Oh goodness, is this what day it is? I meant to have these up far earlier O.O".
Favorites, as I remember them with my wee goldfish brain:
-The exposition of the Selunari. Thank you for including me in that, it's a pretty awesome experience, and was great for my character!
-Stephano deciding to "Dr Paulo" it, and the rant of "HE THINKS HE CAN HEAL PEOPLE WITH KNIVES"
-Having people become infected and throwing them at nobles in desparation.
-I liked the party, it was nice to just sit and hang out.
-Baron Grim's triumphant sounds when he overheard/saw Sir Amaranthus proposing.
- Having Sir Amaranthus talk about proposing and then telling him that if he heard a "no", I needed an enslavement antidote.
-Brittington court "dancing like Irena"
-Dancing with Ji
-Singing inappropriate songs with Stephano.
-Baby shark song (and dance)
-coming back into game after having had made bets as to "what went wrong" while we were away, and who was dying...anndnd having things be more or less fine.
-Npc,s rocked this out of the house!
I'm sure there's lots more, but that's all I can remember at the moment. I'll see you all at the next one I can attend