June Faves


So, as is customary, I think it's time for a faves thread. Here's mine, from my first event ever:

Jerome the hobling. That little guy was my first NPC in deadlands, and he is a major inspiration for my new PC (heck, he'll be my new PC if I can get it ok'd by plot). That hat plus the muttonchops = win.

Meek, Peek and Deek, the bird-calling goblin brothers who were systematically killed by the PCs in under 10 minutes. Little guys never stood a chance ^_^

Playing a barghast. I felt legitimately intimidating.

The entangle conga line! Explanation: John and I were playing shadow spiders, and had arcane entangles. As the first PC came out of the tavern, we hit him with one. Another PC comes to cut him free, we hit them with an entangle. A third PC tries to cut out the second trapped fellow, and we get him, too. Things continue in this vein until we had a line of entangled PCs leading into the tavern. Fun times!

How about the rest of y'alls?
First of all, excellent weekend. Great turn out on NPCs, and a story that made me feel bad about killing NPCs (yeah right). Flew up from Arizona, and the event did not disappoint. Thanks!

Anywho, favorites in no particular order-

Saturday evening/Sunday morning in the Tavern. The slap heard round the hollow, and Utieties defilement of Fever Grey. The RP that ensues for the next TWO HOURS makes my face hurt, but was absolutely worth it.

The Vanguard saving the day, once again. A book we can't read? Lets find out who can! The pro-active awesomeness of us discovers the cure for the True Mortals, and wins the weekend.

Targ being sneaky in our cabin, but instead helping us more than he originally intended.

The PC battles over the enslavements. Anything that causes PC drama is the best. I've noticed that its often because of the Van'sir. Ah well.

Being back at Chiram's Hollow! The only place that nero (Alliance) should ever take place. My character had heard about the best tavern in the world. Getting the chance to experience it again as a PC was fantastic.

Feeling real moral conflictions with the true mortals. I didn't want to kill them. When I saw the biata spirit who merged with Wolf reunited with his body again, it was a good feeling, even though Wolf had brutally attacked me only seconds before.

3 scholars and young pup against 2 barbarian pantherghasts at the same time. We are bad ***.

Thats all of them for now. Very fun event, and i'm glad I came up.
First and foremost for me: Thank You Staff, PC's and NPC's! This weekend was the picture perfect ending for Marcus' story. The Spirit farewell was incredibly emotional. My chance to say goodbye and try to leave a lasting impression on those folks that have had an impact on me and on Marcus. The tears, the laughs, the private conversations. You all made this a wonderful experience and I canot say enough.... Thank You, Thank You Thank You!


Trying to Gypsy Curse Malachide

Character History development Post Mortem.... About 2 hours beore Marcus died the major character history element for Marcus was brought out in game. Marcus finishes celebrating... and Dies. Being able to relearn it at the Spirit Farewell.

Ghost Metal..... A chance for a bit of Marcus to live on in Chiram's Hollow.

Me and Big Mike being cast as the thugs for Fever gray. Okay, expecting the two biggest guys in NPC camp to keep up in a race through the woods and a fight between Gary and Dan?! I was sucking wind before we even got into the fight!

Had to laugh at the typecasting, My first NPC role after the Spirit farewell..... A Human Caravan Guard, Earth Templar!

Timothy the Scrivener, I love coming out as that NPC.

Air Raksa..... I wonder how this guy continues to breath! Summoning a 10,000 foot snake, getting turned into a Lich. Life is always interesting around that guy. Keep working that Magic Brian.

Tetsu... The look on his face when I showed him the mug

"Paladar, what are you doing?.. Stand up.. get up.."

Coming back to site on Sunday with an entirely new energy and excitement for the game.

Once again, I thank You all for a wonderful experience!
Facts about this event:
- I have 42 mosquito bites (yes, I counted them all).
- The most bug bites are on my ***. How this happened, I have no idea.

In conclusion:

Anyway.. favorites!

- Rolling around with Michiko, Tetsu, and Qualin. Good times had by all.
- Meeting Masha and Ursul respectively. Cool characters, and of course awesome people.
- Coming into this weekend with the intent of smacking Mourgrymm in the face.. and then feeding him. Whoops.
- Coming out of logistics Saturday night and immediately dumping almost my entire column and item inventory into Rock.
- Stag hunt! Holy crap, cool mod.
- Hanging around with Drenten, Heresy, Paladar, and a few others pre-spirit farewell. Honestly, some of my favorite times in game come from casual PC to PC roleplay.
- Character changing events. It's not often they happen, and when they do, they'll keep you thinking for a long time.
- Tilekk and Thalia. Wow. Talk about not knowing what to do. But hey, at least we got Fever Grey?

If I don't see you guys at Jersey or HQ, I'll see you at the low level.. sorta. :D Thanks NPCs and Staff for an awesome event!
once again, im super sore, tired and covered in bug bites this only means that I HAD A FREAKIN AWSOME TIME! WOOOT! i loved this event.

going out as ms. muffet was great, i was so happy that this happend as i said that ms. muffet should be one of the fairy tales for the book. and going out as her was even better. then dan as the spider was cool too as he came down and hit me with the fear lol. then the giant snake.
the giant snake was awsome. seeing all you guys moving together was just great.

bug bears on sunday morning was hilarious. as i found the orc mask in the tavern and i picked it up and was wearing it and going "look at me, im an orc!"
fighting over henry's elf character's piece of arm was awsome. we bug bears started to attack and kill each other over it.

watching the 6 minute mod. explination: the barbarians went out on a mod and they were all on the ground except ator was in a prison and some one else too but i cant remember his name was in a prison then he escaped back to the town. and all that was left was ator and the other barbairans on the ground. lauren showed me her stop watch and it only showed 6 minutes. >< sean then healed and had the other npc's dragged them down to the end of the long mod path and then sean enslaved them all it was cool.

speaking of cool, omg sean metzler did the ultimate cool move. he tossed a healing packet into the air, went through a gate with 50 vengence, took it, fell down and then the packet hit him on his shoulder just after he got on the ground. i was like OMG! did that just freaking happen?! i couldnt belive it neither could he or the everyone else who saw it. sean, you are the man :p

the panthergasts on sunday he he, wow they picked people who were like the only race that was up at that time. sean chase and his dark elf, the lone child of autumn, mike and his gypsy, though they did also do a barbairan one.

watching the goblin bird callers lol.

glorius red!

npc camp! i love all u guys. especially sunday morning hillarity.
and those are some of my faves, if i think of more ill post em
see you guys at the lowbie next month, to which i will be bringing my new character up from caldaria. laterz
So many favorites this weekend, but I'll keep it short.

NPC camp and plot, you guys did a great job! You rolled with the punches and gave them out equally well.

And in no real order...

-Death elemental negotiations!
-Banshees! creeeeeepy awesomeness.
-PC created plot.
-Pantherghasts in the morning. It was worth loosing the spear.
-Everyone saying how screwed the Humans would be when theirs came out. Only to have it blown up relatively quickly when it did.
-Weather holding out. We hit lots and lots of rain shortly after leaving Claremont, so happy we didn't get hit with it while playing.
-Mod of the unknown adventurers. Always good fun.
yay an event where I didnt get kidnapped... granted I got fed on by mourgrym almost the second i came in game... sigh. :roll:

favs in no particular order

tavern talk, snowballs and jazz hands. lol

Qualin slapping Tabin leading to the above conversation

Being made an official healer of the guild

Teaching for the first time... and this is the part where we push the organs back into the body.

Watching Mosha pulverize a wylderkin pantherghast in the tavern. Awesome fight to watch. That mouse can kick some ***... but then its tori so its kinda expected

RPing with characters I havent met before. good times

The best cheese and bread in all the alliance

Great event guys. I really enjoyed this one a lot.
In some ways this event was sort of ho hum for me. But that was more my fault than anything else. I think I've been PC'ing for too many events strait now... Fortunately a NJ event is coming up. :) But there were definitely several things that were quite cool.

The site certainly is cozy. Friday night it was really nice showing up and being able to find everything without too much trouble. Plus I have to give huge props who logistics people for having my pre-pulled pain in the *** pile of tags pulled perfectly! All in all I got into game pretty decently middle of friday night considering I had to arrive later than I like (11pm)

Saturday it was sort of surprising/cool that I was able to be up earlier than some. Although maybe it was just that other folks were already doing things. Then it was a TON of fun to be able to go on the cave mod down into the heart of the mountain to help the stone elemental. When I saw the warder glyph and two Dark Elves flanking a Silver golem I thought things might get really ugly. But I decided to pull the hardcore Dark Elf card and that was awesome. So glad we could "win" that mod on RP, and I don't even care if we didn't get the "good treasure" because of it. Also, after screwing up the warder glyph coming back when I was on the other side alone with two Naga bearing down on me solo'ing them with Evo felt really good. Also gotta give Justin Cogins a real shout out for playing me up as the "master" dark elf right in the spur of the moment! :D

I was really surprised but then when I went off the investigate the meteor to get my 2nd mod of the day almost by accident. That was also fun too, got off a few waylays anyways and it was fun to have a bit more of a "high power" mod. Plus the group the went felt quite balanced. Good armor talk oog before the mod was fully ready to go. :)

Saturday night was a good hang out time. This is when I think I got bitten to hell by insects but oh well. Hang out time by the healers guild with kynens empty construct standing guard was fun. Plus listening to masha and qualin go totally wail on 1 or 2 undead that wandered into town with their slayers was pretty sweet.

I have to admit I really don't mind sleeping in a little bit Sunday morning and missing the DE panthergast. Besides it was probably more cool for the new Dark Elf (sorry can't remember your name) to take it down anyways. ;) Good to see another Dark Elf too. Welcome to the cool race club! Battling Sean a little bit as his supper powerful caster dude Sunday for the last wave battle was certainly an experience. I pretty much got smoked but sometimes that's the only way to learn.

Several more shout outs I have to give to ppl. Casually hanging out with Tetsu, Qualin, Masha, Kynen, Aven, Sun, Jun-Wo, Michico and so many others was just a blast. I really enjoy just "being" in-character and in-game. Its one of the things that definitely keeps bringing me back. Plus Henry I can't wait to roll with you a bit more. celestial adept ftw! Having 3 members of the Phalanx there was also cool too, I can't say how much I love my new Alliance family. Hiding from Morgrim was definitely a bonding experience.

Also this favorites list could not be complete without mentioning the awesome spectacle/RP with the baby guardian. There were only a handful of us that were involved with building/lighting the funeral pyr but that was really cool too. That made me really want to start connecting again with my ppl in a character way that was exciting to experience. Kelsey you are so busy with Sevaria we hardly had a chance to interact, but maybe some day we'll find it. ;)

I really had a BLAST, thank you so much to all the writers/runners/players/workers for this weekend. And of course as usual dinner afterward was a real pleasure. Can't wait to see ya'll again in either NJ, HQ, NH or CT later this summer!
Don't worry, I still have a dirty prison shank saved for Eldarion. :D
sweet! :p
Yay for first PC'd event! Woo! So, favorites in no particular order...

- Some absolutely great food. Absolutely astounding "Wild Boar" and bread.
- Being able to use both of my teacher cards... one of which was to teach Sun how to use a blade.
- Wik teaching me how to blacksmith (Waah! I'm a scholar with a 4 point suit and I need a refit! Waah!)
- Soloing a Pantherghast (Though I broke Azureith's spear... whoops)
- Watching others take on Pantherghasts. (Congrats to Masha and the double-teamed barbarians!)
- Joking around with Cassive and Sako late in the night (I like my women like I like my ale...)
- The Stone Golem/Dark Elf module. (See Eldarion's post)
- The Little Miss Muffet module (I smell a fairytale!)
- Resisting death spells! Woo!
- Waylaying true mortals all over the place
- Accidentally waylaying Squire Paladar. Damn.
- Taking out a death elemental with my bow
- Seeing Dan and Stacey's child roleplaying. I have to admit, I cried.

It was just such a great event for me, I can't really say it all here. Thanks to all the PC's, the NPC's, and the staff who made this event possible.
I have too many favorites! Deadlands is way too awesome, guys, seriously. I have heard amazing things about this chapter for years and I have not been able to play here until this past weekend. Everything I've heard does not do this chapter justice. So much coordination, effort, and love can be felt from the team that runs DL. Thanks so much for an incredible experience everyone. Thanks especially to Kelly for writing such a fun and accessable plot for the weekend. Plus too, she makes a beard look good! Jasper was an interesting character and I loved having to ghostbust our way to victory. Constantly being at odds with 'T.M. Hunger Boss' for true mortal spirits was pretty exhilerating!

I am going to have a really long list of favorites when I have some more time to jot them down and let my mind settle. I told Gary this on Saturday night, there was so much stuff that happened directly and indirectly to me in game that I almost felt overwhelmed. Deadlands has no shortage of amazing roleplay and activities. So if you read this and you have been thinking of going to Deadlands, take my word for it, it's worth every minute of travel time.

Thanks to everyone who make the New Hampshire game possible!

Your friend,

Justin Coggin
I just wanted to say, it was great to be back! I had a great time NPCing and after not doing it for 4 years or so, I had forgotten what a humbling experience it is. I'll have to remember to do it more often from now on. I also forgot how many more rules you learn NPCing and how much more you have to know! For all of you who are NPC regulars, hats off to you - it's a tough job!

So sad that I missed the spirit farewell for Marcus, but so happy to hear he will live on in the town.

My favorites-

Getting to go out with Skylar and be menacing.

Getting to throw death! Woo!

Going out as a ******** spirit wraith and follow poor Wolf around while trying to keep a straight face.

But mostly just getting to see everyone! I missed you guys =)
Well once again I have had much fun and many laughs!

Thank you Kelly for writing a great weekend! Thank you NPCs!

These are in no order:

~Sitting in the woods back to back with Meave in character the whole time and being forgotten...

~Doing my first resurrection as a celestial guild mistress. Wait celestial what?! I was so nervous and I still don't know if I did it right, but the elemental came back so maybe it was ok...

~Meeting members of a weirder in game family then I have! Tetsu and Michiko and you guys are some how related to Air Raksa? Well ooook.

~Snow balls and slap bags...

~Paladar instantly cheering Medb up at any and all times!

~Showing Mama to Marcus as a reminder of how pretty he could be.

Great times as always!
A big huge thanks to everyone in NPC camp. You guys, especially my three utterly-mad Saturday morning undead goons, are made of hardcore. Rock on. And GO KELLY! First event run!!

Francis Teawaddle and Jonathan the Werewolf: totally BFFs.
Jonathan: "Get on my back, Teawaddle! I'll carry you back to your house! It's way too far away. Miles and miles!"
Francis: "You are full of lies! This is not at all ladylike..."

Irina and Ator: also BFFs. "Come on Irina, let's be drunk in public."

Every moment spent as a banshee.

Going out as Nivek and taking my lowbies... even though it was drastically delayed by a fight we realised none of us could participate in! After Gary renewed I looked at Vry and Ursul and we were just like "To hell with it, we're outta here."

Nectar of the Blue Rose!

All the roleplay and developments with Myca, Ator and the Vanguard. Although saying goodbye to Ray-daddy was a sad moment (with awesome roleplay), getting introduced to Morganne was excellent and imagining Ator as a stay-at-home dad is beyond hilarious.

I love how every time I come in as Teawaddle, Rock's first response is "you still wicked old!!"

Seeing Brian come into NPC camp and start taking off his makeup. I ask him if he's dark-siding it for awhile and he laughs ruefully. Then I see Sean's manic grin and know something terrible just happened.

Getting to see Marcus one last time. He will be well missed.

The 10,000-foot fae-eating snake coming out during Ray the Chieftain's spirit farewell and all us barbarians going "eehhh... whatever, let it eat".

Finding a PC Child of Autumn for Asharah to take under her wing! Looking forward to seeing more of Grinnok in the future.

"T.M. Hungerboss"

Making the drunken declaration that Paladar has learnt her lesson and un-Gypsy-cursing her.

Finally, playing Lithandril -- honestly, I was really not looking forward to that encounter, but as Gary prepped me I realised how intense it was going to be. I hope I made a good speech; in retrospect I wish there was more I had said. Reactions to the baby Haran Sevarin, especially hearing Tetsu calling him "little prince", were wonderful. As I knelt in front of him I felt myself starting to tear up... I don't think I could have been more in-character if I tried. And if that didn't break me, listening to Sevaria and Taybris' eulogies did. I had to take a few moments to go weep after it was all over.

See many of you from the light side at the low-level event!
First of all I would like to say I cannot believe I have been playing this game for 6 years and this was my first time playing NH. Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much Plot, Staff, NPCs and PCs for making my first trip up there the start of a long and terrifying friendship. I can’t wait to go back. And now on to the good stuff.

-Coming into a chapter I’d never played before and already having plot there. Friday night was the most epic introduction to a new land I’ve ever had, what with The Withering, being chased by Morgrym A1 sauce in hand who then goes and banishes Tetsu to the Plane of Death. What a big meanie head.

-All things Qualin. I had an awesome time rolling/roleplaying with you all weekend long.

-The invisible seat! If you sit in it then bad things can’t see you, that is if they prison and paralyze the line of people standing in front of you but sssshhhh, it’s magic!

-Michiko coming undone at the seams Saturday night and getting sewn back together by Amaranthus. I believe we have redefined serendipity because the whole rest of the event would have been completely different if he hadn’t been there. Amazing roleplay. I can’t wait for my next session Doc.

-Going to get the heart from the Plane of Death. Confine storm ftw! Trying to talk to Death Elementals ftl! I really enjoyed the conflict in the mod. For a moment I thought we could make it out without fighting but I’m also really glad we didn’t. Much fun was had.

-The true mortal corpses being animated. I almost jumped out of my boots when Samara’s hand shot up while the rest of her was still crumpled in a heap on the ground. So creepy.

-Baby Pyriel guardian!

-Chasing the corrupted stag. I almost felt bad for the poor thing… until it started hucking drains.

-Hanging out with Qiu Jun-Wu and Eldarion in general, but the looks on their faces when Michiko “broke” were priceless.

-Trying to protect Talia only to have Fever Grey rift into my CoP and the roleplay that ensued. Michiko felt soooo bad.

-Watching the vortex of chaos that is Sevaria’s life and kinda wishing I was playing my human so I could have been of more assistance. No wonder she is grumpy! <3

-Rothsphere putting Michiko on the spot and singing to the freed true mortals.

-All things Masha! I love this little Mighty Mouse!

-Worst. Smoker’s guild. Conversation. Ever. Jesse and Jaimi talking about her whiskey. I will say no more but lord have mercy… on both of your souls. <3

-Speaking of OOG stuff, wearing the copy catalyst in my hair and having Craig comment that that's how Twilight Elves roll. I mean we're all Dragon Mages anyway, what do we need catalysts for but personal adornment? lolz

As I said, the weekend was so jam packed I know I’m missing things in this list. Let me just say, I had a blast. I can’t wait to come back.

Wow, I have to say this event ROCKED! Great job, Kelly, for writing an amazing weekend! Here are some of my favorites;

- The weather NOT sucking! The forcast for the weekend looked really crappy, but it turned out beautiful! (and hot)

- Having 3 awesome Orcs there this weekend. You guys really kept things interesting, even when nothing big was happening.

- Using my two Parries during the weekend on two Eviserates! Vry remains un-eviserated.

- Asking around desperately for a magic sword on Friday night so I could help fight the Barghast, and denying like 3 Magic Blades from Celestial Casters. Then Sean's Pooka finally gave me his magic sword, I run over to help, and Ator kills it. :( What was Sean's Pooka doing there anyway?

- Speaking of Barbarian Pantherghasts, TWO of them at the same time on Sunday morning was SOOOO much fun for me, but not as much fun for the 3 other Barbarian Scholars.

- Helping Wick teach Surion Blacksmithing.

- Wick teaching me Thrown Weapon. That was so much fun, I couldn't stop laughing. Tab, you're the man.

- T.M. Hungerboss

- Suckface

- Air Raksa being turned into a Lich. Holy crap was he powerful. (Also, kicking his Celestial rock halfway back to town instead of carrying it)

- Going to the Elemental Plane of Death twice in the same day was fun, but not when I was deathed on the ground 6 times.

- Getting to see my favorite High Ogre again, Nivek! I love the lowbie mods! Also, waiting around in the field pointlessly was funny. None of us could do anything, there was no point in us being there. Eventually we were like "screw it, we're going".

- Francis Teawaddle!

- Saving Glorious Red's butt after she was killing blowed. I think the people are starting to get tired of her.. >_<

- Actually starting to make gold. I made about 15 gold in items and coin, which was surprising because I was just giving out money during the course of the weekend.

- "Little Prince"

- Tetsu's baby, and Rock's reaction to it when Tetsu told him. "You make-a da baby?"

That's all I can remember for now, more might come to me later.

Flyaway Bird said:
See many of you from the light side at the low-level event!

I totally call dibs on Nadarin being my personal backpack for the event. :D
Vry_Young_Pup said:
- Asking around desperately for a magic sword on Friday night so I could help fight the Barghast, and denying like 3 Magic Blades from Celestial Casters. Then Sean's Pooka finally gave me his magic sword, I run over to help, and Ator kills it. :( What was Sean's Pooka doing there anyway?

Smacking me around while I made fun of his bossman. Sigh.
youthculture said:
Vry_Young_Pup said:
- Asking around desperately for a magic sword on Friday night so I could help fight the Barghast, and denying like 3 Magic Blades from Celestial Casters. Then Sean's Pooka finally gave me his magic sword, I run over to help, and Ator kills it. :( What was Sean's Pooka doing there anyway?

Smacking me around while I made fun of his bossman. Sigh.
Aww. :(
Excellent event in every way. Solid fights, great roleplay, and I was really effing afraid about an hour into game on Friday. Thanks to staff and everyone who NPC'd this event!

-Becca getting to be in the spotlight for some sexy cross chapter action! Also facilitating what I hear was a really excellent rp session between her and Bill. Also Becca's amazing 'zomg im sick and im gonna die rp'.

-Will playing Ursul and rolling Rock as soon as Brian shows up just to give Wik his sword lolololol. We were talking about how he was gonna 'try' and kill him on the way up. I'm glad that got taken care of haha.

-Shortly after arriving in town Friday I meet Meave and her sister Maeve. Awesome characters, love the talks we had. I really liked learning about the Ghostmetal from you both and Ivar.

-All the cool rp I had with Deborah. Thank you!

-Getting to meet the King of Syrrandor! I never met him or any other King for that matter. It was such a powerful moment.

-Apparently I was calling Surion, 'Turion', the whole event. Woops! We got to go on a cool mod to save the mountain from exploding, which resulted in my fatherhood. Treating Eldarion and Suri like my taskmasters was fun. I told Dave he did awesome but next time he has to beat me to get the real effect lol.

-Getting banished to the elemental plane of death via dragon magic cast by Mourgrimm. I guess that was his way of saying 'Who's the suckface now, huh bitch?' The anticipation and the encounter after were pretty freaky. I was happy to have survived with the help of Ursul and Grinnock. Yo, Gary and Sean promote synergy, like a boss.

-Constantly being at odds with the TM hunger boss. He and I shared lots of special moments. Like the time I cast 11 offensives into him before he ran in to the woods. Or like the time he started beating me with 25 drain. Then there was the time we locked eyes as I started casting purifies and healing in to his junk while he was apparently refitting. Gary, I think sometimes when we touch the honesty is too much, bro.

-Getting a chance to roleplay with Azshara finally! It was fun to sit down and talk with the dryad lady and talk up my pal Grinnock.

-Hanging with Morganne again! Giving her words of orcish wisdom and learning from her too.

-Wik being wik...constantly trying to hook me up with Mosha for some reason lolol.

-Mosha! I never got to PC with Torie before. Holy crap I love your character! She was so fierce but always seemed a little confused about it.

-All the cool Hierophan plot and roleplaying with the littlest elf. Emotional stuff there. Samara went to the waterworks and kicked the administrator in the junk.

-Having the vision ritual cast on me by Kainen and being walked through it by Ciaarah to find the gift of life needed for Air Raksa. Really cool visuals given to me by Sean that I had a lot of fun reacting to when it was all over.

-Sevaria trades of herself to save Rock. I did not see that coming. Holy shmoley.

-Henry really playing up all the feelings elves get whilst in the Deadlands. Qualin was a completely different animal this weekend

-Vry gives me money to eat! What great guy! AND he shares his bread with me. Damn son.

-Suggesting snowballs to Ator and the gang haha. It was great to see Ator again it's been soooooooo long! I love your crew man.

-Grinnock having my back wherever I went. He shadowed me even when I got up to go around the tavern. You're the man Alex.

-Jasper and the spirit trap encounter. Every stage of that fight/spectacle was really awesome.

-Sun's reaction to snowballs was pretty entertaining as well lol. I always love when Sun's around.

-All the great talks I had with Jin Woo and Keely. I especially liked making Keely smile when she was feeling low.

-Joshua shows up out of nowhere! Yay!

-Watching the encounter with the trolls and Qualin. He eventually offers flesh from his own arm to the rabble in trade for Ursul's mask. Epic. Best troupe of random monsters ever. They went off and started fighting over the meat. Way to make immersion easy NPCs, thank you for being so awesome.

-Thanks to Rachel for taking all the cool photos and vids!

Overall the different plot lines felt really accessible and I caught up pretty quickly. I really liked learning about all the cool stuff going on in Deadlands and finding more and more reasons to come back and help the cause. I am pretty much hooked. So if I have the means to get there I will certainly be making another trip. I will definitely be making a trip up as my Dwarf in September. Thanks again everyone for a wonderful weekend. I hope I see many of you at the events coming up!!!

-Justin Coggin
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