June weekend

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Traverse City Staff
The June weekend will be one of our most populated events this year, because of this we are opening the bunk houses, I believe 2 are available maybe more, I will know for sure when I get on site. The bunk houses have no electricity nor lighting and no heat sources, though heat will not be necessary I suspect. There are 4 double bunk beds in each unit for a max capacity of 8 people. We will open them up to groups no less then 4. Get your group together and check in at logistics to see what is available. You will need your own light source, we have none to provide, sorry.
On a more sour note, the conditions at the camp have not changed, as far as what the camp people have informed us. We still have no use of the large kitchen, but still have access to the dinning hall.

The camp is surrounded by water, a lake on one side and mash lands on the other, this means hungry mosquitoes, so bring your favorite anti-bug stuff to make outdoors more comfortable.

The weather looks great for a weekend event, Friday mostly sunny high of 71, Saturday partly cloudy high of 79 with possible thunderstorms at night and Sunday is am fog a high of 72.
Let's have a great weekend
Thank you
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