the scar was a neat thing for the world/story, and I liked how it involved not just Mathis but also the other people there trying to defend and survive. Going to the swamp to fight salt eles I was less of a fan of, mainly because there was no clear goal in mind, and our execution was not great. But it was still a fun fight.

The one job I ended up doing was Saturday morning, after getting three other PCs and going and knocking on NPC camp's door. You guys were awesome about immediately mobilizing and making that a super fun and intense mod. Running through caves to frantically try to not get buried in was really cool, as were the walls being dropped on us. Great times!

Favorite Chris moment. Miguel. Hilarious and interesting NPC. Runner up is you getting woken up on Saturday and coming out with Zack to NPC a really fun fighting mod for GJ, Matt, Stu, and me.

Favorite Travis moment. Thom. I love that you guys have gotten so much use out of that prop. I don't think I have seen a prop monster be a recurring thing before, let alone an ally. It's very cool. Also, it was very neat to be involved along with Mathis and Thom dealing with Ellabreeze. Thanks for incorporating me into that.

Favorite Chad moment. I hadn't got to do much with Chad Friday night, but as I was about to leave, he took something that could have been a "you go there and find it," and turned it into a really neat roleplay opportunity with other PCs. Thanks for taking that time, Chad, because it totally fired me up on the way out of the event, and left me supercharged for the next one.

Food. Al, I was only there for Saturday breakfast, but it was GREAT. That bowl of fruit salad was monumental, and the pancakes and eggs were delish. Thanks for taking the time out of your life leading up to the event, and the event itself, to prepare food for everyone.

Camp. I hadn't experienced all of the nooks and crannies of Chelsea before, mostly due to typically being able to play half events. But at this one, the camp really shined for me. Two mod buildings, present with caves, that could be alternated between as we descended? Absolutely amazing. And that is not to mention the C cabins, if you did end up using those. Having so many buildings is excellent, even though it means a sacrifice of bathrooms in the PC cabins and NPC camp.

Overall, guys, I had a really great time. I am super excited for the next one.

Joe aka Stremthi
So, I know it’s a week after the event, but I was a little preoccupied this past week.

Thank you to plot guys for putting up with all our indecisiveness and staying up until all hours for our entertainment. Like West, I enjoyed the conversation with Miguel. I also enjoyed staring down the drider (from the safety of my circle, I’m not that bada**). Chad, I loved the Endral fight. I definitely need to work on improving my endurance running until he’s dead. Travis, thank you for packing on pounds of foam and tape and walking on trash cans from monster camp to the tavern for us.

Ashley and Menotti, thanks for driving so many hours just to get hit with boffer weapons and spell packets. Zach, you may not have driven as far, but you still gave up your weekend for the same reason, thank you.

Alison, thank you for taking the time out of your playing to cook for us. Food was great.

Looking forward to August!