June Event Feedback


Fantastic event, really loved it. Thank you to Chris, Brigit, Cory, Jared, and Bev for putting on a really solid event in really terrible conditions.

Getting this out of the way early, the heat was brutal. I think anyone who was at the event, or checked the weather knew that was coming. It certainly made everything a little less good. So, for my feedback I am going to focus on the things within Plot's control. It was a great event, made only good by weather, but from Plot's standpoint I really loved it.

Jared (the NPC, not the Plot guy): Great job building a villain. He was a sweet mix of punch-able but understandable. I liked him being called the messenger, that was clever. I also really liked that he didn't BAMF away to just be a constant thorn in our side. Sure he BAMF'd, but the was an opportunity to pursue. if the PCs wanted to. Great hook/Intro.

The Vronti rescue mission: Well, that did not go as I expected it, at all. However, it was pretty fun. I don't like how often the tiple bounce is coming up in the various games I'm playing in, but it is what it is. I really liked the scene of Real-Vronti meeting up with Golem-Vronti. The RP in general with Vronti was real engaging. That was a nice scene.

Went to bed early, because... well heat. Which is real unfortunate, that full-ish moon lit the place up very nicely. (we should schedule around the lunar cycle ;P ) I liked the addition of the hanging lights in the forest as well. Just enough light to fight safely, and it still be darkish.

Saturday was the busiest day of larping I've had in a while. I think I did 8 mods in a row? All different but working towards a goal. I was really happy to see that saturday day, Plot was able to keep everyone entertained who wanted to be entertained. Water mods to cool off, solo stuff, RP, town saving combat. There was a whole bunch going on, at that's not including the stuff I was doing.
Plot, you guys put in real work on Saturday. Mad props. That would be an active day in the best of circumstances, coupled with the heat it was crazy. You guys drove me to keep going. Whenever I was getting tired, here comes Thetford with the next step. Collectively pat yourselves on the back. You guys did great.

Really glad I got to talk with Sunseeker. Previous to this event I had always treated him as kind of a Narc for the Empire. Now I see him more as a potential ally. All from one conversation. Also glad to see Arai finally use his assassinate, excellent inaugural killing. Many firsts for Arai on Saturday.

Carnival games. I was skeptical at first, but similar to dodge ball I'm glad I went with it. Sure they were silly, but we got some great Larping fun and memories from them. So, I guess that's the point. I'm hoping Arai versus trees, keeps getting told. Too funny of a story to let die. (trees won)

Tree Frogs: I can say I'll ever enjoy magic immune guys, but the mod was cool, and I got to remember how it felt to not be able to solve a problem with Birdseed. The little skill challenge interludes were cool. Nothing super fancy, but nice breaks in the combat. (glad we used the right thing each time. Had we not.. I dunno man. Next time give a hint or something)

Death Knight Cemetery: That was fun. I loves riddles, and I love that we could neutralise the DK with some forethought. Also none of the riddles were complete vague BS, so that's good.

Gnolls: I have never worked so hard to not kill someone. The searching was a little weird. Describing search on a non-repped thing was awkward. We got there, so it's cool.

Boat Warfare: Not my jam, but people really loved it. Kudos. I'll always support trying weird mod/rulings especially if you give people the option to just watch.

Somewhere in there we had lunch. I think having lunch in town is not worth the mess and hassle of moving lunch. But it was also free so, yeah. Do whatever you want, I'll take free food however you want to deliver it. I didn't have dinner, did it work in MC? It would certainly cut down on the sitting and chatting though, which is probably a downside.
Thank you Brigit for going and getting Popsicle/ ice cream sandwiches.

Robbing Contract Apocalypse. Cool mod. I liked the spray chalk circles. I don't have a well formed opinon on the guys we were fighting. They seemed pretty scary early, then I bailed to go hoop-hunting. (props Tory, great idea to use the shard) I liked that it was another combat with mini goals. Not really a puzzle, more like multiple ways to go about something. I did appreciate that it's completion did not require a marshal, so we could keep one distraction up, while a few of us robbed the place. After the fact I did kinda feel bad about tipping that barrel, I didn't realize people were already diving in it, in previous mods. Had I know that I would have asked for volunteers.

Mist Ritual. WOW. ok lot's going on here. The simple fact you, as a plot team, gave the PC's the choice to change the game world this drastically is pretty brave. It was a real cool moment. I'm very interested to see the fallout. 10 hours in the heat was starting to get to me by this point, so I was probably crankier than needed with the instantly re-popping 20 massive guys. Sorry for that. There were many cool character moments here as well. Saro eulogizes the bones, and really bring a long term plot to a close. It was cool. Kira, I think you did a great job IG, seeing things through to completion over the year and a half you've been working on this. Good job. I also liked seeing Arai actually use his transform. Not sure how much of that you planned, but calling on your ancients in the field was pretty impressive, nice RP.

Then I went to bed. because I was exhausted.

Random Thoughts
It was great to see the Pride in town. Hope you guys had fun for the stuff you were able to go on. I really liked that Lion Healrdy on your tent.

Still a big fan of the treasure policy. I would like to get a little clarification on what plot considers coin/ easily split. You've said, "bring up miscounts", but sometime I'm not sure if compoentnts count as 2 gold, or if they are extra. (I vote they are two gold)

In general, the PC town is trashed every sunday morning. C'mon guys. If you are tent camping, bring your own trash bags. This is not a game were we bounce away like fireman in 30 secs. If you are going on a mod, clean up your water bottles/ trash before you go. Please dont' leave food out/ exposed, we have enough bugs.
Also bring your own camp chair.

I'm sure there is more I wanted to say, but this is good for now.
Great event in awful conditions. Really looking forward to the next one in 3 short weeks.

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This event was very exhausting for me. Work had been pushing me and getting things ready last minute. But I learned for next time.
Want to know input on tavern lights. Do they work or not. I will get more steaks for the tavern and monster camp.
Was glad to see things get accomplished and ready to see what you guys do next event


To answer your question about our "normalize" treasure policy, currently we are only factoring coin. We would be welcome to input on reagants, magic items, and scrolls; though I imagine the later two are easier to get even splits then production or reagents.

Thanks for everyone enduring the extreme heat (and even if you had to flee the weekend, thanks for coming as well). That heat drained the energy out of most of us.

-Enjoy Nomeric matrix like (with a shield) dodging magic storm while pinned. Next mod, he brought his new mirror shield.
-Escaping town after being a captured necromancer.
-A lot of different interactions with Sunseeker and different PCs; and by that also starting to dig into Empire plot
-Flint walking into quickstand and getting out.
-Treasure hunt seemed to go smooth, hopefully it wasn't too easy. But it was fun to explore further down the trails then we have been. The sailing rp/interaction was good.
-Brigit and Gen leaving and bringing back ice cream. Thank you!
-Can't wait to unfold the next chapter in the Elorian campagin and see how the PCs affect the world/story!
-Brigit becoming our new General Manager.

-The desert
-I wanted my canon firing mod to go off better then it did/envision with the three person slingshot. I was really excited for this mod and busted from the start.
As Joe pointed out, the heat was nobody's fault, so I won't touch on that -- except that it's the reason I had to leave early and I'm disappointed I couldn't stand to stay longer.

Clearly I missed a LOT and that's a bit depressing but again, as Cory and Brigit told us repeatedly, our health comes first. And that I do want to touch on. When I was debating whether to leave because I felt like I was melting, I was so torn because Plot and NPCs had told us to not risk our health, but I literally had this internal dichotomy of "I'm afraid of getting heatstroke" and "but if I leave Asher could die and something could happen to Hal" and for that small reason it might have been a terrible idea working my kid into my story :D but Cory mentioned as we were walking to monster camp that I wouldn't be penalised if I had to wait on a personal plot hook, as long as I didn't wait months and months. Presumably something everyone else knew, but I hadn't realised, and it relieved me a great deal. So, thank you for that.

It occurs to me now that I'm writing this that I never ended up on any combat mods that I can recall? Which is just how that portion of the weekend went, no big deal NO WAIT I EXHAUSTED ALL OF MY HEALING SPELLS ON THE LIGHTNING MOD. So that one was fun if a bit of a failure, it was the first time Grin's been able to really throw out bigger healing spells and I'm glad he/I was able to help, though we didn't end up actually getting the elemental the way that Flint hoped.

I hope the water mods went well? Or at least relieved the heat? I helped Jared with a little of the setup but obviously had to leave before they could be implemented.

Want to know input on tavern lights. Do they work or not. I will get more steaks for the tavern and monster camp.

Absolutely they work! If the tavern doesn't blow over. xDD Thank you for the extra stakes.
I liked the tavern having light. Is there a way we could hang them from the high cross bar, versus the top of a wall. Still within the tavern but just something so when you look at the tavern the lights aren't right in your eye-line, destroying your vision. Maybe hang the lights before putting up the wall-poles?

I loved having our Pridecation, thanks for welcoming us to the chapter!
the first night, saving a selunari village for asher was fun and later on understandably anticlimactic, but having to dump that many resources to "solve" the problem on Saturday made me a bit salty for not even getting a thank you, but that was most likely due to being hot and hungry when we finished it.
going on to the rescue mod, it was pretty fun to try to think out how to deal with it and really made me wish I had brought my scrolls. the RP was cool and if we hadnt had a heatstroke break on saturday I would have loved to see what our mad scientists would have done with the mushrooms. big props to Joe for still buying the mushrooms after they were "Just for show" though
after that we went to bed
The treasure hunt mod, I loved getting to ramble out all of my shitty sailing knowledge for Captain Saro to get her stuff, and all of her mods were really fun. I dont think it was too easy, but the hat should have probably given us a minute to look around at the first spot before telling us we overshot it
mummy dust mod once again shows that a Lukas who has someone else calling defenses for him is OP against head on opponents.
the waterfall came at the right time for us to try to cool off a bit in the bucket before moving on
village trip two and three mentioned above, note to new adventurers, that is exactly the time to use bindo. RIP Ardos' shard.
we left for like 4 hours to deal with heatstroke, so the next one I can think of is gideon's ship mod. this was also a ton of fun, I loved that apparently no one knew about Saro's ship and the number of what the fucks as we all climbed on made the fun mod even better. sorry the slingshot didnt work, but it was still a ton of fun getting to parry away cannonball water ballons!
the town circle mod, that was a stroke of genius to use shards, there was no way that we would have been able to find those things with half of town being stuck to 0 damage for the rest of the event. I pretty much just played a babysitter for that mod as I couldnt figure out what else to do but get in they way and keep other people up while the lead group followed the shard path. this isnt a positive or a negative, I was just glad that we were able to do it reasonably quickly as kristie had a second round of heatstroke and was sitting in the car.
after that we left, but despite the heat I had a good time
this is going to be short. the heat is not in your control, but it was abysmal.
While I had a good time on the whole, I have a hard time justifying the day off of work for the drive up for camping and no water, if the site had a running water spot, maybe a regular bathroom, its an easier pill to swallow but putting in contacts was frustrating and painful. I know the site is a running problem but its the only fixable problem I have.
David Mackool
Correction, the weather was Joe's fault, because it always is. Thanks Joe.
I had a really great event despite the heat. I was pretty sure I was going to die for a little bit, but I didn't so that was cool.

The Highlights

-I was really happy to see the Pride up in Eloria, I miss them
-Of course all my cool captain stuff. Seeing Gideons face when I summoned the ship through the power of the Dread court.
-I really liked the treasure hunting mod and the cannon ball mod, despite the fact the "canon" was not the best
-Honor Dueling is always fun
-Wrapping up the bone stuff was really satisfying. I have been collecting them for over a year and to put it all together (mostly...) was so good. Eulogizing Arden, the feels man
-Ice cream 10/10 especially since I can't break shards for ice-cream anymore...
- River break. I highly recommend that if we have a heat like that again we all caravan down to the river. It was so worth it. I felt reborn.
-Lord Sunseeker talks and everyone there being an elf, except Grin
-Trying to decide if Dryads bleed blood or sap
-General Paragon of justicing
-Water mods, bless. Those were the best. Except smelling like jalapeños.
-I LOVED THE STEALING FROM C.A MOD, I know not everyone loves town fights, but I do. Its my favorite thing to see everyone working together.

The meh

-I feel like dinner should have happened before the big CA thing
-The whole town going to bed at 12. Step up your game guys. If you're going to bed before 3am you're doing it wrong

Final thoughts: I love you guys. You are my favorite people. Three weeks will feel like an eternity. Thank you, npcs, pcs, for being so awesome. Hopefully the weather will be better next time. I like tavern lights a lot.

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Lol, is it still stealing when 3 people give you their treasure from it? before I forget double big props to Saro for doing an even treasure split after taking a significant number of people on the mod and having the NPC tell her to keep a bigger portion for herself.
While I had a good time on the whole, I have a hard time justifying the day off of work for the drive up for camping and no water, if the site had a running water spot, maybe a regular bathroom, its an easier pill to swallow but putting in contacts was frustrating and painful. I know the site is a running problem but its the only fixable problem I have.

It is a situation we are hoping to remedy, but unlikely to happen until next season :( Having an active GM again should help that process.

- River break. I highly recommend that if we have a heat like that again we all caravan down to the river. It was so worth it. I felt reborn.

Aye, i am sure plot would have been down if approached about it. We talked about lots of years ago we camped at campground with a river and was hot, that we just rp'd sitting in the river for a good chunk of the day.
Correction, the weather was Joe's fault, because it always is. Thanks Joe.

Don't worry guys, I'll get my weather machine figured out. I over-corrected after sleet weekend.
I have a hard time justifying the day off of work for the drive up for camping and no water, if the site had a running water spot, maybe a regular bathroom, its an easier pill to swallow but putting in contacts was frustrating and painful.

Yeah man, we get it. That's why everyone was pretty excited you guys came to the event. No one like IRL hardmode survival in their fantasy game. If you guys are looking to come up again, reach out. We might be able to set up your tent or something so you don't have to take the day off work.