Just a question about the current armor system


One thing I don't understand, as I'm new to the game, is why the armor available to each player is at the players discretion (aside from the class limits) instead of a drop based system like weapons. If it were a drop based system once a player got a tag for let's say "leather bracers - worth 2 points of armor per arm" or a "master crafted leather bracers - worth 3 points of armor per arm" they would have to go and get a rep for that piece of armor (I.E. plain leather bracers for the 2 point armor and leather bracers with studs or some kind of tooling or anything that makes them more interesting for the 3 point armor) and then they would bring their rep to a logistics/weapon-master/armor-master guy/gal for approval, the same way that weapons are. The tag would then be attached to the piece of armor and it would be considered an officially approved part of the game. This way each piece of armor has it's set number of points and you simply add up all the points that you are wearing and there is your armor value at that time.
Unfortunately, that further complicates the system. Armor is evaluated as an overall number, not as a value "per slot" when you look at a tag. A 15 point suit can be a combination of all sorts of things. Having to bring every single armor tag and rep to logistics, piecewise would create a lot of chaos and hassle for logistics, marshals and players.

The game is always striving to be simpler in the most basic levels, such as armor and weapons. Weapons and armor are both "drop based" and production items, and they work the same way, a sword tag can go on a sword, and a 30pt armor tag goes with any 30 point rep. Plus, where do you draw the line, I mean how many 3 point gorget tags are going to just sit in people's treasuries for eternity?

At least that is my take :)
If you look at the production costs for armor, they're not linear. A 30 point suit takes more production points to create than two 15 point suits.

Along the same vein, you can't take two 15 point tags and wear 30 points of armor and have it be legal. You'd have to overhaul the blacksmithing/armor creation system.
Also, good armor reps are expensive, and having to scavenge about for a matching tag for each component every time you took a shatter or destroy effect would be way too much of a pain. Not to mention the sheer cost of trying to rep up whatever tags you found, or the game putting out repped tags.
Another question. If a player is brought down to 0 armor (I assume that is what you all mean by "breaching") and then you refit your armor, are you still using the original armor tag or do you need to get a new one. The rule book is actually what kind of confused me on this one. I would guess no, you still use the same tag?
Yep, you'd still use that tag. The only reason you'd need to get a new one is if it is shattered, destroyed, taken away(stolen by NPCs :p), etc. etc.