June Favorites

Hey guys... so... what'd ya like?
Hrm, I suppose I can start things first, heres some things I really enjoyed in no specific order.

1.) Seeing so many of my PCs npcing and having a good time, nice to flip the tables from time to time :mrgreen: .
2.) Actually staying up for all the modules and not breaking my blood sugar, horray for comparative fitness!
3.) Earth Storms, always good fun.
4.) Enan's First Resurrection story, hope it wasn't too aweful
5.) My first ritual casting, not a tough one but was still fun to complete one.
6.) Running out into the night filled with undead to save a certain barbarian, not because I was feeling heroic, but because Enan got irritated none of the adventurers were doing and it made him forget the danger ^.^
7.) Words with Joslin Rosh (spelling?) if that's not a warning of things to come I don't know what is.
8.) Showing up to town and recieving random coins from many directions, in Enan's opinion thats just good clean teamwork (Also made him relax on worrying about making money for the weekend)
9.) Trebuchet grabbing mod, sometimes it's cool for the reward to be affecting plot.
10.) Merchanting Merchanting, Merchanting, Selling and spending more then I make in two weekends all in an attempt to stay solvent!
Really sorry that I missed this event.........I had to work. I was very sad all weekend long thinking about people being beat up andme not beating on people...sad. However, I am going to beg on my knees for the July event off so I can come and be the annoying scavy for the weekend (I know everyone missed that lol). Sorry again. Missed you all.
1. Getting into some heavy Dark Elf Plot.....Paul knows how to bring me back!
2. Spending a lot more time with Eldarion.
3. Dawson
4. The Targus fight was amazing.
5. Losing a very useful MI because I only had gold equal to the current bid.
6. Were'gin
7. Everyone telling me Happy Birthday :)
I had such a wonderful time. :D I enjoyed all of the role playing and thought that everyone stayed in game.
1) Thank you to the NPCs. I could tell that you guys were having a great time playing townspeople, undead, and bandits. You guys specialized the role:s so when a ghast upchucked in his hand and tossed the gas, it made the threat more real.
2) The 'Order of New Dawn' :D Yeah I had an attempt on my life, that was kinda cool. Not to mention the characters who came in to save us! It made me feel like we are now a town more then ever.
3) The troll mod.
4) Elle and Liddia being pig headed and Kyrie trying to be the level headed one. Lord help us our regency has 3 women who help call the shots; poor Sheriff Cole.
5) The scenes with Sheriff Cole and Joacelyn Rash and Joshua Horatio and Master Isenhorn....who will be king?
6) The scene with our favorite pirate captian Luca and more of the story revelaed.
7) Damn Apatau! :lol:
8) The Targus fight.
9) Conversations with Milosh, should listen to you more often.
10) Having Daddy FallingStar come into town and watch Marci walk away red! :lol:
The whole weekend was fun for this fox, but for favorites...

1) Getting dragged along to find the dagger to use against Targus, and getting to play the team's tracker
2) Trying to hold back several waves of Sarr with only a couple of people with fighter skills
3) Targus holding El hostage, and all the tense talks that came of it
4) Heck, the whole Targus battle was just plain fun, and really intense in the dark
5) The trebuchet mod- rez or not that fight was awesome
1) being recognized as Greenwood. First time I have had that happen to me.
2) My bandit charging and tripping over a stump, only to get back up and threaten the adventurer's.
3) I enjoy'd being the gambler, Don Viavichi, with his crazy flamboyant get-up
4)rezzing my "wife" as the farmer turned bandit, and then being rezzed myself, good stories both of you.
5) in the slow skeley fight at the beginning of the Targus mod, when they did 11 damage to Dawson, and he died all dramatically, and the PC's were like "11s the magic number!" so then when I got hit with 11 damage I follow suite and die all dramatically.
6) The PC's solving the very first mod, with the Sars, by talking to them, we as NPC's really enjoyed that.
7) Being the huge titan guarding Tardis, just soaking up damage.

Sure there are others but thats off the top of my head
First off, thank you NPC's and Plot! It was a great event!

In no order:
1) Everything werebear! Claw + Earth Blade in mem = Targus's worst nightmare!
2) Fallingstar asking if I was aware of my Lycanthrope when the entire group was around, and getting many many funny looks!
3) Targus coming into town and laying down some pain, hostage style. Thats what you get for flaunting a weapon in the big bads face i guess!
4) Vampire Charm, Bitten, told to fight, realizing a cant, sad vampire, than being told to wait until i could fight and to do so.
5) Dissipating in Kyries arms...I felt so bad...
6) FOREST EDGE! The two members who have no idea how to do stuff in the proper fashion going at it as best we can!
7) Late Night Cocoa Party....with a biata!
8) Losing a very very sentimental (are powerful) MI to a certain gypsy pirate! :D

I know there are more, but I will stop there, I had a great event. It was awesome and I can't wait till next month.

I had great fun Here are a couple (10) of my faves from the weekend.
1. Milosh's torture scene (mainly his witty remarks to Targus).
2. Everyone trying to keep me alive the many times I got up with 1 body and went darn undead and started fighting again. *silly earth scholar*
3. Force feeding a certain Mywe.
4. Brat being like "oh no's" and sending for Barrister Bluewater to life me when a bandit took me down when going to the cabins.
5. The twins being together again.
6. After the big Targus mod, Paul asking if anyone wanted to do anything else...
7. Threatening to tie a certain Mywe to me if she didn't come with us and being told she could easily cast Endow and carry me away from the fight. :D
8. Meeting Luca.
9. Tarqaq. Eve really enjoyed his company.
10. Not being the burden that Eve thought she would be.
Horrendous weather 4 years running, every June we all get together and mother nature likes to rain on our parade and make us swim through the soupy humid air between bouts of severe weather. This year, we didnt allow it to slow us down and lots of stuff got done this weekend. Politics, Assasination, War, and overcomming adversity after seasons of preparation. It was awesome to see the culmination of changes to characters and the lessons learned from the past shown throughout the event. This event we got to play some NPCs as blasts from the past and set up the finale for a plot thats evolved over several seasons of playing. I am always excited to see you guys put it together and take steps forward in plots. There was some bad to this event but i think you guys made the bad less important than the good and celebrated your victories well.

Some Favs:

The Combats- This was much improved over the last event. Let's keep this together and keep it going.

The visuals on the Saturday nigth MOD- Thanks to Thomas, Rob, and Brent for making the donations to make that happen and setting up this awesome look.

PCs defending one another and making those truly heroic life and death choices.

Battle Tetz and Raging Hengin-You guys both kicked butt, risked your lives,and kicked butt again for the sake of plot and character development.

Seeing people transformed by plot and by the game.

Spell Duel with Eldarion...running down a ginormous collumn against the towns spellshields and artfull dodging, it was exhausting but rewarding.

Being 4 secs away from rezzing my own BBG on the Veangence my PC cast

Brat...Saved by the Rift!

Starting a Dark Elf Civil War with the PCs at the heart of the matter

Seeing PCs grow into leaders.

Finally delivering on some players demands that we make a battle EPIC.

#1 top best most awesome thing to happen this weekend?

BWs Sorry Brent! Luca will buy you a new one :)
Okay, not its my turn.

Lesson #1: Never leave your dodge items in the cabin..... <_< Yeah yeah yeah.... stupid me caught without my MIs again.

Sarr negotiation.

I loved how convincing Thargus was. "Liddia would let me kill you..." Wait what? Liddia would let you kill me, you aren't going to are you? "Oh no, i'm not going to but i am saying she would. Do you mind?" Bite

Smexy vampires need love too... it's just to bad that it has to be magical.

Playing up down in the circle, To Milosh: "Did you just life her?" To me: "where are your flowers?" I started to sweat right then....

"Repeat after me..."

Assassins and posing as a magistrate. I guess they forgot magistrates are only Human.

What? Ensanguination? Whoa.

Finally figuring out what the Snake Statue is for... I miss Dramthin but he missed the puzzle.

Hengin the werebear needs love too.

Eve's determination after the world fell apart.

Brat's rez story, about MWE's

Trapped outside with the Vampire and holding all the spirit shards at once... uh oh.

And finally, two words: Spellstrike Obliterate. Gonna have to draw how that happened... and what I imagine it looked like. I like to call it the ultimate circle rez.
Ok, now that others have gone...

The Friday night mod - memorable for the lessons learned, and happy people liked it.

Order For A New Dawn - So Renlee, so fun to play the clueless magistrate.

Apatow (this is how it's spelled by the way) - I'm so glad that everyone seems to love this NPC... I have such fun playing him.

The Saturday Night Epic Fight - eating a shatter spirit for Liddia, then battle rezzing with Elle, the Tets cheering section, and the horror of seeing Liddia become an undead (and now having to explain it to her father)

The interactions with Jocelyn Rosch and the Brotherhood lieutenant.

The air elemental mod. Yes, we made sitting by a fan a mod. A glorious mod.

- Rob
In no particular order:
1) Attempting to defend the wild elf from the sarrs who wanted him back as their slave. Bad kitties!
2) The mod where the lantern was recovered. I gave up an important piece of Jamina’s personal history/background to get into the plane of the force elementals. I have this bad feeling that that is going to come back to bite me later.
3) Part of the lantern mod where Jamina was finally brought up to speed on the story of what was going on. I hadn’t figured it out with the bits and pieces I gathered at other events.
4) I’m going to have to find out the Tarmagani ritual to make one marhiem (how does one spell that?)
5) Rob’s zombie wave mod. I came very, very close to resurrecting that time.
6) The mod where we went to get the dagger. Nicely done, Paul.