
NEPA Staff
HEya folks please post your June HQ favorites right here! what you liked/loved and interactions that made your weekend!
what an awesome fun event. in no order here's some favorites.

1. dwarven digeridoo
2. woogie
3. sqire trainings.
4. late night talk with boli.. and then qjw cause he has a beard.
5. working with nuheran
6. Zeph being awesome
7. mini corrheim crew. I need to not ave a private room. i frikkin missed you guys. alot
8. kai chill time
9. seeing kai and ket being all daww
10. tons of cool little roleplay moments.
11. amaranthus and i stalking a few things on the field.
12. alot of awesome people having great times.
Thank you PCs and NPCs.

-Oh little plants, you done goofed.
-The legendary chub
-Knowing full well the chemical reactions that were about to happen in front of my face and still being giddy for it
-Internalizing Stephano's hallucinations, I don't know about you guys but I was fighting little elephants and plantsharks.
-"I'm going to Dr. Paolo at it."
-"I'm not Paolo." I feel I wasted a perfectly good opportunity to say "Did I mention, I'm not a real doctor?"
-I hate jungles.
-An army of 1,000 goats.
Ok Here we go from the Dark Side

1) Having an NPC to PC ratio that is a bit closer together than normal (I love it when you have one module out and that means a 3rd of town is currently being entertained and you can just throw 2 NPC's out and that takes care of the rest.
2) Jonathan being the healer for Squire Tactical Training.
3) Hmmm, I have too much treasure in the bucket, only thing happening is RPing for the party...Put on Jonathan gear and grab a deck of cards, problem solved.
4) Anything sung by Stefano!
5) Spontaneous module building and the Venus Fly Trap doing the Shark Dance!
6) Me and Jim Sailor having a discussion in Monster Camp on improving some things and realizing holy crap we are scary together.
7) Late night personal Mods.
8) Bringing back the wake up monster, even if it was because I couldn't fall asleep.

Oh goodness, is this what day it is? I meant to have these up far earlier O.O".

Favorites, as I remember them with my wee goldfish brain:

-The exposition of the Selunari. Thank you for including me in that, it's a pretty awesome experience, and was great for my character!
-Stephano deciding to "Dr Paulo" it, and the rant of "HE THINKS HE CAN HEAL PEOPLE WITH KNIVES"
-Having people become infected and throwing them at nobles in desparation.
-I liked the party, it was nice to just sit and hang out.
-Baron Grim's triumphant sounds when he overheard/saw Sir Amaranthus proposing.
- Having Sir Amaranthus talk about proposing and then telling him that if he heard a "no", I needed an enslavement antidote.
-Brittington court "dancing like Irena"
-Dancing with Ji
-Singing inappropriate songs with Stephano.
-Baby shark song (and dance)
-coming back into game after having had made bets as to "what went wrong" while we were away, and who was dying...anndnd having things be more or less fine.
-Npc,s rocked this out of the house!

I'm sure there's lots more, but that's all I can remember at the moment. I'll see you all at the next one I can attend :)