just randomly dreaming

Is this Redd I hear?! Getting sleep?! Oh my, what is dhis world coming to?! :lol:

Aye, I tried to make it, but could nye. How went Prat'moore this time?
Prath-Moore is gone. A Dark Elf army has taken over the surface lands of Bel'Grandur, killing anything and everything living.

If you value your lives, you will go through the mists to other lands or remain in hiding until a safe-haven can be created.

Oh my...dhis coming from Durk...do nye take him words lightly, Redd.

What of this Dark Elf Army? What do they want did they say? Have diplomatic missions begun?

Sorry for all dhe questions, but I'm just curious as to what is going on there. Have nye been in some time. Missed a lot.

~Doctore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi

You are missed, when will we see you again?


Royal Blacksmith of Valdanis
I will volunteer my services as diplomat and emissary to the peoples of Prath-Moore.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow

I fear any diplomatic missions would end in failure, if not death. As I was given to understand, the dark elves wish to "cleanse" the land of all others, possibly to claim it for themselves? They attacked with no warning and no quarter given. They killed all, Marcie, even women and children. We were beseiged in our cabin for what seemed hours. I would not give a copper for the chances of anyone attempting to reason with these creatures. I will not call them elves, for their behavior is an abomination to the elves of this world.

All Spirited creatures can be reasoned with. I suspect the assortment of people you met were the Vanguard of the army: shock-troops and lancers. They are under orders and, of course, are unable to make decisions on behalf of the empire or the army. Armies would cease to function if their privates started bartering or entreating with the enemy.

I do not suggest this isn't a dire threat, nor that these people are not conquerors without qualm or mercy - just that, unless they are elementals or some other Spiritless construct, they do have a reasoning mentality which can be approached. Dismissing them, out of hand, as abominiations will only ensure more death, as opposed to opening the possibility of peace.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
The Dark Elves are here to claim their lands back. If you can tell the Dwarfs and Humans to give up their lands to the Dark Elves, I believe that might stop a few of them.

I dont think anyone, besides the people who witnessed this destruction, understands the severity of this situation. THERE ARE THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF DARK ELVES ON THE SURFACE OF BEL'GRANDUR RIGHT NOW.

There is no talking. Not now, maybe not ever. You will get yourself killed if you attempt any conversations with them.

If you think that they can be reasoned with, and wish to ignore our warnings then you are a fool.
You did not spend the time in the earth circle resurecting HUNDREDS of people. (many infants among them) They are indescriminate, they want us dead, make no mistake about that.
As I have seen other wars in my time, as always be careful what you say here and to others.

Negotiations? hahaha They are negotiating right now. Has it been determined which house or coalition of houses have acted?

I feel yar pain from da resurections of all their initial victims but please don't turn your heart from other adventurers in yar time of grief. Pick up ya sword like ya did wit dat Lich and fight back. Fight fur all those children and fur all those spirits still trapped in circles and dose dat wont evar come back. I'm sorry I wasn;t able ta stand losing more than ten of them. I place a greater burden on yar mind than on myself...


I spoke to one of their captains peacfully for about thirty secs before he tried ta spell me down...They are calling it a culling and their leaders objectives are nothing short of a total. While I admire your desire ta try ta find some peacable resolution ta all this and in time we may find someone who is willing ta negotiate its clear that at this time there is nothing ta negotiate for. They are winning and we have no edge beyond the little damage we did to two of their companies. whats a few hundred against da scope of Ten Thousand highly trained dark elves? The first step is establishing enough clout ta be able to even attemp diplomacy otherwise were simply begging for our lives and it hasn;t worked ta date. I'm sorry friend, teacher, but I'd ask that ya pick up yar bow because yar skills here are needed like nowhere ya've been before.


I agree, I'm headed for da camp now. Its time ta mount some sort of resistance and formulate a plan of attack. I'll be searchin mah tings for a nasty surprise.

Take care of yarselves,

Keep tactical conversations and locations of where you are headed out of this Dream Realm. We do not know who listens.

I know yar not...mostly ah was sayin it fur me...hope ya get it.

I was able to talk to 6 of them for some time. I was only able to come and go because of my diplomatic skills. I think that they can be reasoned with and talked to but, this will take time. I find it odd that they have not made any specific request or demands. I will continue to work but, it will be very difficult.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow