Just woke up


Hi. I'm Vert.

I've been sleeping for a long time. A really long time. I just woke up, I'm looking to make some friends. And some enemies. My hobbies are archeology and upsetting mummies.

I also solve problems people have.

Are there any ruins I can dig at? Does someone want to pay me to solve one of their problems? I'm far away from my hoard, so if I want a good nights rest, I'll need to make some gold quick.

digging ? I like digging can i come. if we find bones can i keep them? i'll help move the moms away from the obviously dangerous areas. I can see why they get upset but they just need to move along. so anyway, can i help? did i mention i like to dig? i,m a good digger.
p.s. sorry you lost your hoard of bones, i'v lost a few of my own, but together we will find more.