June Favorites


I had an amazing time, I didn't realize how much I missed Wayside. I hope to not have to stay away this long again. Thank you to everyone who worked to make such a smooth weekend. Thank you. And now my favorites.

-Seeing so many Orcs NPCs and PCs alike I was a little disappointed we didn't get a panthergas we had so many.
-We rift in two..we rift in three... body dissipates.
-Being upset as gorka and not getting knocked out for it, had a nice walk with Bevin and Akume instead.
-Lady falling star being concerned that a fidgety Gorka couldn't preform a resurrection properly.
-How well Paul and Alexander were able to mimic each others characters, Amazing!
-Adoption tea
-Any mod where Shadow's light went as a group, its been a year or so coming but we finally can fight and roll as a group.
-Harvesting cristals, that puzzle stumped us for a while but it was sill lots of fun.
-Teaching blade skills, I think that was the first time I ever taught something other than healing and earth.
-Philip and his bad dreams, Foss you did amazing at calming the boy down and getting him out of there.
-Acedently hitting Foss' new apprentice a few times in the dark and having her yell out Ow Gorka. Opps!
-Intimidating a 3 month old Orc and telling people the properly teach an Orc kid.
-Krook Ear Duel
-What is your World? Family. Great fun having my world around me.
-Landing spells from far away
-Finding something Handsome in the woods
-Helping with the blissful rest ritual. Thanks Enan this will help Gorka's research quite well I think.
-Pulling off getting a mat and a drink into the circle for Duhe'del to sit on seconds before the circle went up.
-Looking for a HeggieMcHog
-Undead Kolbolts "I'm the invisibal talking model" "Disarm Bacon" "spell stike cure wounds, appears to harm me" "Disarm Flower" "two love ..two love.. true love" Q:What Cures a Shun? A: Another Shun

Thanks again for all the hard work I had a brilliant time.
Good weekend all, Thanks Npcs...

Just a few favorites are...
-Being late for the Friday night mod and rping with Deoman...
-The switch, Paul and Xander were awesome playing each other
-Family Tea
-Friday night pickle
-Walking around a corner to find Gorka and Foss in a rift pile, I sprinted to get in it and almost wiped out
-Fighting as Gorkas world, first time I have fought in a tight unit that worked well
-Krook Ear Duel...
-Finding something very Drab in the woods
-Undead Kobolds- pretty much everything here...including the two love...

Almost forgot The Magic Vortex...which is what I shall dub the magic storm duo...
Ah another Chicago Event Come and Gone, I was bummed some of the newer folks in my posse couldn't make it (and exhausted from packing bout 50 hours of work into the 4.5 days leading up to the event) so it was a bit of an uphill battle at times. never the less a great time was had.

My favorites (in a particular, but difficult to determine, order)

- Teaching RP, both with Pandora teaching how to merchant things (never really thought about the process before) and with Jill the earth acolyte talking about how to perform a resurrection (not all teaching requires a card after all)
- Silver Smith tapping a shunt directly into my pocket and draining it, thanks to those who contributed to my obtaining the Blissful Rest scroll (good job Foss on haggling as well ^.^)
- The Wife and kids getting me out of a ticket due to it being Father's day on the way home.
- Ooze fighting with folks, not many answers for an earth caster to those.
- Protection Aura Fun (sorry to the npcs, I did my best to fall back after a few hits anyway (because Enan hates being hit)) Great to see somethings swinging lower numbers.
- Catching up on my sleep - I may not have done much at all (even during mods, ah the life of a healer sometimes ^.^) but I caught up on my sleep and hung out with some of my favorite people, was a much needed break from the office.
- Chess! Thanks to my many partners, I don't play as much as I'd like and that makes it hard to stay in practice.
- Ritual Casting - Didn't bring all my usual stuff, but I enjoyed the RP of creating the Blissful rest zone, excited to see what my first true empowerment last effect will be ^.^.
I had fun with the short time that I was there, so my favorites are going to be short...
- Moving the Circle and being one of the only PCs who knew about the days in Calidore that Jehan was mumbling about.
- The switch with Alexander and Paul. You two did a great freaking job of mimicking each others characters.
- The stare down with Gorka. There was a good 3 minutes there were I was not sure if Liddia was going to let her into the circle.
- The quick converstation with Du'Ridel, Ryan you can get great big bug eyes, I love it.
I am glad that everyone had fun. I look forward to seeing you all next event.


I have to say that this last event was easily in my top 5 events at Chicago! I had so much fun that I am even going to submit an IBGA :twisted:

Thanks to the Plot team and NPC’s! There were so many favorites, these are but a few:

- Gandian and Jehan personality disorders! It was uncanny how well Xander had you pegged Paul!
- Having stern words with Fallingstar in private expressing my extreme displeasure at Gandian’s predicament. (love you Amanda!)
- Family Tea
- Getting ready to help El cast a ritual and as I was counting down to build the CoP, Gorka running in, placing down a mat for me to kneel on and a beverage for me to keep my strength up at the last second. It was epic, as it all seemed to happen as if it were choreographed as part of my standard ritual routine. (“This pleases me”). :twisted:
- Being overly-eager to rift places (Sorry Paul!)
- Having a discussion about balance between light and darkness with the Master of Shadows, realizing that after speaking for 10 min we were saying exactly the same thing, but in different ways.
- Azura! Truly a kindred spirit! It was scary how much we think alike; just don’t tell Gorka…
- The Order’s Bristling Hedge, the first time we all fought together, we all fought as one without any prior discussion.
- Throwing myself and Azura into a subterranean lake…a wet Sarr is not a happy Sarr, I paid for it later but it had to be done :D
- Crystal Golem Mod, that was FUN!!!
- Thanks to plot for working with us and being flexible as we “went to go find trouble in the forest”
- Crook Ear duel and roast chicken! Gandian: If you all cluck like chickens you will scare it; Dure’dhel: Not going to happen; Kitaruen: Don’t worry Dure’dhel I got this
- Discussing the fact that even though we were from the land of Shademarch, that we had empirical evidence that yes, indeed wayside is much shadier (and no we weren’t yet on the plane of shadow)
- PC vs PC drama (thank you Gorka!) :D
- Storming with Jehan…storming with style! (that was probably the only time you would ever catch Dure’dhel humming or singing)
- Witnessing Enan’s ritual as he werebear’ed out thinking, that poor kid is gonna be scarred for life (Give me your fear or I will make you fear me even more!!!) Crazy earth casters….
- Finding a friendly shadow from the skies
- Bevin! You will always be welcome with us!
- Playing with Foss’ head before and after the plane of shadow. Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet :twisted:
- During the town discussion about the light sword and the plane of shadow expressing to the town: Didn’t we already fix this problem years ago?! (a reference to his first game at Chicago)
- Did I mention the awesomeness of the Plane of Shadow?!!!

Thanks to the NPCs and Staff members for putting in a good event despite the wicked heat and the rain. I had a lot of great moments this weekend, I'll try to keep it in order.

-Archamedes's sich twisted idea of making me wear a silver chain for the circle ritual... Chris you are an evil man.
-The ritual Friday night, mumbling and confused barely putting a step in front of the other with Gandian and Kealit walking me each step of the way. Enan's powerfull words of encouragement were just awesome RP.
-The ritual backlash and thinking I was gandian for a bit, the look on Gorkas face when I hugged her, grabbed Alexanders Garb and started putting it on and handed Gandian mine was priceless.
-Not calling down artillery fire for Don't and I at the end of the "spellstiched mod" "flame right" "15 elemental flame" "lighting center..." it was awsome and we chewed through the end of that mod with 2 big wands and a lot of charges.
-RP with Arch and Raven as "Hermes"
- All things "bad chicken" and the whole mod where crook-ear finally got owned.
-Dinner conversation with Gandian and Dure'dhel, great RP both of you.
-The shadow mod- scary and getting to show just how much business Arch and Jehan means when it comes to shadow. "clear the room Lady Elle? No problem"
- All the good RP with Raven especially when we got into the lone adventurer/group discussion.
-Sunday morning Giant battle! The hook was fast the mod was tough and Nathan tossed in a bit more spice at the end with Foss's attempted murder.
-Seeing all the pain and suffering Foss went through from Gandian and Elle drawing the shadow sword out of him to getting murdered by a human on sunday morning, the subtle shifts he went through as he got darker and darker was really neat to see and then the 1-1 rp at the end of the weekend and putting him in a time-out as we went out of game capped off the weekend.

But my all time favorite of the weekend:

-EPIC STORM OF EPICNESS!-Nuff said, you know if you were there.
This event was AMAZING! Thank you PCs and NPCs for everything you did to make this event awesome! Here are some favorites, in no particular order:

~ Car trip to and fro with Dave, Kristin, and Andrea.
~ Jehan and Gandian dragging the Celestial Circle was a lot of fun. Paul, you are absolutely fantastic at suffering RP, and it was great to work with you through that.
~ Wolfkin Gandian and Elf Jehan! It was so amazingly fun to play Gandian as a more feral character all weekend, even if there were so many other Elves in town, and having us play each other for a while was hilarious (Paul, you make a great Gandian!). “I think I just lost a millennium off my life expectancy!”
~ The new members of Shadow’s Light and all the awesome teamwork we had throughout the weekend were INCREDIBLE! The informally-formal tea ceremony we had was wonderful. I love my family, and I can tell things are only going to get stronger.
~ Dream/Nightmare Elementals, especially with the appearance of the Corrupt. I look forward to seeing what more involvement my favorite foe will play in the chapter.
~ Crystal constructs mod: “Congratulations; you have four people sopping wet in the divots.”
~ Rat hunting! Just what a newly-wolfy Gandian needed!
~ Afternoon Poutine. Thank you so much, Paul.
~ Our Family holding together in the Sunken Temple was downright awesome. On a mod where Gorka’s not preoccupied, we could do that and be really a powerhouse group!
~ Kimberly’s new Elf (whose name I do not know exactly how to spell than therefore won’t do it for fear of embarrassment). It’ll be interesting when Gandian meets her again once he’s an elf again.
~ Talking with Jehan around dinnertime. Good RP there.
~ I think this can be summed up in 3 words: “Magic Storm, Kapow!”
~ Our side’s Plane of Shadow fight was really awesome (how many Wards/Wizard Locks did we go through?), and it was especially cool when Shadow’s Light got to run in to help the other side of the fight at the end.
~ Power-monologue to Foss as I pulled the Shadow Sword out of his spirit. I love doing stuff like that, and I hope you enjoyed that too, Nick.
~ Late-night talking with folks on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Good times.

And probably so much more that I’m forgetting! Once again, thanks everyone!
Despite the usual exhaustion after a full night I had a blast! Glad to see new faces arrive in town both PC/NPC wise. Thanks Tim, Tristin, Brit, Rick, Kyle and Courtney for coming to NPC.


- Kobolds in the Apple Orchard RP. "I challenge you to a duel"-Jasper, "Accepted, name your terms"-Foss, ".... ....Dance off"-Jasper
- The “shadow from the skies” making first contact with Shadow’s Light. Finally seeing Shadow’s Light….together.
- RP with Dure’dhel with various NPCs.
- Learning mid-mod how to combat tactical ideas PCs come up with. Door + Ward + Eve prison + double magic storms. So mean!, yet awesome. (p.s thanks Tristin)
- Getting Deoman fined for 10g and banned from Waylay as Cyril Reyleigh. Never accuse a Romani of a crime and then admit a different crime yourself to him, it doesn’t end well.
- Seeing the non-York/Johnathon side of Rick/Tim. Sometimes I couldn’t hold it together around their NPCs.
- Krook Ear/Bad Chicken/Garthog Brothers. I was concerned IG Gandian would actually lose and Minze would end up ressing. Love it when everyone is in that RP “atmosphere”. Also Kit going all out with the Chicken thing.
- Jehan/Gandian swap. You guys definitely know each other’s characters to a T.
- Finally being able to roll out a Kobold Necromancer, and calling out “The Blue Destroyer” for what happened at the Orchard.
- Courtney’s Orc child.
- Sunken Temple Mod Round 3- PC’s throwing potions at the dog-kin as he made his way through the lasers/blades.
- More I’m sure, as so much happened…
There are way too many thing to comment on, even from the NPC side. I'll just summarize it this way: I'll be back very soon. I may not make the next event, but I'll definitely be coming back. I had a blast.
It was such a nice change of pace to PC for an event! As usual, Chicago delivered on the rain and the fun! Here are some of my favorites:

- Fighting people I usually NPC against! It was so fun to get to beat you all down for a change! Thanks to Nathan, Rick, Kyle, Tristan, Tim, and Courtney! (Am I forgetting someone? Hopefully not!!)
- RP with Tim. You're hilarious. We need to do that more often. Wilfred, the first level celestialist, was my favorite. :D
- Shadow's Light. You guys are SO fun to play with. Thank you, thank you for letting me be an auxiliary member of your group!
- Breakfast. Those waffles were divine! So many of you missed out on amazingness. Mmmmmm.
- Not and Dont. You rift jumping crazies! I didn't interact with you much, but you were totally awesome!
- The body switch. Paul and Alexander did a great job of capturing Jehan and Gandian's personalities. Super fun, guys.
- "I think I just lost a millennium off my life!"
- RPing with El. We always have a good time. Thanks, Vicki!
- Dure'dhel's face when I suggested that you use this lovely cave as a summer home. Also, watching him attract the attention of 4 crystal golems and shouting "All right, now what?"
- The essence collecting mod! NPCs, you all got the TERRIBLE end of that deal! Thanks for putting up with us! Magic Storm KAPOW!
- The car ride with Alexander, Dave G., and Andrea. It's really fun to get to know all of you out of game. I like people. :) And it's nice to know that Andrea and Alexander look young enough to be Dave G's. children. Happy Father's Day, DG!!!! :D

Fun was had by all! Thanks again, everyone!
I want to thank Plot, NPC's and the other adventures for a great event.

-Jehan and Gandian switching bodies. I really didn't have a clue what was going on until I called to Gandian and Jehan answered.
-Dream mod with Phillip. I told Gorka I knew how to deal with kids. Until....
-Sitting in Circle with 10 year old Phillip when a were-bear appears inside with us.
-Friday night Kobold dance off. Kobold - "I thought you said that those who can't dance, use weapons." Foss - "I did"
-Dure'dhel's Breakfast.
-Watching half the town jumping into the rift with Elle for the sunken temple without really knowing where we were going.
-3 month old orc child.
-Foss to Deoman "You did what to an orc child?"
-Dogkin (Spot I think) and his 100+ copper coin collection.
-Magic storm of madness.
-Having the Shadow Sword start to rip from my chest just to have Gandian and Elle yank it out. Then Gandian and Jehan pump 10 or so light spells into my heart. (Favorite Roleplay Ever)
-Undead Kobolds calling out "The Blue Destroyer".
-"Gorka, shun me"...."Gorka stop running towards me"
-Sunday morning's attack on the orphanage mod. Awesome.
-Getting jumped by random bandit and Jehan not letting me kill him and the awesome events that happened after that.
-The way I left town with Jehan and what happened shortly after.